共和党全国代表大会25日第二天以机会之地(Land of Opportunity)为主题,而登场的除了党内支持者外,还有川普的亲友团。
第一夫人梅兰妮亚(Melania Trump)25日在刚竣工不久的白宫玫瑰园演说,除了分享过去近四年的第一夫人生涯外,也向美国公众表示为何川普应再任四年总统。
Good evening, it seems like just yesterday that we were at our first convention, where my husband accepted the Republican nomination and then became our 45th president of the United States. He had the energy and enthusiasm for (someone) who should lead this nation. It's real today as it was four years ago. I know I speak for my husband and the entire family when I say we have not forgotten the incredible people who were willing to take a chance on the businessman who has never worked in politics. We know it was you who elected him to be commander in chief. And we know it is you who will carry us through again. We were humbled by the incredible support then and we are still grateful today.
I want to acknowledge the fact that since March, our lives have changed drastically. The invisible enemy, Covid-19, swept across our beautiful country and impacted all of us. My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one and my prayers are with those who are ill or suffering. I know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. I want you to know you are not alone. My husband's administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone. Donald will not rest until he has done all he can to take care of everyone impacted by this terrible pandemic. I want to extend my gratitude to all of the health care professionals, front line workers and teachers who stepped up in these difficult times. Despite the risk to yourselves and your own families, you put our country first and my husband and I are grateful. I have been moved by the way Americans have come together in such an unfamiliar and often frightening situation. It is in times like this that we will look back and tell our grandchildren that through kindness and compassion, strength and determination, we were able to restore the promise of our future. Businesses stepped up, and volunteers stepped in. People were eager to share ideas, resources, and support of all kinds with neighbors and strangers alike.
It has been inspiring to see what the people of our great nation will do for one another, especially when we are at our most fragile. Speaking of strength and determination, we recently celebrated the 100 year anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment. Yesterday, on the north lawn of the White House, we unveiled an exhibit dedicated to women's suffrage. The exhibit called on children from across the country to send art honoring the meaning of this important time in women's history. When I was judging the entries, I reflected on the impact of women's voices in our nation's story, and how proud I would be to cast my vote again for Donald this November. We must make sure that women are heard and that the American dream continues to thrive.
Growing up as a young child in Slovenia, which was under communist rule at the time, I always heard about an amazing place called America — a land that stood for freedom and opportunity. As I grew older it became my goal to move to the United States and follow my dream of working in the fashion industry. My parents worked very hard to ensure our family could not only leave and prosper in America, but also contribute to a nation that allows for people to arrive with a dream and make it reality.
I want to take the moment to thank my mother and father for all that they have done for our family. It is because of you that I am standing here today.
I arrived in the United States when I was 26 years old. Living and working in the land of opportunity was a dream come true, but I wanted more. I wanted to be a citizen. After 10 years of paperwork and patience, I studied for the test in 2006 and became an American citizen.
It is still one of the proudest moments in my life, because with hard work and determination I was able to achieve my own American dream. As an immigrant and a very independent woman, I understand what a privilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we have. As first lady, I have been fortunate to see the American dream come true over and over again. I have met many inspiring women, children, parents, and families who have overcome life-changing issues that include addiction, homelessness, family members who are ill or have passed away, abuse of all kinds and many other challenges that would make most people give up. The past 3-1/2 years have been unforgettable. There are no words to describe how honored, humbled and fortunate I am to serve our nation as your first lady.
After many of the experiences I've had, I don't know if I can fully explain how many people I take home with me in my heart each day. From brave soldiers who give up so much so that we can be free to children of all circumstances, who I have met around the world. Thank you for inspiring me. It is my greatest honor to serve you. When I speak to members of the military, despite sacrificing time with their families, (experiencing) the fear of war or suffering loss, they have no regrets about serving our country. The same goes for their families and the families of first responders, who often watch their loved ones walk out the door, not sure if or when they will come home. When I speak to families who have lost someone, the pain mixed with pride I hear in their voices is something I think about often. So thank you to all who serve our country in the military and as first responders. And thank you to the families who wait for them, you are all heroes in your own right. I have also been moved by the many children and families I have spent time with at hospitals, schools and other locations around the world. Children who are dealing with pain or illness that would break even the strongest adult. Parents who are grateful to wake up every day and see that their child is still alive. These families are a testament to what faith and medicine, strength and science can do.
