资讯 | 刘大使首次向中英工商界宣讲“两会”精神
今天对中英关系而言,还是一个特殊的日子。1898年6月9日,当时的清政府与英国在北京签订《展拓香港界址专条》,将新界租借给英国,期限99年。122年后的今天,时移世易,香港早已回归中国,中英关系也今非昔比。然而,英国仍有一些政客固守“冷战思维”和“殖民心态”,仍未认清香港已经回归中国、是中国一个特别行政区的现实。近来,他们对香港特区维护国家安全立法说三道四,干预香港事务和中国内政,中方对此坚决反对。对于香港国安立法,我想强调的是,国家安全立法完全是一国内政,属于国家立法权力和中央事权,英国如此,中国同样如此,不容外部势力干预。香港国安立法,针对的是极少数严重危害国家安全的行为和活动,不影响香港的高度自治,不改变香港独立的司法权和终审权,有利于保障香港居民的权利和自由,有利于保护外国投资者在港正当权益,有利于维护香港的法治和营商环境,也有利于巩固各方对“一国两制”和香港发展前景的信心。此次立法,得到了香港绝大多数民众的支持和拥护,也得到世界上很多主持公道正义国家的赞赏和声援。香港保持繁荣稳定不仅符合中国的利益,也符合英国的利益。我注意到,一些英国在港大企业表示理解和支持香港国安立法,这是明智远见之举。希望英国广大工商界人士客观理性看待香港国安立法,为香港保持长期繁荣稳定贡献正能量。女士们、先生们,习近平主席最近说,要“努力在危机中育新机、于变局中开新局”。面对困难挑战,我希望各位工商界人士不仅要坐而论道,更要起而行之,坚定信心,抓握机遇,鼓足干劲,把失去的时间抢回来,把疫情造成的损失补回来。我们共同努力,化危为机,打造更多务实成果,开辟更新合作局面,为中英关系赢得更加美好的未来!谢谢大家!主旨演讲 英文原文
Keynote Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Briefing to Chinese and British Business Community on "Two Sessions": Strengthen the Foundation and Seize the Opportunities of Cooperation to Create A Brighter Future
Chairman Perry, Lord Sassoon, Sir Sherard, Chairman Fang, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good morning!
It is a real delight to join you online. This is my first speech to the Chinese and British business communities on the “Two Sessions” of this year.
The annual “Two Sessions” are major political events in China. They provide the world with an important window to learn about China directly.
This year, the “Two Sessions” are special. They are held under unusual circumstances at an unusual time during the battle against Covid-19. Although shorter and with some adjustments to formats, the two sessions were no less substantial or fruitful.
My take on the “Two Sessions” is two-fold: More confident and greatly motivated. I would like to share my feeling of confidence and motivation with you by answering the following three questions.
The first question is, what are the prospects of China’s economic and social development amid Covid-19?
Covid-19 is the biggest pandemic we have encountered in a century. It is a crucial test on the public health system. It is also a major test on the economy. In this test, China has done well.
On the public health front, China has achieved important and strategic success in containing the virus.
Since the outbreak and under the direct leadership and command of President Xi Jinping, the whole nation has stood in unity and made utmost efforts to win the battle against the virus.
The most strict, comprehensive and thorough measures of prevention and control were taken.
· In a little more than one month, we achieved preliminary success in containing the spread of the virus.
· In about two months, we reduced the number of daily new cases to single digit.· In about three months, the battle of Wuhan and Hubei, the epicenter of the outbreak, witnessed a decisive victory.At the same time, China has engaged in international cooperation in an open, transparent and responsible spirit. In record time, China
· informed the WHO and the relevant countries about the outbreak,
· published the genetic sequence of the virus,· shared its experience of prevention, control and treatment,· and provided strong support and assistance to countries in need to the best of its capability.At home, we did not let our guard down but stayed on high alert against imported cases and domestic rebound. We will continue to do so until the day of final victory.
On the economic front, China has also achieved significant success in bringing economic and social activities back on track.The epidemic had its impact on China’s economy, resulting in 6.8% contraction in the first quarter compared with the same period last year. It was actually the first quarterly contraction since 1992.This situation calls for coordinated efforts on both fronts, and that’s what China did. On the one hand, we have kept the regular containment measures in place; on the other, we have stepped up supportive policy to counter the impact of the epidemic and bolster economic and social development. Factories are reopening. Production lines are switched on. Shops and restaurants are ready to welcome customers. People are going back to work. And all these are done in an orderly manner.· As of May 18th, large-scale enterprises were running on 99.1% capacity, where 95.4% of staff and workers were back to work.
