

吴红岩 医药荐客 2022-01-04

共计7个职位,级别从scientist 到 principal scientist,加了详细的职责要求,文章较长,可以根据编号,跳过自己不感兴趣的章节。

1.     Bioinformatics

2.     Exosomes technology

3.     Discovery Screening

4.     mRNA Display

5.     Protein Chemistry

6.     Protein Chemistry- exosome

7.     Molecular Biology


1 Bioinformatics


  1. PhD in bioinformatics or equivalent research experience

  2. Knowledge of biological mechanisms andapplication of computational biology methods (preferably in the pharmaceuticalindustry)

  3. Experience with common bioinformatics programming languages (e.g. Python, R, Bash) as well as package, dependency andenvironment management tools

  4. Demonstrated skills in the analysis ofmultiple large scale human omics datasets such transcriptomics and proteomics

  5. Ability and strong drive to solve complexproblems individually and in a team, with minimal supervision

  6. Excellent interpersonal skills with anability to respond to shifting priorities in a dynamic setting

  7. Ability to communicate proficiently withnon-experts, both verbally and non-verbally


2 Exosomes technology


1.   Spearheaddevelopment of exosome therapy platform

2.   Designand execute pharmacology studies to evaluate tissue distribution and efficacyof engineered exosomes in preclinical animal models

3.   Provideexosome biology and technology expertise and input to project

4.   Identifytechnology opportunities and drive external collaboration

5.   Scientificnetwork with internal and external shareholders and stakeholders


1.     A Ph.D. in medical, biomedical, pharmaceutical, biology,biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics or relevant disciplines

2.     Experience working with exosomes,liposomes or nanoparticles is a must

3.     Demonstrated scientific creativity such asgood track record of publication and/or proposing new hypothesis drivenresearch project

4.     Ability to influence, communicate andcollaborate across a global organization

5.     Knowledge and training in chemicalengineering, vesicle biology or disease areas such as diabetes, obesity,cardiovascular disease and NASH are preferred


3 DiscoveryScreening


1. Independently develop, optimize andvalidate biochemical and biological assays for metabolic diseases

2.Oversee, maintain, and continuouslyimprove the infrastructure and workflow of arrayed or pooled genome widescreening

3.Planand establish work schedule based on screening campaign plans. Ensure timelinesand quality meet requirements

4.Reportresults to stakeholders effectively in every form of communication

5.Monitorliterature for relevant technologies for target discovery and biology ofmetabolic diseases and distill the information to contribute to innovation


1. Ph.D.in biology, cell biology, molecular biology or related disciplines; overseaeducation or work is a plus

2. Expertisein and working knowledge of atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease (PAD),cardiovascular disease, stroke, general vascular disease biology and lipidology

3. Expertknowledge of currently available atherosclerosis preventatives and therapeuticsincluding small molecules, ribonucleotides, large molecules, cell-derivedproducts, and cell-based therapies

4. Superiorknowledge of the current preventative and therapeutic developmental andclinical testing landscapes/pipelines for atherosclerosis and vascular disease,with a strong focus on and demonstrable record of practical intervention

5. Experience with genome wide CRISPR-Cas9, Orfeome, or RNAiscreens

Additional requirements:

1.  Working experience with tissue-targeting or siRNA ispreferred

2. Highlycollaborative and interpersonal skills

3. Effective verbal and written communication skills

4. Ability to network, expand influence, and achieve successin a globalized research setting

5. Demonstrated record of practical, translational thinkingand accomplishments

6.  Solid organization and time management skills

7. Proven problem-solving skills and track record of drivingchange


4 mRNA Display

The Position

You will be responsible to set upan mRNA display platform for novel peptide drug discovery, as well as the partof a project team to provide protein expression expertise to offer solutionsfor protein production.


This position reports to the headof the Molecular Biology Department. Position requires strong communication skills to build relationshipswith internal and external stakeholders.

Essential Functions

1.  Position combineshands-on bench work with the leadership of scientific projects and/ormentorship of research associates.  Hasoverall responsibility in the technology expertise area as a team member, andmay lead such a project as a project manager or coordinator.

