
世界无烟日 World No-Tobacco Day

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!

今年的5月31日是世界卫生组织发起的第35个世界无烟日World No-Tobacco Day,今年无烟日主题为“烟草威胁环境”(Tobacco:Threat to our environment)。

5月31日是“世界无烟日(World No-Tobacco Day)”,自20世纪50年代以来,全球范围内已有大量流行病学研究证实,吸烟是导致肺癌的首要危险因素。为了引起国际社会对烟草危害人类健康的重视,世界卫生组织于1987年11月建议将每年的4月7日定为“世界无烟日”,并于1988年开始执行。自1989年起,世界无烟日改为每年的5月31日。
World No-Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31. It is meant to encourage a 24-hour period of abstinence from all forms of tobacco consumption across the globe. The day is further intended to draw global attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and to negative health effects, which currently lead to 5.4 million deaths worldwide annually. The member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) created World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) in 1987. In the past twenty years, the day has been met with both enthusiasm and resistance across the globe from governments, public health organizations, smokers, growers, and the tobacco industry.
Each year, the WHO selects a theme for the day in order to create a more unified global message for WNTD. This theme then becomes the central component of the WHO’s tobacco-related agenda for the following year. The WHO oversees the creation and distribution of publicity materials related to the theme, including brochures, fliers, posters, websites, and press releases. In 2008 for the theme Tobacco-free youth, Youtube videos were created as a part of the WNTD awareness campaign, and podcasts were first used in 2009.

2020 保护青少年 远离传统烟草产品和电子烟

2019 烟草和肺部健康

2018 烟草和心脏病

2017 烟草——对发展的威胁

2016 “为平装做好准备”,我国的主题是“拒绝烟草的危害”。

2015 制止烟草制品非法贸易

2014  提高烟草税

2013 禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助

2012 烟草业干扰控烟

2010 Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women 性别与烟草——抵制针对女性的市场营销 

2009 Tobacco health warnings 烟草健康警示 

2008 Tobacco-free youth 无烟青少年 

2007 Smoke free inside 创建无烟环境 

2006 Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise 烟草吞噬生命 

2005 Health professionals against tobacco 卫生工作者与控烟 

2004 Tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle 控制吸烟,减少贫困 

2003 Tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion 无烟草影视及时尚行动 

2002 Tobacco free sports 无烟体育—清洁的比赛 

2001 Second-hand smoke kills 清洁空气,拒吸二手烟 

2000 Tobacco kills, don't be duped 吸烟有害勿受诱惑 

1999 Leave the pack behind 远离香烟 

World No-Tobacco Day 世界无烟日 

1998 Growing up without tobacco 在无烟草环境中成长 

1997 United for a tobacco free world 团结起来,创造一个无烟世界 

1996 Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free 无烟的文体活动 

1995 Tobacco costs more than you think 烟草与经济 

1994 Media and tobacco: get the message across 大众传播媒介宣传反对吸烟 

1993 Health services: our windows to a tobacco free world 卫生部门和卫生工作者反对吸烟 

1992 Tobacco free workplaces: safer and healthier 工作场所不吸烟 

1991 Public places and transport: better be tobacco free 在公共场所和公共交通工具上不吸烟 

1990 Childhood and youth without tobacco: growing up without tobacco 青少年不要吸烟 

1989 Women and tobacco: the female smoker: at added risk 妇女与烟草 

1988 Tobacco or Health: choose health 要烟草还是要健康,请您选择
Event Coordination
The WHO serves as a central hub for coordinating WNTD events around the world. The WHO website provides a place for groups to register their planned WNTD events. The WHO publishes this information, by country, on its website. The registry helps foster communication and awareness between groups (locally, nationally, and globally) interested in the public health effects of tobacco, and it also serves as a way for interested individuals to quickly see if there is an event in their area.
Since 1988 the WHO has presented one or more Awards to organizations or individuals who have made exceptional contributions to reducing tobacco consumption. World No Tobacco Day Awards are given to individuals from six different world regions (Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific), and Director-General Special Awards and Recognition Certificates are given to individuals from any region.


Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!




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