
中国范儿102 立秋:落叶知秋 暑去凉来

Love English 2 2022-12-23










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立秋:落叶知秋 暑去凉来

Liqiu: Fallen Leaves Herald the Fall

Golden yellow grain peeking through rice terraces and tallow leaves turning a glowing crimson herald the coming of autumn in China. Somewhere between August 7 and August 9 every year -- Liqiu, the 13th solar term of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese calendar and the first solar term in autumn -- marks the end of sweltering summer and brings with it cool, crisp air and the crunch of fallen leaves beneath the feet.  

In ancient times, people divided Liqiu – the beginning of autumn into three periods, the first one is when the cool breeze blows, or as the saying goes: "The day of Liqiu is cool breeze". The second period begins with misty mornings when dew droplets cover the grass. Since the temperature difference between day and night is huge in this season, dew drops form on the grass in the morning. One can ‘hear’ the symphony of the third period before they even see it. It’s when the autumn “sololist” --the cicadas -- fill the forests with their serenade. The symbol of rebirth in ancient China, cicada nymphs live underground for years and burrow upwards when they reach maturity. As they shed their old skin and feel the fresh breath of air, one can hear their chilly chirping announcing autumn. 

Ancient China regarded the beginning of autumn as an important moment at the turn of summer and autumn and attached great importance to this time. According to records, during the Song Dynasty, the Imperial Palace would move Chinese parasol trees planted in pots into the palace in autumn. When autumn arrived, the Taishiguan – the government archival official -- would chant, "Autumn is coming” and Chinese parasol trees would shed a leaf or two in response to the sound, in order to reflect that autumn has indeed arrived. Therefore the idea that "fallen leaves herald the fall". 

In the meteorological sense though, the daily average temperature should be lower than 22 degrees Celsius for five consecutive days for autumn to be announced. But before the beauty of autumn can be enjoyed in its entirety, one still has to face the "last day" of the three-legged dog days of summer. The "autumn tiger" means temperatures are still high, so close attention should be paid to avoid summer heat. During "gnawing autumn", the tradition is to munch on hydrating fruits like watermelon to prevent autumn dryness.

Liqiu also signifies the harvest season. At this time, early rice harvesting begins, late rice transplanting in central China is going on and autumn crops enter an important growth and development period. Therefore, sacrifices are made to local deities for a good harvest and several other celebrations take place.


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