

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!

01 The interview language for interviews

02 The interruption & Structuring Answers

03 Making suggestions

04 Introducing yourself | Doing Lunch

05 Polite Requests |  The Queen of Sheba

06 Offering to help |  Double-booked

07 Mr Lime's Grapefruits Apologising

08 How to give praise

09 The warehouse Checking information

10 The brainstorm Language for disagreeing

11 Overtime Language for working long hours

12 The big day Opening presentations

13 The imperial lemon | Making a pitch

14 Telephone tell-tale| Giving feedback

15 Seb Lime | More about telephone manner

16 Slimy Limey | Politely refusing

17 Politely refusing

18 Writing An Email

19 Explain a misunderstanding

20 Setting an agenda for a meeting

21 Language for asking for help

22 Health and safety policy

23 Making a polite request

24 Words to use in an emergency

25 Language for booking a hotel

26 Language for complainning

27 Language for delivering bad news

28 Keep your language professional

29 The language used in cold calling

30 Language for negotiating

31 Language for project management

32 Further language for negotiating a deal

33 Language for booking a flight

34 Language for clinching the deal

35 Language for briefing the manager

36 Language for working with someone new

37 Dealing with a difficult member of staff

38 Language for good customer relations

39 Disciplining a member of staff

40 Language to use in an appraisal

41 Language for health and safety

42 Language to use when writing a proposal

43 Language to use in research

44 Language to use in dealing with IT support

45 Language for making an "elevator pitch"

46 Language to use when you're in charge

47 Language to clear up confusion

48 Language to use when networking

49 Language to use in an acceptance speech

50 Language used in making someone redundant

51 Language used for conveying your ideas to others

52 Language used for giving career advice

53 Language to use when taking a phone message

54 Language for justifying your position

55 Language for telling someone what to do

56 Language for setting priorities

57 Language for booking a venue

58 Language for getting something done quickly

59 Language for presenting a new product

60 Language related to getting the sack
61 Language for offering and accepting promotions
62 Language to announce your decision
63 Language to persuade someone to change their mind
64 Language for getting down to business
65 Language to say you've changed your mind
66 Language for a wedding

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!

