

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2023-01-03







Daniel Wu Shine Light on Rising Violence Against Asian Americans

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In the interview on Sunday, the MSNBC anchor discussed the recent attacks against Asian Americans that made headlines, including the death of an 84-year-old Thai American and the assault of a 91-year-old man in Oakland’s Chinatown.

Menendez also brought up the $25,000 reward set up by Kim and Wu to help with the arrest of the suspect, which police later identified as a person of interest. The suspect has since been charged.

“We put up the reward because we didn’t see enough action coming from the authorities to thwart these crimes from happening increasingly since the rise of Covid,” Wu said. “We decided that we needed to take action as leaders in our community to make a statement that we’re not going to take this anymore and we need to take action and rise up.”

Kim talked about how the elderly are severely affected by the recent rise of violent attacks on Asian Americans, giving several examples, including the assault on a 61-year-old Filipino man in New York.

“It’s been particularly difficult for our elderly community because not only are they affected by, you know, underlying conditions that would affect their health and make them scared to go out and interact with other people,” he said. “Now they are subject to being fearful to walk outside to be attacked.”

“I urge people to wake up and choose love. I know it sounds really corny but the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy,” Nguyen said. “Silence erases our humanity. It roars through the head of every Asian American as they step out the door and are afraid of getting slashed on the subway, burned alive on the street, or slaughtered by complete strangers. How many more people need to be killed in order for the media to think we are worthy of a story?”

“That is the first step and then from there taking steps to help what’s happening to our community,” he said. “We are being attacked on all sides by all types of people and so we need to stop that as soon as possible. The first thing is to make sure that everyone recognizes that is happening.”

“We are crying out for help and we are crying out for people to lend a hand to help us with our plight,” he added.

While Nguyen commended President Joe Biden’s new memorandum that condemns anti-Asian attacks, she said she is fighting for more stories such as these to get covered by the media.

“Justice from the justice department is a start but there is also a long history in this country of otherling and erasing Asian Americans,” Nguyen said. “In the 1800s we built the railroads that connect America yet we were lynched in one of the largest lynching’s in U.S. history. In the 1900s we fought in World War II, yet we were rounded up like animals in internment camps. Obviously this past year thousands of hate crimes have happened. We, too, sing America. We were promised equality in this country and it is betrayal of the fundamental tenet of what it means to be American if people stay silent in the face of hate.”

Daniel Wu & Dae Kim on the fight against anti-Asian American violence

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Actors Daniel Wu and Daniel Dae Kim told CBS News on Tuesday that more action is needed from public officials to combat anti-Asian American rhetoric, after a string of attacks against elderly members of the community. Their plea follows a surge in attacks against Asian Americans, which have been linked in part to the coronavirus pandemic. 

"We're looking for help from our [district attorneys]. We're looking for help from our community organizers. We're looking for help from our legislators and politicians," Dae Kim told CBSN anchor Elaine Quijano.

More than 1,800 racist incidents against Asian Americans were reported between March and May of 2020, according to a United Nations report. The report linked the violence and other incidents to the coronavirus outbreak, which was first discovered in China. 

"This is a growing problem," Dae Kim said. "These are numbers we've never seen before."

Last month, three violent attacks targeting elderly Asian Americans in Oakland's Chinatown were caught on video. The incidents prompted Wu and Dae Kim to offer a $25,000 reward for information on the suspect. 

"Those of us who have been following these issues since COVID started have seen these kinds of incidents in our news feeds pop up almost daily, and yet we see very little being done about it," Dae Kim said. 

A suspect was arrested Monday in connection with the assaults, according to Oakland Police. Yahya Muslim, 28, was charged with assault, battery and elder abuse among other charges, according to the Alameda County Sheriff's Office.

President Biden signed an executive order on January 26 that condemned racism, xenophobia and intolerance against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Mr. Biden put blame on the Trump administration for helping stoke the rhetoric. Former President Trump had referred to the coronavirus as the "Kung Flu" and the "Chinese virus."

"Such statements have stoked unfounded fears and perpetuated stigma about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and have contributed to increasing rates of bullying, harassment, and hate crimes against AAPI persons," the memorandum said. 

CBS News senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday what Mr. Biden planned to do beyond denouncing anti-Asian American rhetoric. Biden would "support additional action on a local level or federal level," Psaki said. 

"What the federal government can do further on is reach out to community groups that are already in this space and have been doing this work for years and find out more about how they can help," Wu said. 

Dae Kim called on fellow Asian Americans to have pride in their heritage: "Be proud to be Asian. Be proud to be American. You've earned the right to be both and we can all work together to be a united America. That's the hope. That's the dream." 








“东网”援引ABC消息称,老人所在小区领袖唐·李(Don Lee)表示:“小区内居民众多,但他们(犯人)故意挑选亚裔女性、亚裔老人去犯下这种可耻的罪行。这除了是仇恨犯罪外,没别的理由。”警方则指,暂无证据显示受害人是被特定针对,犯人犯案时也无作出仇恨言论,宾臣墟小区正悬红追缉凶手。


而在当地生活的歌手欧阳靖(MC Jin)已成立1.5万美元奖励基金,所以悬赏金已增加至3万美元(约23.2万港元)。

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