
赵烨琦的跨境商业之旅: 从景德镇陶瓷到小米生态链品牌

NUBS China 宁诺商学院 2024-03-12

  My UNNC Story

Establishing an independent website to promote Jingdezhen porcelain overseas; obtaining an internship in Xiaomi promoting the high-quality Chinese brand... These are all the experiences that have come from Yeqi Zhao, a year four student at Nottingham University Business School China.

Please scroll down for the English version.

赵烨琦 Yeqi Zhao


BSc IBE, Class of 2023

毕业去向:纽约大学 信息系统学专业

Further Study: MSc Information Systems, New York University


High School: Zhejiang Jiaxing Middle School































Yeqi Zhao's Exploration of Cross-border Business Journey

Establishing an independent website to promote Jingdezhen porcelain overseas; obtaining an internship in Xiaomi promoting the high-quality Chinese brand... These are all the experiences that have come from Yeqi Zhao, a year four student at Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China).

Since high school, Yeqi Zhao has clearly defined his goal of going to a Sino-foreign joint university, “Firstly, I want to acquire an international mindset. Secondly, I believe that I must spend the most precious four years of my youth in China. The rapid development and changes in China often make me feel 'astonished'. However, during high school, I spent almost every day doing coursework and studying to prepare for the Gaokao. I never experienced what Chinese society was like before. Therefore, I decided that during my four years at university, I must spend my time in China.” The first visit to the campus coincided with the University of Nottingham Ningbo China’s (UNNC) Open Day. He mentioned that the beautiful campus and diverse cultural atmosphere at UNNC exceeded his imagination.

The combination of general and specialised curriculums and a wide range of elective modules at NUBS China have enabled Yeqi Zhao to develop both hard and soft strengths, helping him to lay a solid foundation for his later entrepreneurial experiences.

Yeqi Zhao often visited the historic town - Jingdezhen city, where he noticed that the artisans truly embodied the spirit of craftsmanship. However, he discovered that these artisans only focused on creating products and lacked the knowledge of selling them. Therefore, he decided to use his business knowledge to help these craftsmen promote their products.

He founded the Porcelain Museum, an independent e-commerce website, and cooperated with Jingdezhen porcelain craftsmen to mass produce ceramic products, open up payment and transportation channels, and sell ceramic products to North America, Europe and other regions. At present, the Porcelain Museum brand has accumulated over 10,000 fans on overseas social media platforms.

"I firmly believe that each generation has its own mission. Our grandparents' generation built a new China through their hard work and dedication. Our parents' generation made China the world's manufacturing hub. As for our generation, I believe we need to complete the transformation from "Made in China" to "Created in China" and "Branded in China.”

Thanks to his entrepreneurial experience with his "Porcelain Museum", Yeqi Zhao obtained an internship opportunity at Xiaomi and he continues to help Chinese companies promote their products on the international market.

Yeqi Zhao entered Xiaomi as an intern working on cross-border products and helped more than 400 ecological chain brands from the company go on to the international market with the team. Focusing on the rise of remote work as a result of COVID-19, they combined their existing product library and focused on the camping market. They hope to create an intelligent outdoor camping scene that allows users to work outdoors without having to be locked down at home by bringing smart appliances to work in such environments. At that time, Yeqi Zhao and his mentor were responsible for the construction and operation of their website, where they subsequently optimised the traffic and improved purchase conversion rates by developing models.

Through his developing theoretical knowledge and professional skills, Yeqi Zhao participated in the 2022 L'ORÉAL Brandstorm competition. As the team leader, he led them in a proposal for a virtual makeup camera during video meetings. The proposal won third place in the technology track among more than 4,000 teams nationwide.

Finally, Yeqi Zhao shared with us some ideas that have been prominent to him throughout his four years at UNNC.

“The first thing is never to compare yourself with others because I believe in my heart that there is no better, only difference. What I want to do is to create my own demarcation, find what I truly like and love, and do it well.”

“The second thing is to get your hands dirty. Understand the real society you live in and experience the joys and sorrows firsthand. We need to observe and experience every role in society with our heart, to truly understand the diversity of Chinese society.”

"Finally, no matter where you are going, no matter how magnificent your world is, please don't forget your roots. We will go to many places in the future and become different people, but the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, where our friends and teachers were, taught us that while opening our eyes to the whole world, we should also stay firmly rooted in China."

NUBS China



文字:DC,黎墨菲 | 图片:赵烨琦


© 诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)



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International, Interactive, Innovative


赵烨琦的跨境商业之旅: 从景德镇陶瓷到小米生态链品牌

NUBS China 宁诺商学院

