《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):76 -Paper-cutting()
Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。本分享视频来自腾讯视频,版权归原作者所有,本分享旨在学生英语学习。
Long, long ago there was a poor scholar who wrote the character 'fu' or 'happiness' on paper and his wife tore the character out. This is the origin of paper-cutting (jian zhi).
The jian zhi craft is considered to be one of the standards to identify a smart woman. People think a woman who is good at making delicate jian zhi is smart.
Jian zhi patterns come from daily life. Clipping and engraving are two skills used to make jian zhi. Intricate centres are important for jian zhi designs.
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《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):75 -Chopsticks(筷子)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):68 Tofu-(豆腐)
The Museum