

陈超美 科学知识前沿图谱 2019-06-30


Suggestions of new glossary entries and references are welcome. Email me at


Betweenness centrality

A metric of a node in a network that measures how likely  an arbitrary shortest path in the network will go through the node.

·            Freeman, L. C. (1979).  Centrality in social networks: Conceptual clarification. Social Networks,  1, 215-239.

·            Brandes, U. A faster  algorithm for betweenness centrality. Journal of Mathematical Sociology,   25, 2 (2001), 163-177.

Burst terms

Single or multi-word phrases extracted from the title,  abstract, or other fields of a bibliographic record and the frequency of the  term bursts, i.e. sharply increases, over a period of time.

·            Kleinberg, J. Bursty and  hierarchical structure in streams. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGKDD  International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2002), ACM Press, 2002, 91-101.


An instance that a publication references to another  publication.

·            Price, D. D. Networks of  scientific papers. Science, 149 (1965), 510-515.

·            Garfield, E., Citation Indexing: Its Theory and  Applications in Science, Technology, and Humanities. 1979, New York: John Wiley.

Citation half-life

The number of years that a publication receives half of  its citations since its publication.

Citation tree-rings

Outwards growing rings of a node to depict its time  series of citations. The thickness of a ring is proportional to the citations  in the corresponding year.

Cluster view

A network is visualized in a modified spring-embedder  node placement algorithm.


Authors who appear in the author field of the same  bibliographic record.


An instance in which two items, such as authors,  documents, or journals, that are cited by a publication.

·            Small, H. G. A co-citation  model of a scientific specialty: A longitudinal study of collagen research. Soc.  Stud. Sci., 7 (1977), 139-166.

·            Braam, R.R., H.F. Moed, and  A.F.J.v. Raan, Mapping of science by combined co-citation and word analysis  II: Dynamical aspects. Journal of the American Society for Information Science,  1991. 42(4): p. 252-266.

·            White, H.D. and K.W. McCain,  Visualizing a discipline: An author co-citation analysis of information  science, 1972-1995. Journal of the American Society for Information Science,  1998. 49(4): p. 327-356.

·            Chen, C. (2003) . Springer.

Color map

A spectrum of colors used by CiteSpace to depict  temporal order of observations.

EM clustering

Expectation Maximization (EM) clustering nodes based on  various attributes such as citations, citation half-life, and betweenness  centrality. The use of temporal attributes can help the visualization of  emerging trends.

·            Dempster, A.,  N. Laird, and D. Rubin, Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM  algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 1977. 39(1):  p. 1-38.

·            Witten, I.H. and E. Frank, Data Mining:  Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations.  1999: Morgan Kaufmann. 416.

·            Chen, C.  (2005) Measuring the movement of a research paradigm. Visualization and  Data Analysis (). San Jose, CA. Jan. 17-18, 2005. SPIE. pp. 63-76. http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~cc345/papers/vda2005.pdf

MeSH terms

Medical Subject Heading terms are a set of controlled  vocabulary compiled by the National Library of Medicine. CiteSpace shows MeSH  terms assigned to nodes if there are matches in PubMed.

Pathfinder network scaling

A network scaling algorithm that removes links that  violate triangle inequality conditions so as to simplify a network by  retaining salient links and paths only.

·            Schvaneveldt,  R. W. (ed.), Pathfinder Associative Networks: Studies in Knowledge  Organization. Ablex Publishing Corporations, Norwood, New Jersey, 1990.

·            Chen, C.  (1997) . ACM  Conference on Hypertext (Hypertext’97). Southampton, UK. ACM Press. pp. 177-186. http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~cc345/papers/ht97.pdf

·            Chen, C.  (1998) . Interacting with  Computers, 10, 107-128.

·            Chen, C.  & Paul, R. J. (2001) . IEEE  Computer, 34(3), 65-71.

Pivotal points

see Turning points.

Publication types

Study design types extracted from PubMed for clinical  trial studies, including meta-analysis and randomized clinical trials.


Visualized networks rendered by fading out links that  are not connecting pivotal points.


Selection criteria used by CiteSpace – items must have  measures above threshold values to be included in modeling and visualization  processes.

Time slicing

A divide-and-conquer strategy that divides a period of  time into a series of smaller windows.

·            Chen, C. Searching for  intellectual turning points: Progressive Knowledge Domain Visualization. Proc.  Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101 (2004), 5303-5310. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0307513100v1.pdf

Time-zone view

A restricted view in which the movement of nodes is  limited to vertical time zones corresponding to the time of their  publication.

Turning points

Nodes of high betweenness centralities (> 1.00). Such  nodes tend to be critical in network transitions from one time slice to  another.

·            Chen, C.  (2005) Int'l Conf. on  Intelligent User Interfaces ().San Diego, CA. January 9 - 12, 2005. ACM Press.  pp. 98-105.


