

孙华 866 瀚海数据说 2022-05-18

第 356 期

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关于各国对二战的贡献常常有很多争论。虽然许多国家参加了二战, 但真正只有少数几个主要的参与者。本文试图通过分析军队死亡来分析各国对二战胜利的贡献。


  1. 苏联对二战的胜利作出了最大的贡献。事实上,苏联的贡献是所有其他盟国总和的4倍。

  2. 到二战结束时,美国的军事实力是当时最大的。其总军力高于苏联、英国、法国和中国的总和。因此,美国在二战后成为联合国的主导角色也就不足为奇了。

  3. 美国是打败日本的主要贡献者。美国干掉的日军比中国多4倍。

  4. 很显然,尽管中国在抗日战争期间损失惨重,但中国并不是东方战线的主要战场。这是一个次要战场。国民党的贡献是共产党的3倍多,但共产党的部队在单位基础上的效率是国民党军队的2.5倍。

  5. 根据数据显示来理解二战。二战的主战场是在欧洲,次要战场在亚洲。在欧洲,主战场是东部战线。在亚洲,主战场在太平洋,中国战场是次要战场。在中国,主战场是由国民党领导的正面战场,次要战场是由共产党领导的敌后战场。中国共产党相当有效,对二战胜利的贡献是亚洲次要战场中的中国次要战场中的敌后次要战场。







美军单位军效 = 由美国造成的德国军队死亡/美国在欧洲的军队死亡 = 374/256*100 = 146

英军单位军效 = 300/383*100 = 78



苏联的情况很有趣。在整个二战期间,苏联红军的单位军效只有4,137/8,656*100 =48。然而,这一数字被红军在战争初期遭受的可怕损失所拉低了。红军能够奇迹般地重建自己,在战争中不仅生存了下来,而且成长壮大为一支完全不同的、更强大的军队。在二战结束时,我估计红军的单位军效已经增长到大约100。德军和苏军在柏林战役中都大约战死10万人的事实就证明了这一点(7)。






当我们比较日本和美国之间的军队死亡时,数据是惊人的,两国的比例约为10比1! 日军的是169.3万人, 而美军死亡人数为16.1万人。所以日本单位军效 = 161/1,693*146 = 14。


















An Analysis of WWII Military Deaths and Their Implications

There are usually a good amount of arguments about WWII contributions from various countries. While many countries participated in WWII, there are really just a handful of major players. This article seeks to examine the contribution to the victories in WWII through an analysis of military deaths.

This analysis leads to some very interesting quantitative conclusions, such as:

  1. The Soviet Union had by far the greatest contribution to the victories in WWII. In fact, the Soviet contribution was about 4 times as much as all other allied countries combined.

  2. The US had by far the greatest military strength by the end of WWII. Its military strength is higher than the sum of the Soviet Union, UK, France, and China, combined. So it is no surprise that the US was the dominant player in the UN after WWII.

  3. The US was the dominant contributor to defeating Japan. The US destroyed about 4 times more Japanese forces than China did.

  4. It is clear that China, despite its heavy losses during the Japanese occupation, was not the primary battleground on the eastern front. It was a diversionary front, where the Nationalists’ contribution was more than 3 times that of the Communists, but the Communist forces were about 2.5 times more effective on a per-unit basis than the Nationalist forces.

  5. Now we can have a clear picture of WWII. WWII’s primary theatre was in Europe and the side theatre was in Asia. In Europe, the primary theatre was on the Eastern front. In Asia, the primary theatre was in the Pacific with the side theatre in China. In China, the primary theatre was led by the Nationalists and the side theatre was led by the Communists. So the Chinese Communists’ contribution to the victory was the side theatre in the side theatre of China in the side theatre of Asia, although it was rather effective.

First of all, why choose military deaths as the indicator for the study? This is because military deaths are the ultimate irrecoverable force reduction, whereas other indicators such as casualties and total losses often double count and therefore overstate losses. Military deaths are also easier to track because governments usually need to keep fairly accurate records for military death compensation purposes.