On my first international trip as first lady, my husband and I visited places of great significance to the three major religions. Islam, Christianity and Judaism, one special memory from the trip is of a young boy. I had the privilege of visiting him while at Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome, Italy. While there I read the little boy a story and learned that he and his family had been waiting for a heart for a very long time and he had a grim prognosis. His situation brought my staff and me to tears and we spoke of little else as we flew to Belgium for the next part of our trip. Upon landing just a few hours later, we learned that a heart had been donated and would be going to the little one. I think about him often. Along with so many amazing and strong young patients across our own country. More profound and sadly unavoidable examples of our country's strength and character have occurred in the communities that have been impacted by natural disasters. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding must show the ugly side of mother nature but in their aftermath they can show us a beautiful side of humanity. My husband and I have visited many places that have been affected by natural disasters and we are deeply moved by the strength of the people who have lost everything and the kindness of neighbors and communities. The common thread in all of these challenging situations is the unwavering resolve to help one another.
I recognize the stories I just told about people who survive extraordinary circumstances. But Donald and I are also inspired by the millions of Americans who wake up each day with a simple yet courageous goal of providing for their families and keeping them safe. You are the backbone of this country. You are the people who continue to make the united states of America what it is, and who have the incredible responsibility of preparing our future generations to leave everything even better than they found it.
Just as you are fighting for your families, my husband, our family, and the people in this administration are here fighting for you. No matter the amount of negative or false media headlines or attacks from the other side, Donald Trump has not and will not lose focus on you. He loves this country and he knows how to get things done. As you have learned over the past five years, he is not a traditional politician. He doesn't just speak words. He demands action and he gets results. The future of our country has always been very important to him, and it is something that I have always admired.
In fact, it is to help ensure a better future for our next generation that I launched Be Best -- my initiative to help children achieve their fullest potential. Be Best has one simple goal: teaching youth about the importance of their well-being, both mentally and physically. This also includes understanding online safety and the dangers of opioid and drug abuse. Through Be Best, my office and I have been able to highlight people and organizations that are doing extraordinary things in our country and around the world. I continue to believe that by shining a light on these positive examples others across the country will be inspired to do their part or our next generation. Helping children is not a political goal; it is our moral imperative.
When I think back to a defining moment of Be Best, my mind goes to a trip I took to Africa. On that vast and beautiful continent, I was able to visit the countries of Ghana, Malawi, Kenya and Egypt. One of those visits in particular had a profound impact on me. Ghana, on the coast of West Africa, was the first stop on my trip and I experienced first-hand its warm people and their traditions. While there, I visited the Cape Coast Castle and learned more about the beginning of a cruel, and often deadly, journey in the era of the slave trade. I was horrified when I listened to the guides tell me so many inhumane stories and I gained new perspectives. This time in our history, we must never forget so that we can ensure that it never happens again.
Like all of you, I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. I encourage people to focus on our future while still learning from our past. We must remember that today we are all one community comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities. Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong, and yet we still have so much to learn from one another.
With that in mind, I'd like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals. I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice, and never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God, and we need to cherish one another.
My husband's administration has worked to try and affect change when it comes to issues around race and religion in this country. He is the first president to address a special session of the United Nations General Assembly to call upon countries across the world to end religious persecution and honor the right of every person to worship as they choose. He has made substantial investments in our historically black colleges and universities. This president also continues to fight for school choice, giving parents more options to help their children flourish. My husband knows how to make a real change. From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be.
For many years, I watched him grow concerned and frustrated, and I'm so proud to see the many things he has done in such a short time. America is in his heart. So while at times, we only see the worst of people in politics on the evening news, let's remember how we come together in the most difficult times. And while debate rages on about issues of race, let's focus on the strides we have made and work together for a better tomorrow for everyone.
Our administration has also devoted historic resources and produced life-saving results by raising awareness around opioid addiction and drug abuse, especially for children. When so often the headlines are filled with gossip, I want to take this moment to encourage the media to focus even more on the nation's drug crisis. This disease is one that affects everybody. It pays no attention to race, age, or socioeconomic status. Addiction has touched every part of our society in some way. And now, more than ever, we have programs and medicine to combat it.