2. Establishment of thestate-of-art mRNA display technology tools and platforms in supportingtherapeutic peptide drug development

3. Application ofdisplay technologies to provide solutions for hit identification and maturation

4. Provide expertisewithin Molecular Biology and establish various expression systems for anyprotein of interest. 


1.  A Ph.D. in medical,biomedical, pharmaceutical, biology, biotechnology, or relevant disciplines

2. Demonstratedscientific creativity such as good track record of publication and/or proposingnew hypothesis driven research project

3.  Background in organicchemistry, particularly medicinal chemistry, or chemical modification ofpeptides,  is strongly preferred

4. Industrial experiencesin a R&D organization is a plus

5. Excellent oral andwritten communication skills

6. Ability to influence,communicate and collaborate across a global organization

7. Demonstratesexpertise in scientific field and ability to apply skills to contribute toorganization strategy


5 ProteinChemistry

1. Spearhead developmentof protein-based discovery platforms for new MOAs, new molecular formats, andnew drug delivery systems

2. Design and executeprotein purification, characterization, and/or pre-formulation experiments

3. Provide proteinchemistry expertise and input to projects and technology platforms

4. Function asdepartment representative in evaluating and establishing externalcollaborations

5. Scientific networkwith internal and external shareholders and stakeholders


1.  A Ph.D. in medical,biomedical, pharmaceutical, biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics orrelevant disciplines

2. Demonstratedscientific creativity such as good track record of publication and/or proposingnew hypothesis driven research project

3. Ability to influence,communicate and collaborate across a global organization

4. Profound expertise inscientific field and ability to apply skills to contribute to organizationstrategy

5. Industrial experiencein an R&D organization (5+ years) within protein/peptide therapeuticsand/or drug discovery is preferred

6.  Knowledge andtraining in diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, NASH and other seriouschronic disease areas are preferred

7. Background in organicchemistry, particularly medicinal chemistry is a plus

8.  Knowledge andexpertise in protein structural analysis, protein design and modelling is aplus


6 Protein Chemistry-exosome


1. Spearhead developmentof exosome therapy platform

2. Design and executeexosome isolation, purification and characterization experiments

3. Provide exosomebiology and technology expertise and input to project

4. Identify technologyopportunities and drive external collaboration

5. Scientific networkwith internal and external shareholders and stakeholders


1. A Ph.D. in medical,biomedical, pharmaceutical, biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics orrelevant disciplines

2. Experience workingwith exosomes, liposomes or nanoparticles is a must

3. Demonstratedscientific creativity such as good track record of publication and/or proposingnew hypothesis driven research project

4. Ability to influence,communicate and collaborate across a global organization

5.  Knowledge andtraining in diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, NASH and other seriouschronic disease areas are preferred


7 MolecularBiology


1. Establishment ofstate-of-the-art display technology tools and platforms in supportingtherapeutic antibody and peptide drug development

2. Application ofdisplay technologies to provide solutions for hit identification, andmaturation

3. Provide expertisewithin Molecular Biology and establish various expression systems for anyprotein of interest.

4. Function asdepartment representative in evaluating and establishing externalcollaborations

5. Scientific networkwith internal and external stakeholders


1. A Ph.D. in medical,biomedical, pharmaceutical, biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics orrelevant disciplines

2. Demonstratedscientific creativity such as good track record of publication and/or proposingnew hypothesis driven research project

3. Ability to influence,communicate and collaborate across a global organization

4. Profound expertise inscientific field and ability to apply skills to contribute to organizationstrategy

5. Industrial experiencein an R&D organization (5+ years) within protein/peptide therapeuticsand/or drug discovery is preferred

6. Knowledge andtraining in diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, NASH and other seriouschronic disease areas are preferred

7. Background in organicchemistry, particularly medicinal chemistry is a plus

8. Knowledge andexpertise in protein structural analysis, protein design and modelling is aplus




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