
中国范儿143 处暑:消散在“过渡”中的暑气

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


The Limit of Heat puts an end to the blazing summer


The Limit of Heat is the fourteenth solar term of the 24 solar terms, which falls on August 22-24 of the Gregorian calendar. It is a “transitional” solar term.


There is a well-known Chinese folk saying: “The beginning of autumn is not autumn, autumn arrives after the Limit of Heat”. This means many meteorological changes take place before and after the Limit of Heat. However, due to China's vast territory, the climate varies greatly in parts of the country, especially in this transitional period. At this time, most areas in the north gradually cool down under the impact of autumn rain; while in the south, the rain is dwindling and the autumn dryness is in the air. The proverbial “old wives’ summer” often carries high temperatures of 35℃ when it comes to the Northwest Plateau, welcoming autumn even as areas 3,500 meters above sea level still have withering grass, frost and snow. 


The weather changes before and after the summer directly affect Chinese’s “rice bowl”. As we know, autumn is the harvest season. In fact, summer plays a prelude to autumn harvest. In the north, crops such as grain, rice and sorghum are gradually maturing, while most areas in the South have entered the peak of mid-season rice harvesting and sun drying. In coastal areas, the sea water temperature is still high, and fish, shrimp and shellfish are maturing. Therefore, in the summer season, people in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places hold a grand Fishing Festival to send fishermen off to sea and a wide variety of seafood makes it to people’s dining tables. 


Although harvest time is also one of back breaking labor, the period after the Limit of Heat is one of relaxation and leisure. Light clouds dispersed throughout the blue sky remind people to take a break. Many people choose to travel in this period. It is common to drink herbal tea and eat duck meat for relief from the dry and stuffy weather. This tradition is captured in a saying about this time period: “Ducks are eaten and families are free of disease”.


Summer heat gradually dissipates and the Limit of Heat ushers in the transition from late summer to early autumn. It’s a time of recuperation. People welcome the autumn, harvest, reminisce and worship their ancestors, displaying a national spirit of diligence.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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