

Research Commune 研质共设






Fair Southern shore,

With scenes I adore.

At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire;

In spring green waves grew as blue as sapphire.

How could I not admire?

Dreaming of the Southern Shore, Bai Juyi, Tang

- 雅致品意,闲享时光 -

Enjoy one's leisure -


The poetic imagination of generations of literati and aristocrats has become the yearning for life of the current urban elite. Hidden city, is a way of life, is also flowing in the blood of the spirit yearning.

信步入户,玄关绿景跃然眼前,小小园林植于厅中,名画珍宝藏匿其间。遥遥愉前,阔景映入眼帘,超大横厅布局,气派庄严尽显稳重雅奢之相。When you enter the room, you can see the green scene of the entrance hall. A small garden is planted in the hall, where famous paintings and treasures are hidden. The layout of the large horizontal hall shows a stable and solemn phase.


Water ripple transparent dining table and green wave case several distant echo, soft furnishings to elegant black ink flow pattern as the keynote, set the momentum of the prestigious family mansion, the book noble scroll on the paper.


The courtyard is like a garden, where guests and hosts can write poems, paint pictures, inscriptions, read books, and enjoy the pleasure of a great banquet.

方尺之间,舞墨乾坤 -Space extends indefinitely -


Along the ladder chandelier step light, chandelier like Milky Way spring water, gushing to the bottom of the lake, like rock spring sprinkling, bright and gorgeous. This is a natural sense of power, the level of space in the private domain, infinite extension.


The mezzanine is customized for private interests to create flower fragrance workshop. The advanced aroma brings silk fragrance to the quiet space. If the natural flower decoration is full of spring hall, the body and mind are relieved and comforted.


The double layer is the re-integration of the space, the use of light and shadow to cut out the bright and dark to form a bisecting effect, through the line to shape the state of mobilization and quiet, the super-large scale space between the strategy of swinging.


Xianghu culture as the starting point, to create a museum like Xianghu theme meeting room. The Lake art paintings decorate the background wall, the colored pottery is displayed among them, the vermilion fish symbolizes life and prosperity, and the lamp belt is endless flowing like water.


The cigar room is equipped with high-grade, and the wine appreciation area is decorated with private wine products to display high-end taste with exquisite wine utensils.
心归所向,其乐融融 -Where the heart is -

乘梯直上进入栖居之所,水石潺湲,风竹相吞,炉烟方袅,草木自馨。林列民间艺术瑰宝,彰显府邸主人的高雅品味与身份。Take the ladder straight up into the bedroom area, printed into the eye is the folk art treasures, highlighting the elegant taste and identity of the owner.


The oversized master bedroom is ivory white in color, and the side is embellished with dark gray wood veneer. The transparent space vision is open and wide, and the spot light of the wall lamp gives the space a hazy illusion.


The extension space at the end of the bed allows residents to enjoy tea and reading here, and open the window to enter the forest when they are free.

梳妆桌饰品以流苏珍珠宝石为主点缀旗袍,江南女子端庄典雅映韵眼帘。双面盆与独立浴缸组成的干湿分离的全功能设计,诠释私密有度的奢适之境,赋予其细水长流的美感与安然。The dressing table jewelry is mainly decorated with tassels and pearls, and the elegant charm of Jiangnan women is printed into the eyes. Double basin and independent bathtub composed of dry and wet separation fully functional design, interpretation of privacy.


Su Hang rich beyond all measure, and hidden in a relaxed posture.

项目名称:龙湖 · 杭州湖前印院叠拼Project Name:Longfor · Villa model room of Xianghu in Hangzhou项目地点:浙江省杭州市Project Location:Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province业主团队:付钰、龚崇伟、王磊Owner Team:Yu Fu, Chongwei Gong, Lei Wang室内设计:研质共设Interior Design:Research Commune Design摄      影:初一图志 | 404NF STUDIOPhotography:Chu Yi Tu Zhi | 404NF STUDIO



Research commune design is an innovative, forward-looking and exploratory design company. Committed to all space art research, professional covers architectural space, interior design, art furnishings of hotel, commercial, private residence, catering, clubhouse and other fields of comprehensive services and soft decoration, art solutions.Research commune design conveys a kind of power without a kind of real emotion, hoping that all things will be presented in an organic, free, relaxed and joyful state in the contemporary context.

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