· Manufacturing PMI was above the threshold for three months in a row, reaching 50.6% in May.· In April, both the added value of large scale industrial enterprises and total electricity consumption were back in the positive zone, increasing by 3.9% and 1.3% respectively.· Strong growth momentum has been shown in areas such as “stay-home economy”, “cloud office”, digital economy, artificial intelligence and medical care.· From January to April, online retail sales of goods increased by 8.6% year-on-year.These positive signs and rapid recovery bear witness to the strong resilience and enormous potential of China’s economy. Therefore, I am full of confidence in China’s capability to claim final victory over the virus, restore economic growth and continue to achieve social progress.
· These goals are the solemn promises of the Communist Party of China.
· They are the objective of several generations of Chinese people.
· When one fifth of the world’s population is free from abject poverty, such extraordinary progress would be nothing short of a miracle in the history of mankind.
So, this year will mark a new starting point for China. We will then embark on a new journey towards another centenary goal.
Second, China will strengthen the weaknesses in public health governance, and work with the rest of the world to bring the pandemic under control.Our public health and medical system has played a crucial role in containing the virus at home. However, weaknesses and shortfalls were also exposed.There are experiences and lessons to be learned. We need to· optimize the system for disease prevention and control,
· improve epidemic monitoring, early warning and emergency response,
· and increase investment in R&D in the area of health care.
We must do these in order to strengthen our capability of responding to major public health emergencies.
· In the coming two years, China will provide 2 billion dollars in international aid. This will go to the countries that are battling the virus and at the same time trying to restore socio-economic order, especially in developing countries.
· China will establish a mechanism of cooperation between hospitals in China and 30 hospitals from Africa. We will also accelerate the building of the Africa CDC headquarters.· China will also take an active part in international cooperation on R&D of vaccines. When we are successful in developing a vaccine and put it to use, we will make it a global public good, especially ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries.China will join hands with other countries to improve global governance on public health and build a global community of health for all.
Third, China will follow the new development concept and focus on the quality of economic growth.This year’s “Two Sessions” did not set a growth target. This is a down-to-earth approach.China will continue to implement the measures known as “six stabilize”, that is, to· stabilize employment,
· stabilize the financial market,· stabilize foreign trade,· stabilize investment,· stabilize FDI· and stabilize economic expectations.Specific steps will be taken to protect employment, basic livelihood, market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and normal operation of the grass root communities. These will promote steady and high-quality growth of the economy and deliver more benefits to the people.
The year 2020 is the last year for realizing China’s 13th Five-Year Plan. It is time to formulate the 14th Five-Year Plan and draw a new blueprint for greater progress in China’s high-quality economic growth.Fourth, China will remain committed to reform, opening up, and to building an open world economy.· China is deepening reforms by streamlining administration, delegating power, improving regulation and upgrading services;
· China is promoting market-based allocation of production factors;· China is fostering an enabling environment for the development of the private sector;· China is also carrying out a new round of pilot reforms to encourage innovation in all sectors.These reform measures represent China’s commitment to sustainable development, known metaphorically in Chinese as “conserve the green mountains” and “save the future for posterity”. I call it China’s wisdom and determination.
· further implement the Foreign Investment Law,
· shorten the negative list for foreign investment by a big margin,· accelerate the establishment of Hainan free trade port,· and make the online 127th China Import and Export Fair and the third China International Import Expo successful.These measures represent China’s confidence in opening its market wider to the world even at this unusual time. No matter how the situation in the world develops, China will remain committed to deepening reform and promoting development through opening up. We believe closer business cooperation between countries will bring win-win results.
· It will not affect the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong.
· It will not change Hong Kong’s independent judicial power, including the power of final adjudication.· It will provide better safeguards for the rights and freedom of the Hong Kong residents.· It will ensure better protection of the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors in the city.· It will guarantee better rule of law and business environment in Hong Kong.· And it will strengthen people’s confidence in “One Country, Two Systems”, and in Hong Kong’s development in the future.This legislation has won the support of the majority of Hong Kong people. Many countries have also upheld justice and expressed their appreciation and support for this legislation.
@ 英国中国商会
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