

Love English 2 2022-12-23



Amazing China《美丽中国》
《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

1.this is a Dear Diary moment
西方人写日记一开头总爱写Dear Diary,......
Dear Diary moment也许是讲这个时刻不同寻常,有重要意义,值得写进日记的意思吧

Here Chandler made a comparison of the longevity of his and Joey's relationship to the lasting of Mento,emphasizing the shortness of their relationship with other girls,which acts kinda as a comfort to Ross.

3.drifted apart-- 感情疏远
4.stirp joint,脱衣舞酒吧,joint=place通常指不那么高雅的地方
5.Sounds like a date to me 听起来就同我的约会一样


7.sobbing 哭泣

8.Lincoln High 指Lincoln High School. 能活着离开学校当然是surviors了

9.or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids

再过一会儿就会有四个被淋湿的伴娘来找Rachel. Monica 拿这个来开玩笑。

10.Turn out 就是事情结果是什么什么

11.Have some hormones!可以理解为“你要有点男人的样子!”

12.turn on 在美国如果不是指打开什么东西时,一般都指引起人的性兴奋。他们讲这些很随便,所以经常出现。

13.freak out 很常用,就是吓坏了

14.You can see where he'd have trouble.

Apparently, we can tell that Rach's dad made fun of Rach's metaphor by saying "buy her a hat", and pretended that he didn't know what Rach was talking about. But what's even worse is that Rach didn't get her dad's little trick either.So she yelled at the phone that "It's a metaphor,Daddy!". Once she realized how rude and unladily she was just now, her eyes met with Ross's, which made Ross rather embarrassing. So he ended up saying that "You can see where he'd have trouble." That means "you can see misunderstanding your metaphor is where he'd have trouble to communicate with you smoothly.

15.Buzz him in buzz就是按楼洞防盗门时发出的声音,这样用法又简单,又形象

16.Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica.
Monica has no idea why Rachel said that. But she can't just abandon Rach at this critical time, so when her friends turned to her for a verification, she can't think of nothing to say except that:

"Well, it seems to Rachel that I have already agreed on the whole moving in thing( that is established an agreement on her moving in), although I have nothing to do with it!!(Don't look at me in this weird way, guys!)"

17.hang out here,呆在这
朋友之间相处,象FRIENDS他们一起喝咖啡,在MON家聊天之类的,都是hang out


18.it' been kinda a long day,完成时态,因为RACH又逃婚,有被老爸骂,这一天过得很痛苦,所以也就很漫长。

19.Billy,Don't Be A Hero是一首70年代的老歌,描写的是越战中,一个女孩希望自己的fiance Billy平安归来,don't be a hero in the war,但最后Billy还是在战争中失去了他年青的生命.

20.shoe 就是鞋子的意思。下文 "it's a metaphor",是个比喻!Rachel喜欢购物嘛,所以把服饰比喻成人的理想,别人告诉rachel要成为一只鞋,rachel自己想做个"purse"

purse就是独立的,自己可以生存的, 不需要配对的

21.Oh...see... but Joanne loved Chachi! That's the difference!

What Rachel said is funny is because Rachel here was sarcastic about her running away from altar.She was deeply moved by the true love between Joanne and Chachi which leads to a successful holy matrimony,while she and Barry had almost everything but love and that results in her disappointment in their matrimony.So she felt right to have escaped from a doomed marrige with a person she would never love.

22.I'm in Las Vegas... I'm Liza Minelli-

Liza Minelli--- A famous singer used to be a duet-mate of Pavarotti.

23.Chandler: If can invade Poland, there isn't anything I can't do.
Rachel previously said if she could make coffee on her own,there wasn't anything she couldn't do.
Chandler is a person of sarcasm,he just quoted what Rachel said to be ironic.

Moreover,Hitler invaded Poland with the intent of conquering the whole world.The metaphor used here makes the line much funnier.

24.gravy boat
An elongated, boat-shaped pitcher used to serve gravy. A gravy boat usually sits on a matching plate, which is used to catch gravy drips. Sometimes the plate is permanently attached to the pitcher. A matching ladle often accompanies a gravy boat. Also called sauce boat.


25. sweet'n'low 低脂糖

26.Rachel逃婚之后就不得不面对后果了(face the music), 她的老爸很生气,在电话里威胁说要经济制裁她,Rachel一时嘴硬说:"Well, maybe I don't need your money." 等她老爸真的把电话挂了之后,她又忙不迭地对着电话叫道:"Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!"事已至此她只能借住在Monica的家里了。 



“Love English 2”一周年了!

See China in 70 seconds全33集
Seasons of China(四季中国)全24集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集

Journey to the West(西游记)全108集

