
重温入党誓词 Review the Party admission oath

Love English 2 2022-12-23



《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, stressed bearing in mind the course of the Party's struggles, shouldering the historic mission and drawing strength from the Party's history to forge ahead. Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks when visiting an exhibition on CPC history. Themed "staying true to the founding mission", the exhibition debuted on June 18 at the newly inaugurated Museum of the CPC ahead of the CPC centenary. Led by Xi, the leaders reviewed the Party admission oath. 



I here by declare, by oath, that I am committed to joining the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on a voluntary basis, and I absolutely and entirely admit all allegiance and fidelity to its program and constitution; that I will fulfill a Party Member’s duties whole-heartedly and carry out all the Party’s decisions; that I will strictly observe the Party's discipline, and guard all its secrets; and that I will maintain loyalty and faithfulness to it, working hard and fighting for the prospective Communism throughout my life; and that I will be ready at all times to sacrifice all I have in the interest of the party as well as the people, and that above all, I will never, ever betray the Party in all weathers.



The Party's history is the most vivid and convincing textbook. The past 100 years have seen the CPC unswervingly fulfilling its original aspiration and founding mission, working hard to lay a foundation for its great cause, and making glorious achievements and charting a course for the future. 


Efforts should be made to educate and guide Party members and officials to stay true to the original aspiration and founding mission of the Party. It is necessary for them to strengthen their awareness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership, and remain confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as always closely follow the CPC Central Committee in terms of their thinking, political orientation and actions.


stay true to the original aspiration and founding mission


"Four Awarenesses" (awareness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership)





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