

X美术馆 北京X美术馆 2021-02-05

海报设计:Ken Wenrui Zhao, Youngjin Park



Collection as Poem 

in the Age of Ephemerality


Curator: Poppy Dongxue Wu

2020.12.6 - 2021.2.28


X美术馆将于2020年12月6日至2021年2月28日于馆内呈现X美术馆馆藏展“馆藏:瞬息时代的诗歌”。展览汇集了X美术馆馆藏中15位国际艺术家的作品,其中多件作品在⼤型国际双年展结束后⾸次亮相——这也是关于艺术全球流动性的缩影。 “馆藏:瞬息时代的诗歌”由X美术馆首席策展人吴冬雪策划。

X Museum presents “Collection as Poem in the Age of Ephemerality” on view from December 6, 2020, through February 28, 2021. “Collection as Poem in the Age of Ephemerality“ brings together 15 international artists’ works from the X Museum Collection, many of which are exhibited the first time after being presented in major international biennials — an epitome of global fluidities. The exhibition is curated by X Museum Chief Curator Poppy Dongxue Wu. 

玛格丽特·休谟,《废物I-4》,2019,军舰鸟呼吸道树脂模型、颜料、硅管、一氧化碳,330 × 570 × 930mmMarguerite Humeau, Waste I - 4 (A respiratory tract mutating into industrial waste), 2019, Frigatebird respiratory tract cast in resin, paint, silicon tubes, CO330 x 570 x 930mm 致谢艺术家
Courtesy the artist


Encapsulating concepts, ideas, reflections, and myths into objects or digital copies, art collections are built to capture the transient events or thoughts, and at the same time, resist the flow of time. We are all in the age of ephemerality: from the out-of-date memes to rounds of trending topics flush over our screen; effects of social events remain neglected and forgotten, myths remain mystical. How do we imagine and restore once-existed scenarios or alternative facts? 


塑料座椅、 焊接钢、蚀刻底漆、罗纹缎带,尺寸可变

Jesse Darling, March of the Valedictorians, 2016, 

Plastic seat, welded steel, etch primer, grosgrain ribbon, variable dimensions 

Courtesy the artist

展览围绕着劳伦斯·阿布·哈姆丹(Lawrence Abu Hamdan)、玛格丽特·休谟(Marguerite Humeau)、以及杰⻄·达林(Jesse Darling)的作品为主要线索展开,将诗歌的谱域扩展⾄语⾔、声⾳、演讲、瞬息性和消亡。从“诗歌(poem/poetry)”的古希腊语“poiesis (making,制造)”旨意来理解,或许能够让我们在⾼远之处体察语⾔的使⽤:本次展览中的艺术作品⼴泛探讨了现代声⾳分析、神秘情境以及在晚期资本主义催⽣下产⽣的表演性⾃我等主题。这些作品将断节的记忆和游蹿的视觉⽚段重新构建,在表层⻆质之外附加上了额外的意义。 

Centering around three key works by Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Marguerite Humeau, and Jesse Darling, the exhibition expands the spectrum of poem into language, sound, speech, ephemerality, and extinction. Understanding poem from its Greek derivative ‘poiesis’ (making) allows us to view the use of language from afar: the artworks in this exhibition explore a wide range of topics on modern voice analysis, mystical scenarios, and performative self-produced by late capitalism. They recompose disjointed memories and visionary glides to evoke meanings in addition to the ostensible layer of appearances. 

劳伦斯·阿布·哈姆丹,《表面之下》,2015,扬声器、七个涂有隔音漆的木板,装置:尺寸可变,木板:2100 × 1050mmLawrence Abu Hamdan, Beneath the Surface, 2015, Loudspeaker, 7 wooden panels painted with sound deadening paint, Installation: variable dimensions, Panels: 2100 × 1050mm 致谢艺术家
Courtesy the artist

露易莎·加利亚尔迪,《热情》,2019,凝胶、喷墨打印,600 × 400mmLouisa Gagliardi, La Chaleur, 2019, Gel medium, ink on vinyl, 600 × 400mm致谢艺术家
Courtesy the artist
安西娅·汉密尔顿,《波浪型石膏靴》,2018,石膏,675 × 270 × 60mmAnthea Hamilton, Wavy Plaster Boot, 2018, Plaster, 675 × 270 × 60mm致谢艺术家
Courtesy the artist


Kelly Akashi 凯莉·明⽯ 

Lawrence Abu Hamdan 劳伦斯·阿布·哈姆丹

Jesse Darling 杰⻄·达林 

Louisa Gagliardi 路易莎·加利亚尔迪

Anthea Hamilton 安⻄娅·汉密尔顿

Marguerite Humeau 玛格丽特·休谟

Sophie von Hellermann 索菲·冯·海勒曼

Kaito Itsuki 皆藤斋 

Takahiro Iwasaki 岩崎贵宏 

Gong Jian 龚剑 

Liu Han-Chih 刘瀚之 

Neo Matloga 尼奥·⻢特洛迦 

George Rouy 乔治·罗伊 

James Turrell 詹姆斯·特瑞尔

Rafal Zajko 拉法尔·扎伊科 

拉法尔·扎伊科 ,《拉撒路》,2020,沃克板、亚克力、陶瓷(釉下彩)、管道,1345 × 1210 × 295mm Rafal Zajko, Lazarus, 2020, Valchromat, perspex, ceramics, underglaze, tubing, 1345 × 1210 × 295mm 致谢艺术家
Courtesy the artist

尼奥·⻢特洛迦,《不同想法》,2018,拼贴、布面炭笔和油墨,2800 × 2600mm Neo Matloga, Mehopolo ya go Fapana, 2018, Collage, charcoal, and ink on canvas2800 × 2600mm 致谢艺术家
Courtesy the artist











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4. 展览开放时间为:周二至周日 11:00-18:00,最后入场时间为17:30(如遇节假日等特殊安排,开放时间按X美术馆官方通知为准);

5. 此项目不支持退款。



X美术馆是由艺术收藏家黄勖夫Michael Xufu Huang及Theresa Xie 共同创建的民营美术馆。“X”是两条线的交汇,意指跨领域思想碰撞的无限可能性。秉承着严谨的学术态度及实验性的创新思路,X美术馆聚焦全球语境下中外艺术新力量,同时也囊括其他领域的创意实践,旨在打造一个关注新文化新思想的艺术机构。

X Museum is a private museum founded by Michael Xufu Huang and Theresa Tse. “X” is the intersection of two lines, as well as the conversation of innovative concepts between disciplines and their endless possibilities. Based on critical perspectives and experimental concepts, X Museum is committed to cultivating and supporting emerging artists within a global context while embracing innovative practices, aiming to build an art institution that celebrates new cultures and new ideas.