We just need to talk about it openly, and you the media have the platforms to make that happen. To the media industry and as a country I ask that we all commit to helping in our fight against drug addiction by talking about even more. Especially as we battle the Covid pandemic we need to remember that suicides are on the rise as people who are struggling with loneliness and addiction feel they have nowhere to turn. Parents, please talk to your children. Teachers and caregivers pay attention to signs of addiction. Lawmakers, pass legislation that allows those who ask for help to do so safely and without fear and to provide resources for organizations that help people impacted by addiction. When the stigma is removed, people will no longer be ashamed to ask for help and lives will be saved. And if you are struggling with addiction, there is no shame in your illness. Please seek help, you are worth it. In my next four years as first lady, I will continue to build upon "Be Best" and work with individual states to back legislation to take care of our most vulnerable. I plan to continue the work I have started with children in foster care. As well as the minority community and tribal nations. I want to ensure children are protected and communities have the resources needed to combat drug addiction and child neglect or abuse. Like my husband and the administration I will continue to encourage education that supports a child's individual needs.
It is vital that children are given the building blocks to succeed. I also look forward to continue my work to restore the people's house, which is a lasting symbol of pride for our nation. I believe this iconic home needs to be care for and preserved so it can be enjoyed by the people of this country and visitors from around the world for years to come. I am passionate about this beautiful house, the grounds and all they represent.
And now, I have a special message for the mothers of this country. This modern world is moving so fast, and our children face challenges that seem to change every few months. Just like me, I know many of you watch how mean and manipulative social media can be. And just like me I'm sure many of you are looking for answers, how to talk to your children about the downside of technology and their relationships with their peers.
Like every parent in this country, I feel there is so many lessons to teach our son and the responsibilities as his mother but there are just not enough hours in the day to do it all. I remind myself that I am more fortunate than most and still have days that I look for wisdom and strength to do the very best I can for him. I am more fortunate than most and still have days that I look for wisdom and strength to do the very best I can for him. To mothers and parents everywhere you are warriors. In my husband, you have a president who will not stop fighting for you and your families. I see how hard he works day and night. And despite the unprecedented attacks from the media and opposition he will not give up. In fact, if you tell him it can not be done he just works harder. Donald is a husband who supports me in all that I do. He has built an administration with an unprecedented number of women in leadership roles and has fostered an environment where the American people are always the priority. He welcomes different points of view and encourages thinking outside of the box. I know I speak for my husband and the family when I say we are so grateful that you have trusted him to be your president. We will be honored to serve this incredible country for four more years.
As you have heard this evening, I do not want to use this precious time attacking the other side because as we saw last week, that kind of talk only serves to divide the country further. I am here because we need my husband to be our president and commander in chief for four more years. He is what is best for our country. We all know Donald Trump makes no secrets about how he feels about things. Total honesty is what we as citizens deserve from our president, whether you like it or not, you always know what he is thinking. And that is because he is an authentic person who loves this country and its people and wants to continue to make it better. Donald wants to keep your family safe, he wants to help your family succeed. He wants nothing more than for this country to prosper and he doesn't waste time playing politics.
Almost four years ago, we went into election day completely underestimated. Despite what is being said again this year, I know, just as you do that Americans will go to the polls and vote on the behalf of their families, our economy, our national security and our children's futures. To vote for those ideals, is not a partisan vote, it is a common sense vote. Because those are goals and hopes that we all believe in. I believe that we need my husband's leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back once again to the greatest economy and the strongest country ever known. God bless you all, your families, and god bless the United States of America.