I chose to use German forces as the yardstick for comparison purposes because Germany had direct conflicts with the Soviet, US, and British forces. I then used the US forces as a conversion tool to measure Japanese forces and various factions fighting the Japanese. Although the specific numbers vary depending on the sources, the overall picture remains the same.

Let’s first see German military deaths.

Total German military deaths in WWII is 5,533 thousand (1), with the following distribution.

It is already very clear that the Soviet Union’s eastern front was by far the most significant contributor to the victory in Europe.

Next, let’s examine military deaths in the allied forces.

If we set the per unit effectiveness (PUE) of German forces at 100, then we can calculate, US forces PUE = German Military Deaths Caused by the US / US Military Deaths in Europe = 374/256*100 = 146, and UK forces PUE = 300/383*100 = 78.

This means, in general, that 100 thousand US forces had the same fighting power as 146 thousand German forces, and 100 thousand UK forces had the same fighting power as 78 thousand German forces. This conclusion is consistent with my general observation in WWII, where the US forces were far superior in air power and material than any other players, and the German forces were generally stronger than the British forces in armor.

Note that the concept of PUE does not necessarily mean that 1 US soldier is as powerful as 1.46 German soldiers, not even that 100 US soldiers were as powerful as 146 German soldiers. PUE is meant to measure the effectiveness of military forces on a grand scale and not on a tactical level.

The Soviet case is more interesting. Across WWII, the Red Army’s PUE was only 4,137/8,656*100 = 48. However, this number was dragged down by the horrendous losses the Red Army suffered in the earlier stages of the war. The Red Army was miraculously able to rebuild itself to a completely different and much stronger army while fighting for its survival. At the end of WWII, I estimate the PUE of the Red Army has increased to about 100, as evidenced by the fact that German and Soviet forces suffered about equal deaths of 100,000 during the battle for Berlin (7).

Now let’s look at the situation in the Asia Pacific fighting the Japanese. Here the conditions are a little messier and concrete numbers are hard to come by. An educated guess had to be made with circumstantial evidence.

Overall, the most authoritative study shows that Japan suffered 2,121 thousand military deaths with 1,647 from the army and 474 from the navy (4). The breakdown is the following.

It is generally believed that about 400 thousand Japanese soldiers died in China during WWII. The question of credits to the nationalists and the communists is an exceptionally hairy and thorny one. Many factors contribute to the confusion, such as lack of wartime records, infighting between the nationalists and communists, and even forces changing sides between the nationalists and communists. And let’s not forget the general fog of war.

One can only make an educated estimate based on circumstantial evidence. My estimate is that the communists killed at least 100 thousand Japanese forces. The most reliable circumstantial evidence is that the communist forces captured about 7,000 Japanese POWs (8). The POW count could be very accurate because one must produce a captured living enemy soldier to make the count. One can compare this to the Battle of Okinawa, where US forces killed about 100,000 Japanese soldiers and captured about 7,000 POWs as well. Another piece of circumstantial evidence is the size of the communist forces, which grew from about 50,000 regulars to about 1.2 million regular and about 2 million militia. The communists had little other sources for weapons other than capturing them from its enemies, both the Japanese forces and its collaborator forces. (10)

Now we can estimate the PUE of each force.

The data is astonishing when we compare military deaths between Japan and the US, where the ratio is about 10 to 1! Japan’s 1,693 thousand vs. US’s 161 thousand in military deaths. Japan PUE = 161/1693*146 = 14.

Despite being the perpetrator of the Pacific War, the Japanese military was actually very weak when compared with US and European powers. This is not surprising given that the Japanese army essentially had no armor when mechanized armored warfare was the norm in Europe, and that the Japanese navy was not able to add any main battle aircraft carrier or new models of airplanes during the entire war. Ultimately, this ratio reflects the fact that Japan was only a lightly industrialized nation in WWII.

Chinese forces’ overall PUE is compared with that of Japanese forces at 407/1481*14 = 3.8. This figure means that the Chinese forces were even about 4 times as weak as the Japanese forces. This dramatic difference is the natural result of an agricultural nation fighting an industrialized nation, even a lightly industrialized nation.

