《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
然后对照原文听第二遍,注意每个单词的发音。第三遍继续盲听,再对照,以此反复,精听至少4遍,直到自己能够听清每个单词及发音技巧。这个方法能够帮助你提升英语的语感和听力。如果同学们在听第一遍的时候已经能够听清 80% 的单词,证明你的英语水平真的很了不起哦。
Once upon a time, two blind men were good friends, and they lived together. One day, they decided to cook some fish soup for themselves. Soon, they bought a fish and were ready to set up a cooker to cook it. One hour later, they began to taste the fish soup, but each of them couldn’t get any fish. They got angry and quarreled because both of them suspected that the other stole the fish and ate it. Having heard this, their neighbor came and he found the fish was on the floor. The two men didn’t put the fish into the pot at all at the very start.从前,有两个盲人,他们是好朋友。一天,两人决定买一条鱼回来做美味的鱼汤喝。很快,鱼买回来了,两人准备架起炉灶做一锅美味的鱼汤。等他们精心地将调料放进锅里,又慢火炖了整整一个小时之后,却发现无论用什么餐具都无法把鱼从锅里捞出来。于是,这两人大吵了起来。他们都怀疑是对方偷偷把鱼摸走吃掉了。两人越吵越凶,邻居听到了声音,急忙跑过来,结果一看,邻居哭笑不得,原来那条大活鱼根本就没被煮过,它早就从锅里跳了出来到了地上。