
【SPURS 新展】周岩:微暗的火

S SPURS Gallery 2021-02-05

SPURS Gallery(马刺画廊)荣幸地宣布将于12月12日(下周六)推出艺术家周岩在画廊的首场个展“微暗的火”,展出周岩在芝加哥、北京生活和工作期间所创作的五件时基作品和装置,将在Gallery II呈现。 “微暗的火”的命名源自美国俄裔作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫创作的长篇小说。周岩参考书中碎片化的叙事策略对展览内容进行解构。作品中对个人经历近乎残忍的解剖,和可被重复解读的信息呈现方式,体现了他以自身为载体对环境差异与文化差异的过载试验。他通过对多种素材资源的处理,如,电子游戏,西方视听文化,城市规划变迁等内容,去探索私人情感与广义概念中生命本质之间的对撞关系。 “微暗的火指向着我过去经历的几段人生转折,在幽暗的转角处火光被墙壁所遮挡,变得更加黑暗。窗帘的倒影在火光的映衬下扭曲跳动。微暗的火也指向着希望,即使微暗的不足以被人察觉。”



SPURS Gallery | Gallery II

周岩,《我们可以在一起》,2020,单通道高清视频,录像,尺寸可变,10'36''(视频截图) | Zhou Yan, We Can Be Together, 2020, Single channel digital video, Size Variable,  10’36’’©SPURS Gallery

SPURS Gallery is honored to announce that it will launch artist Zhou Yan’s first solo exhibition “Pale Fire”, presents five time-based works and installations, all created in the last few years, during which he has been living and working between Chicago and Beijing. The exhibition will be presented in Galery II.


“Pale Fire” borrows its title from a novel by Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov. Referencing the novel’s use of fragmentation as a narrative strategy, Zhou Yan sets out to dissect the works in the exhibition itself. The pieces on view are marked by the artist’s near-brutal vivisection of personal experiences, and all share a particular manner of presentation that leaves room for re-interpretation—evidencing a profound, experimental investigation of environmental and cultural differences, using himself as the medium. By taking up a wide range of subjects and sources, from video games and Western audiovisual culture to the ebb and flow of urban plans, the artist explores the conflicting relationship between private emotions and the essence of life broadly construed.


Pale fire illuminates several watershed moments from my past. Each gloomy corner catches the firelight, casting into darkness what lies beyond. The shadow of the curtain twists and pulses against the fire. But pale fire also shines on hope, even when it’s too dim to notice.

Zhou Yan: Pale Fire


SPURS Gallery | Gallery II





周岩在创作中通常探讨由个体与群体的共生状况所衍生的问题。他此前的作品多使用类比、置换、模拟等方式演进特定场域对个体生存状态的影响,并选取当代艺术与亚文化发展过程中的具体案例作为参考线索。他主要使用的媒介包含影像装置、交互游戏、艺术家书等。他参加的展览包括: 个人项目“竞技场”(掩体空间,北京,2019);“太阳以西”(PPPP空间,北京,2019);部分群展:“梦饮酒者”(实验影像中心,2020);“游戏的终结”(鸿坤美术馆,北京,2018);“时间的狂喜:重塑认知的媒介”(何香凝美术馆,深圳,2017);第30届斯图加特冬季电影节多媒体单元(斯图加特,2017);TYPEFORCE 8(芝加哥,2017);E.M.B.C.L (Flux Factory,纽约,2017)。放映:Shards from the mirror of history”(Gene Siskel电影中心,芝加哥,2019);“旧写真” (第65届奥伯豪森电影节,奥伯豪森,2019);第14届希腊数字艺术节(雅典音乐厅,雅典,2018);艺术家书收藏于芝加哥Joan Flash Artist Book Collection。


Zhou Yan (b. 1984, Beijing) received his BFA in Visual Communication from the School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts, and his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.


Zhou’s practice is often inspired by the circumstances under which individuals and populations coexist. Drawing upon episodes from the history of contemporary art and subcultures as references, his previous works frequently confront the entanglement between a specific site and an individual’s existential state. He is interested in using juxtaposition, displacement, and simulation as forms of exploration. The artistic mediums that he mainly engages with include video installation, interactive game, and artist books. His works have been exhibited at various international venues and programs, including solo exhibitions “No Quarters,” the Bunker Space, Beijing, 2019; “West of the Sun,” PPPP space, Beijing, 2019; group exhibitions: “Wake up Crying”, Centre for Experimental Film 2020; “Old Images”—the 65th International Film Festival Oberhausen, Oberhausen, Germany, 2019; the 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival, Athens, Greece, 2018; “The Ecstasy of Time: Reframing the Medium of Knowing”, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China, 2017; The Stuttgart Filmwinter Expanded Media, Stuttgart, Germany, 2017; E.M.B.C.L, Flux Factory, New York, United State, 2017. He also has four artist books collected by the Joan Flash Artist Book Collection, Chicago, United State.




SPURS Gallery | 朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06,北京


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