首届全球语言治理论坛主旨发言专家简介及摘要之五: 王国凤|战争抑或摩擦?——《纽约时报》和《中国日报》中美贸易争端新闻报道的研究
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王国凤,上海师范大学外国语学院教授、副院长;曾为浙江大学新闻传播所博士后、美国蒙特雷国际研究院访问学者。主要研究方向为媒体话语研究、翻译批评。主持国家社科基金、中国博士后基金、上海市哲社课题等项目;发表SSCI、A&HCI、CSSCI等各类论文60余篇;出版专著两部,主编教材一部;曾获浙江省教学成果奖二等奖。担任Journal of Language and Politics(SSCI语言学一区)编委,兼任国际华莱坞协会(美国)副会长、全国商务英语专业工作委员会副会长、上海市翻译专业教学指导委员会委员、国家社科基金同行评议专家等。
A War or Merely Friction? Examining News Reports on the Current Sino-U.S. Trade Dispute in The New York Times and China Daily
CHEN Fu, WANG Guofeng
The ongoing Sino-U.S. trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies has since 2018 attracted much attention from the international media. This study used the approach of corpus-assisted discourse studies to compare how leading English-language newspapers from each side—The New York Times (NYT) and China Daily (CD) — discursively constructed this issue. The findings indicated that while NYT tended to profile the trade conflict as a ‘war’ in line with mainstream hard-line ideologies that emphasize China’s presumed threat to national security of the U.S., CD sought to dial down the rhetoric and showed a preference for defining the matter as a ‘friction’, consistent with the tenet of ‘pragmatic nationalism’ endorsed by the Communist Party of China. Accordingly, the two newspapers framed the causes, moral evaluation/consequences, and treatment of the issue in congruence with their respective dominant metaphors by means of various linguistic patterns. These differences are interpreted with regard to each side’s underlying ideologies and national interests.
审核:沈 骑