“亿万人同时迁徙,只为一次团圆。”这是BBC纪录片中国新年《Chinese New Year 2016》形容中国春节的一句话,说到春节,相信大家再熟悉不过。但如果让老外去讲述中国的春节,他们会说些什么?春晚?放鞭炮?压岁钱?春运?走亲戚?这么一想,咋春节留给人们的印象都是吐槽哇?可这次,BBC却用三集给大家讲述了有关归乡、团聚、和庆祝的故事。在BBC正式开拍前,剧组就前来中国的哈尔滨、云南、广西等地取景...特别研究了一番中国的酒、花灯和小吃文化啥的。可谓“煞费苦心”。记得当时有媒体特别前去报道他们的拍摄进程,也许不为别的,就为BBC纪录片一贯的高质量严谨作风,以及它和中国彼此之间“说不清道不明”的关系,都让大家很是好奇:BBC这次又准备怎么变着法“黑”我大天朝哇!?
Chinese New Year is also known as the spring festival or Chunjie, is that right pronunciation?It lasts 15 days and it's the important holiday in the Chinese calendar.The start of the festival falls on a different day in either January or February, dictated by the lunar calendar.New Year's Day 2016 falling on February the 8th.In the run-up to it, the whole country is on the move seeing the sights and traveling home to be with their families.在春节来临前,整个中国都在旅游观光,回到家乡与家人团聚
You can fly for six and a half hours and still be in the same country.Harbin is in the north-eastern corner of this huge country that is home to 1.3 billion people.在这个拥有13亿人口的巨大国家里,哈尔滨位于东北角As well as having some of the fastest-growing modern cities, the landscapes are truly diverse.They range from vast deserts too expensive grasslands, tropical jungles and the highest mountain range in the world既有巨大的沙漠,也有广袤的草原,有热带雨林,也有世界上最高的山脉China's written history dates back over 3,000 yearsand through the reigns of over 500 emperors.Its economy is the largest on earth and it makes and exports more goods than anywhere else on the globe.中国是地球上的最大的经济体,生产和出口的商品比全球其它任何地方都多Chinese food is as rich and varied as any on earth with thousands of dishes to choose from,中国食物丰富和多样举世无双,有成千上万种菜肴可供选择all cooked in a variety of ways using a host of ingredients grown right across the vast nation.And it is changing astonishingly fast.By 2030, it is estimated that 1 billion people will be living in Chinese cities, just like here in Beijing.到2030年,据估计大约有10亿人生活在城市内,就像北京Many of these new people flocking to the cities were migrant workers,in search of a better life for themselves and their families.And at Chinese New Year, the modern and the traditional are brought together,as the Chinese prepare for a celebration even older than the Great Wall itself.The great Wall of China snakes for over 5000 miles across northern and western China,and the oldest parts date back over 2500 years.This is Harbin's great ice wall, not quite as long,450 metres, and not as enduring, either.When the thaw comes, this will be transformed into the great puddle of China.As the day goes on, this place will fill up with queues lasting more than three hours,随着时间推移,这个地方将会有需要排上3个多小时的长队but that is nothing compared to the pressure on the Chinese transport systemwhen around a billion people want to travel home for new year and all at the same time.The Chinese have a phrase for it, Chunyun, which translates as spring migration.We went to Beijing to find out how they cope with the biggest movement of people on Earth.我们来到北京去探究他们如何应对这场地球上最大的人员转移BBC纪录片丨《美容的真相》(下),你对美容上瘾吗
BBC纪录片丨《植物之歌.How To Grow A Planet》第1集—生命源自阳光