论坛上,西方记者肖恩含沙射影,暗指中国搞种族灭绝还散布假消息,刘欣借最后一个回答问题的机会给予了精彩反击。针对西方抹黑中国时惯于使用的一些字眼,如“国家媒体”,刘欣一针见血地指出了其中不合理之处:... We're working so hard, as much as you are trying, to bring truthful, comprehensive, multi-dimensional information from China to the world. But we're always discredited because we are "state media". 我们努力向世界传递真实、全面和多维度的中国讯息。但我们总是被抹黑,因为我们是所谓的“国家媒体”。 There is nothing wrong coming from the state media, especially when you come from China because the state needs to represent the people. If the state doesn't represent the people, people will not watch it, people will not follow your leadership, you will be gone tomorrow. 国家媒体何错之有?尤其是中国国家媒体。因为国家需要代表人民,如果国家无法代表人民,人民也不会关注国家,不会接受它的领导,政府明天就会垮台。
Let China choose its own style of democracy if the people like the way they live, if people are satisfied with the way they live. Why do we have to switch to a Western-style democracy? 如果中国人民喜欢,对他们的生活满意,请让中国选择中国特色的民主制度!为什么我们一定要变成西式民主呢?
That's the biggest challenge we have, and we're working so hard, as much as you are trying, to bring truthful, comprehensive, multi-dimensional information from China to the world. But we're always discredited because we are “state media”, and I hear this phrase all the time, so often, even in this forum, even from Oksana from RT.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing wrong coming from the state media, especially when you come from China because the state needs to represent the people. If the state doesn't represent the people, people will not watch it, people will not follow your leadership, you will be gone tomorrow.
I'll give you two sets of statistics. Can you guess the level of trust of the Chinese people in their central government, meaning their political system? And can you guess the level of trust the Chinese people have in their media? Both from international sources. Take a wildest guess.
The first one is from Harvard's 13-year long survey which revealed that 90% of Chinese people trust the central government. The second from Statista — all these are open source, by the way. The number has gone from 70 to 80% of the Chinese people trust in their press.
Why? You think the Chinese government is so bad? You think the Chinese system is so bad? You think the Chinese press is so bad? But the people trust both. Why?
Because we do a very good job and we deliver. Because what people hear, what people read match what they see. And there is a great sense of unity, of cohesion because of that. And that's why China can deliver because people trust the government, people trust our media, and in return, we can do things together.
Secondly, democracy. I've heard this word all the time, all the time. Let China choose its own style of democracy if the people like the way they live, if people are satisfied with the way they live. Why do we have to switch to a Western-style democracy? The freedom of expression is enshrined in our constitution as well, Shane. We have that too. Please read our constitution. It's in Chinese but you can find an English version.
We, being strong, being literate, being open minded, open to criticism as well. The Chinese system is not perfect, Chinese media is not perfect. We have a lot of problems. But by doing all of these, we are strong, we can be immune to disinformation. That's all I want to say.