Chinese nationalist forces’ PUE is 307/1320*14 = 3.2. Compared with Japan’s PUE of 14, which is 4.3 times that of the nationalist forces, it is not surprising that Japanese forces were often able to defeat Chinese forces 4 or 5 times its size on the battlefield. Given the smaller size of Chinese divisions, one can easily understand why one Japanese division could routinely defeat over 10 Chinese nationalist divisions.

Chinese communist forces’ PUE is similarly calculated as 100/161*14 = 8.6, which is still much weaker than that of the Japanese forces but is over 2.5 times that of the Chinese nationalist forces. Despite its shortage in weaponry, the communist forces had a much more effective organization than the nationalist forces, which is the primary reason for its higher PUE, in my opinion.

Given the concept of PUE, we can convert Japanese force deaths to equivalent German force deaths by applying a factor of 14/100= 0.14 to Japanese force deaths. Now we can calculate the contribution to allied victory (CAV) on a total equivalent German death basis, as in the following.

Now it is clear that the Soviet Union’s contribution was 81% of the total credit, which is 4 times that of the combination of all other allied forces. China, despite its heavy losses, only contributed about 1.1% of all credits, of which about 0.8% belonged to the nationalists, and 0.3% belonged to the communists.

The United Nations was a product of WWII. One may wonder, why the US, and not the Soviet Union, appeared to be dominant in the UN, given the disproportionate contribution the Soviet Union made during WWII. To explain this, I introduce the concept of total military strength (TMS), which is defined as the PUE multiplied by the size of a country’s military. The TMS is measured in million German equivalents. The results are as the following.

For example, the US had a military of about 12 million personnel towards the end of WWII, so the TMS for the US is calculated as 12*146/100 = 17.5, which means that the US had a total military strength equivalent to that of 17.5 million German soldiers. At their peaks, the allied powers had a total of about 33.8 million soldiers, more than 2 times that of the axis powers at 15.8 million. On a TMS basis, the differential is even more dramatic, with the allied powers had a total TMS equivalent to 32 million German forces, and the axis had only a total TMS equivalent to 9 million German forces, less than 1/3 that of the allied powers. It is no wonder the axis powers suffered a total defeat.

At the end of WWII, the US had a TMS of 17.5 million German equivalents, whereas the sum of the TMS of the Soviet Union, UK, and China was only 14.1 million German equivalents. As such, the US deserved a dominant role in the UN.

The case of China is very interesting. Its contribution to the allied victory was only a little over 1%, and its TMS was only 0.3 million German equivalents, and even that was split between the nationalists and communists. China is a magnitude lower than the Soviet Union, the US, and the UK on both measures, whereas there is no magnitude difference between the Soviet Union, the US, and the UK. Why, then, did China deserve a seat at the table of the permanent members of the UN Security Council?

The answer, curiously, is France, for which I did not even bother calculating the PUE, CAV, or TMS. As a Chinese proverb says, a defeated general can speak of no bravery. France essentially was on the sideline during WWII since its surrender early in the war. Initially, the UN Security Council was going to have only the US, Soviet Union, and the UK, which is the natural conclusion from either PUE or TMS perspective. However, the Soviet Union did not like this proposal because it felt that the UK will always follow the US and therefore effectively muting the Soviet Union’s voice. As a solution, the Soviets insisted on inviting France into the Security Council, because the French often don’t see eye to eye with the US and the UK. As a countermeasure, the US invited China to the Security Council because it believed the Chinese nationalist government would follow US policies closely. The UK did not like China to be in the Security Council because China wanted to take back Hong Kong, a British colony at the time. Roosevelt effectively pointed out that the CAV and TMS of China, although tiny compared with the three big players, were still much better than that of the French. So China was in. The four major powers after WWII referred to the US, the Soviet Union, the UK, and China, but not France.

