
世辉荣誉 | 世辉7个业务领域及18人次荣登2022年度The Legal 500榜单

近日,国际知名法律评级机构The Legal 500(“亚太法律500强”)2022年度榜单正式发布。世辉律师事务所凭借突出的业务能力和优秀的市场口碑私募股权、投资基金、医疗健康与生命科学、并购、TMT、资本市场、数据保护等7个领域的领先地位和丰富经验荣登榜单。此外,世辉律师共18人次获得重点推荐。
这已经是世辉律师事务所成立五年以来连续四年荣登The Legal 500榜单。未来,世辉还将继续提升综合性律所整体实力,致力于提供更高质量的专业法律服务。

The Legal 500是全球最大的独立法律评级机构之一,对超过100多个国家的律师事务所进行广泛的调研与评审,并以其客观真实的数据为竞争激烈的法律服务市场提供指引,是寻求高端法律服务的权威参考。

Shihui Partners





Despite only forming in 2016, Shihui Partners has quickly developed a strong presence in the Chinese market, regularly assisting prestigious clients such as Tencent and CICC Capital with investment transactions and buyouts. The group is best know for its strong relationship with JD.com; most recently the team advised JD Industrial Technology Inc, a subsidiary of the company, on its RMB800m acquisition of Suzhou VIPMRO. Founding partner Zan Zhu is one of the partners specialising in private equity and venture capital work, while George Niu, Vicky Gong and Miranda Jiang are other key team members.


Shihui Partners' investment funds practice acts for both general and limited partners, advising on the establishment and structuring of funds as well as investments. Steven Zhao has a broad practice across venture capital and private equity; elsewhere, Hui Li is active across the capital markets and M&A space and is another key name in the practice.


Shihui Partners entered the ranking this year following its significant expansion in this space with the recent recruitment of 12 partners from red circle firms. Clients praise its 'in-depth understanding of the healthcare and life sciences industry and development trends, as well as solid professional background knowledge and rich legal practice experience'. The team is well equipped to handle compliance projects in pharmaceutical research and development, product registration, exclusive product promotion, technology licensing and compliance system construction, as well as transactional matters including private financing, M&A, restructuring, and IPOs. Its clients include several well-known domestic and international medical companies and investment institutions. Practice head Xiangjun Kong is able to leverage his previous position as head of legal counsel at Sanofi (China) Investment Co. to assist with compliance, M&A and corporate financing matters, among others.


Acting for domestic and international companies alike, Shihui Partners is engaged for share and asset acquisitions, mergers, restructurings, joint ventures and auction sales. In Beijing, practice head George Niu compliments his prowess in cross-border M&A deals with expertise in venture capital and private equity transactions.


With streamlined staff and better understanding of the trend of data compliance on the whole, the team led by Attorney Wang is able to answer clients 'questions based on their in-depth knowledge on laws and regulation.'

—— The Legal 500


除The Legal 500榜单外,世辉律师事务所还2017-2022年间连续六年获得《钱伯斯法律指南》重点推荐,在2018-2020年连续三年、2020-2021年连续两年荣膺《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)“中国精品律所”大奖和“最具潜力律师事务所”大奖2017-2021年连续五年荣获《商法》“年度卓越律所”大奖和LEGALBAND中国顶级律所等多项大奖,2019-2022年连续四年荣登IFLR 1000榜单等。


世辉荣誉 | 世辉7个业务领域及18人次荣登2022年度The Legal 500榜单


