行动起来! 反对FBI局长抹黑所有中国学生学者的言论
OCAA、APAPA近日参与策划了全美14个全国社团联名致信给FBI局长Wray (在这儿下载此信:http://bit.ly/WrayLetter --由于微信的限制,需要把链接复制到浏览器的地址栏,下同),要求与他会面进行澄清说明他的言论。鉴于近些年发生了多起华裔科学家被政府错误当作间谍指控、接着又撤诉的冤案,这些组织要求FBI建立起与亚裔社区长期沟通对话的机制。现在,是我们每个人行动起来的时候了!
1. 在这个网站http://bit.ly/RequestMeetingWithWray 表达你的看法,支持14个社团的对FBI的要求。
2. 联系你的参议员、众议员,表达你的意见。在这个网站输入邮编可以查到你的议员的联系方法:https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members。如何讲?样本文字见下。
3. 向你周围的亲友、同事宣传。
I am a constituent from [City, State]. I am calling to express my concerns about the FBI Director’s remarks during a recent Senate hearing. He made a blanket statement that characterized all Chinese students, professors and scientists as potential spies. By making such statements, he is approving law enforcement to target people based on their ethnic background and national origin. This is against the American values and federal laws. There are several examples of innocent Chinese Americans being wrongfully accused as spies, which caused severe damage to their life and family. I’d like to ask my congressman/senator to
Call on the FBI Director to clarify his statement, and reaffirm that the FBI will not engage in profiling based on national origin or ethnicity.
Encourage the FBI Director to speak to the coalition of 14 national organizations that sent him a letter on March 1 calling for a dialogue between the FBI and the Asian American community.
Assure the voters in [your congressional district or state] that the congressman/senator will not tolerate broad profiling based on a person’s ethnic identity or national origin.
1. 《高等教育》网:The Chinese Student Threat? (2月15日) http://bit.ly/HigherEd_Wray
2. 华裔议员严厉谴责Rubio和Wray针对中国学生的极端言论 (2月15日)
3. APAPA 声明:Supporting CAPAC Members’ Statement Against Rubio and Wray’sRemarks Singling Out Chinese Students and Scientists http://bit.ly/apapaStatement_Wray
4. 百人会声明:Denounces Broad Brush Stereotyping and Targeting of Chinese Students and Academics http://bit.ly/c100Statement_Wray
5. UCA 声明:UCA Statement on Senator MarcoRubio’s and FBI Director Chris Wray http://bit.ly/ucaStatement_Wray
6. Daily Beast: FBI Director’s Shock Claim:Chinese Students Are a Potential Threat (2月13日) http://bit.ly/DailyBeast_Wray
【注】本文中文文字由OCAA原创,但是没有开启原创设置,欢迎各社团、公众号转发本文,并且进行裁剪,加上自己的的标识,以方便更好的调动一切可以调动的朋友,共同为华裔争取社会平等而努力!文中的链接由UCA和OCAA代表14个全国社团共同维护,敬请请不要改动。谢谢 |
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APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:apapa.org。OCAA的全名是Ohio Chinese American Association,是由俄亥俄华人成立的非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org。