他热爱这个国家,他知道如何把事情做好。正如你在过去的五年中所了解到的,他不是一个传统的政治家。他不只是说说而已。他要求行动,他就会得到结果。我们国家的未来对他来说一直很重要,这也是我一直很钦佩他的一点。事实上,为了确保我们的下一代有一个更好的未来,我发起了Be Best ,我的倡议来帮助孩子们充分发挥他们的潜力。Be Best 只有一个简单的目标,那就是教会年轻人身心健康的重要性。这还包括了解网络安全以及阿片类药物和药物滥用的危险。通过Be Best ,我和我的办公室能够突出那些在我们国家和世界各地的其他人将受到鼓舞,成为我们下一代的一部分。帮助儿童不是一个政治目标。这是我们的道义责任。
从我遇见他的那一天起,他就只想把这个国家做到最好。多年来,我看着他变得担心和沮丧,看到他在这么短的时间内做了这么多事情,我感到很自豪。美国在他心中。所以,虽然有时我们只能在晚间新闻上看到最糟糕的人物和政治,但让我们记住,在最困难的时刻,我们如何团结在一起的。 在种族问题引发激烈的争论的同时,让我们专注于我们所取得的进步,共同为每个人的更美好明天而努力。
在作为第一夫人的未来四年里,我将继续在“Be Best”基础上继续努力,与各个州合作,通过立法,照顾我们最弱势的群体。我计划继续我已经开始的与寄养儿童,以及少数社区和部落国家的工作。我希望确保儿童得到保护,确保社区拥有打击吸毒成瘾和儿童被忽视或虐待所需的资源。像我的丈夫和政府一样,我将继续鼓励满足孩子个人需求的教育。至关重要的是,给予孩子成功的基本要素。我也期待着继续我的工作,重建人民的家园,这是我们国家持久骄傲的象征。我认为这个标志性的家园需要得到保护,这样在未来几年里,这个国家的人民和来自世界各地的游客才能享受到它。我对这座漂亮的房子、庭园以及它们所代表的一切充满了激情。
现在, 我有一个特别的消息要对这个国家的母亲们说。现代世界瞬息万变,我们的孩子们似乎每隔几个月就会面临挑战。就像我一样,我知道你们很多人都在寻找答案,如何与孩子们谈论科技的负面影响以及它们与同龄人的关系。像这个国家的每一位家长一样,我觉得有太多的教训要教我们的儿子,以及作为他母亲的责任,但是没有足够的时间来做这些事情。我提醒自己,我比大多数人都幸运,我还有时间去寻找智慧和力量,尽我所能为他做到最好。世界各地的母亲和父母们,你们是战士。在我的丈夫身上,你们拥有一位不会停止为你们和你们的家庭而奋斗的总统。
唐纳德是一个支持我做任何事的丈夫。在他的领导班子中,女性担任领导角色的人数是前所未有的,他营造了一个始终把美国人民放在首位的环境。他欢迎不同的观点,并鼓励人们跳出框框思考。 我知道,我是在代表我的丈夫和我的家人说,我们非常感谢你们信任他,让他成为你们的总统,我们将很荣幸在接下来的四年里为这个了不起的国家服务。
大约四年前,我们在选举日那天完全被低估了 。尽管今年又说了些什么,但我和你们一样知道,美国人去投票是为了他们的家庭、我们的经济、我们的国家安全和我们孩子的未来。为这些理想投票不是党派之争。这是一个常识投票,因为这些是我们都相信的目标和希望。我相信,我们现在比以往任何时候都更需要我丈夫的领导,以便让我们再次成为世界上最强大的经济体和国家。
Thank you. Thank you very much.
You have all been very kind to Donald and me, to our young son, Barron, and to our whole family. It’s a very nice welcome, and we are excited to be with you at this historic convention.
I’m so proud of your choice for president of the United States, my husband, Donald J. Trump!
And I can assure you he’s moved by this great honor.
The 2016 Republican primaries were fierce and started with many candidates, 17 to be exact. And I know that Donald agrees with me when I mention how talented all of them are. They deserve the respect and gratitude from all of us.
However, when it comes to my husband, I will say that I’m definitely biased, and for a good reason. I have been with Donald for 18 years and I have been aware of his love for this country since we first met. He never had a hidden agenda when it comes to his patriotism because, like me, he loves this country very much.
I was born in Slovenia, a small, beautiful and then-communist country in Central Europe. My sister, Ines, who is an incredible woman and a friend, and I were raised by my wonderful parents. My elegant and hardworking mother, Amalija, introduced me to fashion and beauty. My father, Viktor, instilled in me a passion for business and travel. Their integrity, compassion and intelligence reflects to this day on me and for my love of family and America.
