“没时间不是你的借口” | 晨读笔记02
1. 你是想创立一个“跟风”产品,还是想来一场颠覆?
2. 当你创造一个产品或者服务的时候,每天你都需要做几百个小决定。
3. XXX是最糟糕的一个计划。
4. 顾客的地位降低。(图腾柱/地位)
5. 我是怎么走到这一步的?现在轮到别人来发号施令了。
6. 如果你还没开始就想着结束,那你要考虑事情的优先级会非常紊乱。
1. Do you want to build just another me-too product or do you want to shake things up?
2. When you build a product or service, you make the call on hundreds of tiny decisions every day.
3. XXX is plan Z.
4. Customers move down the totom pole.
5. What have I gotten myself into? Now someone else is calling the shots.
6. Your priorities are out of whack if you're thinking about getting out before you even dive in.
1. 我也有过“阿里巴巴”这个想法,如果我早开始行动,我现在就是亿万富翁了。但是有这个想法,和真正创立这个公司,是没有关系的。
2. Stanley Kubrick给了电影制片人一个这样的建议:拿上摄像机和胶片,拍出一部电影,什么类型都可以。他知道当你第一次上手做一件事,你需要开始创造。最重要的事情是开始。拿上相机,按下录制键,开始拍摄。
3. 想法是廉价的,并且有的是。一开始想兜售的主意在整个生意中只是很小的一部分,都可以几乎忽略不计了。真正的问题是你能多好的执行。
1. I had the idea for Alibaba. If only I had acted on it, I'd be a billionaire. That logic is pathetic. Having the idea for Alibaba has nothing to do with actually creating Alibaba.
2. Stanley Kubrick gave this advice to aspiring filmmakers:"Go hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all." Kubrick knew that when you are new at something, you need to start creating. The most important thing is to begin. So get a camera, hit Record, and start shooting.
3. Ideas are cheap and plentiful. The original pitch idea is such a small part of a business that it's almost negligible. The real question is how well you execute.
精读02-“没时间”不是你的借口 (基本是全文摘抄了)
1. 如果时间花到刀刃上,总会有时间的。一周挤出额外的几个小时时间,这就有足够的时间来开始一件事。
2. 一旦开始做,你就知道你的兴奋和兴趣是真的,或者只是一个短暂的阶段。如果没有什么成效,那就像原来每天一样,继续去上班。你并没有拿什么冒险或者有什么损失,顶多损失一点时间,没什么大不了。
3. 如果你真的很想做成某事,时间会有的,不管你还有多少其他的事情要做。事实是,大多数的人就是没那么想做成。他们用“没时间”的借口来保护自己的自尊。别用这个借口来放自己一马。让自己的梦想成真是你自己的责任。
4. 并且,“完美一刻”永远不会有。你要么太年轻,太年老,太忙,太没钱,或者其他什么的。如果你一直都在担心要把时间安排得尽善尽美,事情永远都不会被做成。
1. There's always enough time if you spend it right. Squeeze out a few extra hours a day and that's enough time to get something going.
2. Once you do that, you'll learn whether your excitement and interest is real or just a passing phase. If it doesn't pan out, you just keep going to work every day like you've been doing all along. You didn't risk or lose anything, other than a bit of time, so it's no big deal.
3. When you want something bad enough, you make the time--regardless of your other obligations. The truth is most people don't want it bad enough. They protect their ego with the excuse of time. Don't let yourself off the hook with excuses. It's entirely your responsibility to make your dreams come true.
4. Besides, the perfect time never arrives. You're always too young or too old or busy or broke or something else. If you constantly fret about timing things perfectly, they'll never happen.
1. 必去的地方
2. 不知道从哪里冒出来的人
3. 节俭的
4. 离开
5. 大众的,泛泛之辈的/ 最普通的大众的煎饼果子店
6. 区别很大
7. 不靠谱(和童话故事一样)
8. 投机,倒卖房
1. go-to places, go-to dictionary, go-to coffee shop
2. guys come out of nowhere
3. frugal, thrifty
4. exit, leave, get out, jump ship
5. generic, generic pancake joint
6. a world of difference
7. like a fairy tale
8. flip