Yoshitomo Nara
“ 陌生人的温柔,最致命 ” The tenderness of a stranger is the deadliest
The sun blinked and the tears began to flow, but now there was no need for tears. Just be honest and maybe see someone smile at me. But I don't need to.
阳光刺得眼睛眨个不停,泪水快要夺眶而出,可是,现在不需要眼泪,只要东张西望。只要老老实实或许就能看到有人向我微笑。但是,我不需要。 ——奈良美智
©Yoshitomo nara,Lonely girl,Copyright ©Yoshitomo nara
If a person does not have self-confidence, is unable to convey own idea! So I also draw today and tomorrow. In a word, what I want to do, if I stop in the middle, I will lose the meaning of my existence.
Meeting many people, expanding my world little by little, with these people I know, I can go to places that I can't even reach by my own strength.In the environment where language can't communicate, there is a kind of unique expression method of what human beings basically have in common.
This is the world of boring people who want to turn us all into slaves. Their practices generate consumption, but they are not in line with our style of work. They are not prepared to compete with them, nor should they think that competition is power.
© Yoshitomo Nara
This article is published by exclusive AN-ART SPACE, the artist authorized to publish, without permission, please do not reprint.