From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily lives. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son.
And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow.
Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.
I am fortunate for my heritage, but also for where it brought me today. I traveled the world while working hard in the incredible arena of fashion. After living and working in Milan and Paris, I arrived in New York City 20 years ago, and I saw both the joys and hardships of daily life.
On July 28th, 2006 I was very proud to become citizen of the United States…
…the greatest privilege on planet earth!
I cannot or will not take the freedoms this country offers for granted, but these freedoms have come with a price so many times. The sacrifices made by our veterans are reminders to us of this. I would like to take a moment to recognize an amazing veteran, the great Senator Bob Dole.
And let us stand, all of our veterans in the arena today and those across our great country.
We are all truly blessed to be here. That will never change.
I can tell you with certainty that my husband has been concerned about our country for as long as I have known him. With all of my heart, I know that he will make a great and lasting difference.
Donald has a great and deep and unbounding determination and a never-give-up attitude. I have seen him fight for years to get a project done or even started, and he does not give up.
If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I can assure you he’s the guy.
He will never ever give up. And most importantly, he will never ever let you down.
Donald is and always has been an amazing leader. Now he will go to work for you.
His achievements speak for themselves, and his performance throughout the primary campaign proves that he knows how to win. He also knows how to remain focused on improving our country, on keeping it safe and secure.
He is tough when he has to be, but he’s also kind and fair and caring. This kindness is not always noted, but it is there for all to see. That is one reason I fell in love with him to begin with.
Donald is intensely loyal to family, friends, employees, country. He has the utmost respect for his parents, Mary and Fred, to his sisters Maryanne and Elizabeth, to his brother, Robert, and to the memory of his late brother, Fred.
His children have been cared for and mentored to the extent that even his advisers admit they’re an amazing testament to who he is as a man and a father.
There is a great deal of love in the Trump family. That is our bond and that is our strength.
Yes, Donald thinks big, which is especially important when considering the presidency of the United States. No room for small thinking, no room for small results. Donald gets things done.
Our country is underperforming and needs new leadership. Leadership is also what the world needs. Donald wants our country to move forward in the most positive of ways. Everyone wants change. Donald is the only one that can deliver it. We should not be satisfied with stagnation. Donald wants prosperity for all Americans.
We need new programs to help the poor and opportunities to challenge the young. There has to be a path for growth. Only then we’ll see earnest resolve.
My husband’s experience exemplifies growth and successful passage of opportunity to the next generation. His success indicates inclusion rather than division.
My husband offers a new direction, welcoming change, prosperity and greater cooperation among peoples and nations. Donald intends to represent all the people, not just some of the people.
That includes Christians and Jews and Muslims. It includes Hispanics and African Americans and Asians, and the poor and the middle class.
Throughout his career, Donald has successfully worked with people of many faiths and with many nations. Like no one else, I have seen the talent, the energy, the tenacity, the resourceful mind and the simple goodness of the heart that God gave to Donald Trump.
Now is the time to use those gifts as never before for purposes far greater than ever. And he will do this better than anyone else can, and it won’t even be close.
Everything depends on it for our cause and for our country. People are counting on him. All the millions of you who have touched us so much with your kindness and confidence, you have turned this unlikely campaign into a movement that is still gaining in strength and number.
The primary season and its toughness is behind us. Let’s all come together in a national campaign like no other.
The race will be hard-fought all the way to November. There will be good times and hard times and unexpected turns. It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama.
But trust throughout it all my husband will remain focused on only one thing: this beautiful country that he loves so much.
If I’m honored to serve as first lady, I will use that wonderful privilege to try to help people in our country who need it the most. One of the many causes dear to my heart is helping children and women. You judge society by how it treats its citizens. We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security with the best possible education.
As the citizens of this nation, it is kindness, love and compassion for each other that will bring us together and keep us together. These are the values Donald and I will bring to the White House.
My husband is ready to lead this great nation. He’s ready to fight every day to give our children the better future they deserve.
Ladies and gentlemen, Donald J. Trump is ready to serve and lead this country as the next president of the United States!
Thank you. God bless you and God bless America!
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