3、“如果你问我,人能否改变自己的命运,我也不晓得,但是不认命,就是哪吒的命。”4、“人心中的成见是一座大山,人你怎么努力也休想搬动它。”5、“我命由我不由天,是魔是仙,我是谁只有我自己说了算。”If destiny treats you unfairly, you should fight against it all the way!汉语常常会省略前后句子间的逻辑,在翻译的时候,需要补充出来;后半句属于汉语常见的无主语句,翻译时候需要补充出主语;这里“斗到底“一方面表示了决心,一方面还体现了这是一个漫长的过程,翻译需要注意。
if you say you go or travel all the way somewhere, you emphasize that it is a long way.
No fools they: at least one poll suggests the British public is ready to go all theway.他们都不笨:至少一个调查显示英国公众已经准备好一致予以大力支持了。Does it really matter that I am born to be a monster?to come out of your mother's body at the beginning of your life"I thought about it a lot, honestly," said Irving, who was worn in Australia and attended high school in New Jersey.“老实说,关于这点我想了很多,”Irving说。这位新进球星出生在澳大利亚,并在新泽西州完成了高中学业。
to have sth as your destiny (=what is certain to happen to you) from birthIf I could write of the beauty of her eyes, I was born to look in them to know me.如果我可以描写得出她双眼的美丽,我天生要注定看她的眼睛才明白我自己。 其中,点亮全场的要数最后两句,快跟小马君一起来翻译一下这两句台词吧!The prejudice is a big mountain in people's mind; no matter how hard you try, you don't stand a chance to move it aside.首先,要明白什么是成见,在这里,成见指人们的有色眼镜,因此,翻译成prejudice较好;其次,汉语更多是无主语句,汉译英时候,需要注意补充出来相应的主语“你”;最后,因为这是一句台词,因此翻译应该更偏口语化,符合台词的风格。an unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex, etc.Maybe, as a former Goldsman Sachs chief executive, he did let his prejudice against Fuld get the better of him.或许,作为高盛(GoldmanSachs)前首席执行官,他未能克制住自己对富尔德的偏见。to be likely to achieve somethingGo for it, John! You know you stand a chance of being a translator. 这是全场最燃的一句台词!哪吒对敖丙大喊:我命由我不由天,是魔是仙,我是谁只有我自己说了才算!这句话点醒了内心万分纠结的敖丙,让观众看得也是酣畅淋漓。 这句台词该如何翻译呢?微博上也就该台词掀起了一阵翻译热,小马君整理了一下,一起来看一下吧!2. My fate was not given to me! I chose it.3. I am my destiny. Demon or angel, I decide!4. I am the master of my destiny. I choose to be the demon or the angel!5. I decide my destiny! I chose whom I want to be! Demon or angel, it's up to me! 《哪吒之魔童降世》的台词充满正能量,向人传达了不屈服、不认命的精神,承接了经典哪吒形象的反抗精神,新哪吒也更贴合当下观众的心理需求。赶紧安排起来吧!