It's Hip Hop's time to shine, again
有的时候,无人问津不一定是坏事,一呼百诺也不一定就是好事,反之亦然。Hip Hop的历史不算长,但现在看下来也不短了,无数英雄豪杰闯进游戏,每个人所经历的也不尽相同,有的一帆风顺,有的则跌宕起伏;不过总结一下来说,所有人都在为这个文化添砖加瓦,这么长远的看下来,这场游戏没有成功与否,只有参与与否,生活也是如此吧。
Hip Hop文化一直处于一个不太见的着阳光的培养皿中,它一直在生存,在生根发芽,只不过因为其阳光沐浴的不充分,长得有些歪;这些倒不太重要,重要的是有很多Hip Hop从事者正在努力的使之向阳光的地方生长;很多时候,不应以对错论英雄,因为其实对与错本身就是相对的,不是绝对的,只是我们主观添加了很多条条框框而已。
近日在听组合Ugly Ducking,发现他们的风格很难被定义,他们既传统又革新(传统意味更重些吧);一般这个时候,我就会贴上Alternative Rap的标签,因为另类这个词本身也很难界定,因人而异,不过他们还是隶属在Underground Rap的大标签下的,在被别人认识之前,他们的命运有些忐忑;不过有意思的是,这种所谓的挫折在他们看来好像并没有很难跨越,为什么呢?我更相信的是他们接纳了这些事件,而没有定义为苦难。
他们的歌曲“Opening Act”是他们的专辑《Taste The Secret》中的第一首,这首歌把组合的心态完整的表露了出来;歌曲讲的是他们初期为其他已经成名的乐队做暖场时候的经历,那个时候他们不为人所知,在小的Club中只能做别人的暖场,可能一场下来给的钱只能够他们开车来回的油费;这原本“凄惨”的经历本应该被他们愤怒或悲伤的唱出来,但相反的是这首歌轻松愉快,甚至他们把这个经历还做了调侃,在歌曲开头加了一段当时Club主持人的开场白:
Yo yo yo, how’s everybody doing tonight?
Let me welcome y’all to the show
Everybody ready to party?
Yeah yeah
Brought to you by MeatShake
Now I know who y’all came here to see
But before they came out, uh, we got…
We got this one group, uh, what are they called?
Oh that’s right, yeah, Ugly Duckling, everybody, Ugly Duckling
这段带着嘲讽的开场让人很容易的进入当时组合的处境,一丝悲哀又透露着希望,紧接着歌词像是在宣告Ugly Duckling不会昙花一现,他们幽默轻松的歌词其实在侧面也证明了他们的成功,一个能正视自己挫折的人往往不会轻易被其击垮,歌词唱着:
We're the opening act and we're here tonight
At a club near you with the band you like
In fact, it's your favorite band, you're a superfan
Who wouldn't miss it for the world, so you thought up a plan
You bought your tickets in advance, you left your house on time
You drove 45 minutes, then you waited in line
And when you finally got in and made your way to the stage
You were very disappointed when we started to play
We're the opening act, please try to be patient
We been writing songs and rehearsin in our basement
This isn't just a gig, it's a place to be seen
And a chance to be heard, see, we're chasin a dream
And we truly hope that you'll enjoy the way we entertain
So when you go home you'll remember our name
We know you waited two years for your favorite band to tour
But you're stuck watchin us who you never heard before
We'll keep working harder and we'll never stop believing
Maybe some day we'll ride the tour bus
And you'll be coming out to see us
But for now we're the opening act
这可能就是Hip Hop的魅力,它在大多数情况下能传达出生活的态度,可能每一段经历都需要自己去体会,这也正留给了听众很大的空间,加上自己的体悟;我想,Hip Hop教给所有人的是一种思维方式,而不是唯命是从,更不是所谓的“模式”;The Roots的成员Black Thought在一次Freestyle中也说:
I would not talk in class./ Somebody said that a price tag was on a rapper’s head, so we gonna see a nice rhyme when a rapper dead.
所以在这种体悟到来之际,可能你会突然发现:Hip Hop is shining all the time.
Black Thought Freestyle视频