The symbol # is known as the number sign, hash, or (in North American usage) pound sign.
3,pound sign [ˈpaʊnd saɪn] 井字号Please enter your account number followed by the pound key.
1,asterisk[ˈæstərɪsk] 星号;星号键I ve placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first. You can use thestar anywhere in a staring.
学会这个单词ellipsis [ɪˈlɪpsɪs]ellipsis [ɪˈlɪpsɪs]省略;省略符号apostrophe[əˈpɑːstrəfi] 省略符号You no doubt noticed the ellipsis in the code above. “出去吃”是 eat outside 还是 eat out ? 说错了人家可不搭理你!