The case of Japan is also quite interesting. From the Japanese perspective, 80% of its forces were destroyed by the US, the US is over 10 times more lethal than Japan as measured by PUE, and the US had over 15 times TMS that of Japan. So there is no question Japan felt it was rightfully defeated at the hands of the US. On the other hand, Japan did not believe it was defeated by China despite China was in the winning league of the allied powers. It is simple, the Japanese forces were over 3.6 times as lethal as the Chinese forces in terms of PUE, and, by the end of WWII, Japan’s TMS, while tiny compared with that of the US, was still over 4 times that of China. In other words, Japan could have easily defeated China on a one-on-one basis.

Japan’s view changed only after the Korean war, where the US and China fought to a stalemate. During the Korean War, Chinese forces suffered about 183,108 deaths, while the US suffered about 36,574 deaths (5). Assuming the US forces still maintained a PUE of 146, then the PUE of the Chinese forces would be at 146*37/183 = 29, which is more than twice that of the Japanese forces during WWII, and 8 times that of the Chinese forces during WWII. The Chinese forces were no longer the wimpy kid it was in WWII. The standing army of China at the end of 1951 was about 6.27 million men (6), which gave a TMS of 6.27*29/100 = 1.8 million German equivalent, far greater than Japan could ever achieve. By now, Japan realized it could no longer look down upon China because it could no longer defeat China on a one-on-one match. In fact, by this time, China could have defeated Japan with its peak TMS of 1.1 in a pitched battle.

It is also interesting to see the stalemate in Korea through the lens of TMS. By the end of the Korean War, the two primary players had the following manpower and TMS on the battlefield. (9)

China had a TMS of 0.39 million equivalent German, and the US had 0.48 million equivalent German forces. So this explains why the Chinese were decisively defeated at the 5th campaign. However, the TMS between China and the US was close enough that the difference could be balanced in trench warfare in mountainous regions, which is exactly what the current demarcation line is at. Overall, the Chinese side was on the defensive and the US side was on the offensive after the front was stabilized, which is consistent with the US forces’ higher TMS in Korea than China’s.

Granted, looking at history only through the lens of military deaths has its drawbacks and limitations. For example, the basic premise underpinning this analysis is that the PUE remains constant throughout a war, and the reality is that the winning side generally experienced improving effectiveness and the losing side experienced declining effectiveness. In addition, military deaths may have different meanings to different countries’ ability to wage war. The same military deaths experienced by the Soviet Union would have long put the US out of WWII. Nevertheless, military deaths based analysis is an important, if not the most important, metric in studying different countries’ military powers. I have yet to see another metric that is more objective and relevant. Supplementing military deaths based analysis with other information could lead to a better understanding of military history.

I found digging through historical military death data was really illuminating. Using the concepts of PUE, CAV and TMS put the forces of various countries on the same comparison scale. The numbers shed light on some fuzzy questions and make it crystal clear who made the greatest contribution to victories in WWII and whose army was the strongest. A math geek’s view on history could be quite unique and insightful.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_casualties_in_World_War_II

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Front_(World_War_II)

  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_casualties_in_World_War_II#United_States_Army_Figures_for_German_and_Italian_Losses

  4. http://ajrp.awm.gov.au/ajrp/AJRP2.nsf/530e35f7e2ae7707ca2571e3001a112d/e7daa03b9084ad56ca257209000a85f7?OpenDocument

  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_War#Casualties

  6. http://politics.people.com.cn/n/2015/0903/c1001-27543904.html

  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Berlin

  8. 《中国人民解放军战役战斗总览》865页:1937年9月-1938年6月: 俘虏124人;1938年6月-1941年5月: 俘虏1771人;1941年6月-1942年5月:俘虏 442人;1942年6月-1943年5月: 俘虏428人;1943年6月-1944年5月: 俘虏519人;1944年5月-1945年5月: 俘虏773人。1945年6月-1945年10月11日: 俘虏2156人。总计6213 人。另有746名日军主动投诚。合计6959人。

  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_War

  10. https://www.historynet.com/what-did-mao-and-his-communist-army-contribute-to-defeating-japan.htm “the communists also captured 320,000 rifles, 9,000 machine guns and 900 artillery pieces from the Japanese.”






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