Suggestions of new glossary entries and references are welcome. Email me at
Betweenness centrality | A metric of a node in a network that measures how likely an arbitrary shortest path in the network will go through the node. · Freeman, L. C. (1979). Centrality in social networks: Conceptual clarification. Social Networks, 1, 215-239. · Brandes, U. A faster algorithm for betweenness centrality. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 25, 2 (2001), 163-177. |
Burst terms | Single or multi-word phrases extracted from the title, abstract, or other fields of a bibliographic record and the frequency of the term bursts, i.e. sharply increases, over a period of time. · Kleinberg, J. Bursty and hierarchical structure in streams. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2002), ACM Press, 2002, 91-101. |
Citation | An instance that a publication references to another publication. · Price, D. D. Networks of scientific papers. Science, 149 (1965), 510-515. · Garfield, E., Citation Indexing: Its Theory and Applications in Science, Technology, and Humanities. 1979, New York: John Wiley. |
Citation half-life | The number of years that a publication receives half of its citations since its publication. |
Citation tree-rings | Outwards growing rings of a node to depict its time series of citations. The thickness of a ring is proportional to the citations in the corresponding year. |
Cluster view | A network is visualized in a modified spring-embedder node placement algorithm. |
Co-authors | Authors who appear in the author field of the same bibliographic record. |
Co-citation | An instance in which two items, such as authors, documents, or journals, that are cited by a publication. · Small, H. G. A co-citation model of a scientific specialty: A longitudinal study of collagen research. Soc. Stud. Sci., 7 (1977), 139-166. · Braam, R.R., H.F. Moed, and A.F.J.v. Raan, Mapping of science by combined co-citation and word analysis II: Dynamical aspects. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1991. 42(4): p. 252-266. · White, H.D. and K.W. McCain, Visualizing a discipline: An author co-citation analysis of information science, 1972-1995. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1998. 49(4): p. 327-356. · Chen, C. (2003) . Springer. |
Color map | A spectrum of colors used by CiteSpace to depict temporal order of observations. |
EM clustering | Expectation Maximization (EM) clustering nodes based on various attributes such as citations, citation half-life, and betweenness centrality. The use of temporal attributes can help the visualization of emerging trends. · Dempster, A., N. Laird, and D. Rubin, Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 1977. 39(1): p. 1-38. · Witten, I.H. and E. Frank, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations. 1999: Morgan Kaufmann. 416. · Chen, C. (2005) Measuring the movement of a research paradigm. Visualization and Data Analysis (). San Jose, CA. Jan. 17-18, 2005. SPIE. pp. 63-76. |
MeSH terms | Medical Subject Heading terms are a set of controlled vocabulary compiled by the National Library of Medicine. CiteSpace shows MeSH terms assigned to nodes if there are matches in PubMed. |
Pathfinder network scaling | A network scaling algorithm that removes links that violate triangle inequality conditions so as to simplify a network by retaining salient links and paths only. · Schvaneveldt, R. W. (ed.), Pathfinder Associative Networks: Studies in Knowledge Organization. Ablex Publishing Corporations, Norwood, New Jersey, 1990. · Chen, C. (1997) . ACM Conference on Hypertext (Hypertext’97). Southampton, UK. ACM Press. pp. 177-186. · Chen, C. (1998) . Interacting with Computers, 10, 107-128. · Chen, C. & Paul, R. J. (2001) . IEEE Computer, 34(3), 65-71. |
Pivotal points | see Turning points. |
Publication types | Study design types extracted from PubMed for clinical trial studies, including meta-analysis and randomized clinical trials. |
Spotlight | Visualized networks rendered by fading out links that are not connecting pivotal points. |
Thresholds | Selection criteria used by CiteSpace – items must have measures above threshold values to be included in modeling and visualization processes. |
Time slicing | A divide-and-conquer strategy that divides a period of time into a series of smaller windows. · Chen, C. Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive Knowledge Domain Visualization. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101 (2004), 5303-5310. |
Time-zone view | A restricted view in which the movement of nodes is limited to vertical time zones corresponding to the time of their publication. |
Turning points | Nodes of high betweenness centralities (> 1.00). Such nodes tend to be critical in network transitions from one time slice to another. · Chen, C. (2005) Int'l Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces ().San Diego, CA. January 9 - 12, 2005. ACM Press. pp. 98-105. |