
【SPURS 新展】欧劲:圣特蕾莎的沉迷

S SPURS Gallery 2021-02-04

SPURS Gallery(马刺画廊)荣幸地宣布于2021年1月9日(下周六)推出欧劲的个展“圣特蕾莎的沉迷”,这也是艺术家继2016年 在画廊的首场个展后,对于近两年全新创作的集中展示,将在Gallery I 呈现。


如何脱离自身局限去直面真实、看待事物?特蕾莎1. 借助癫痫状态与上帝对话,癫痫可以看作是脑电波无序电击肉身产生的前所未有的震颤,这种震颤类似于作品制作过程中软件通过改变数值对模型进行的拉扯、扭曲而随机的生成。伴随机器的滋滋声,我们自以为一切都还在掌握之中的时候,可曾预料到新创世的到来?拥抱神性是否正在被万物的自由意志所抛弃?面对生长于废墟中的数值,肉身强烈的震颤碰触到了意识的边界。


1. 特蕾莎是16世纪西班牙的一位修女。少年病患癫痫,遂潜心修炼、一心侍奉上帝。每当病发,便失神落魄、脑际幻觉丛生。据特蕾莎所述,她能因此“看到”种种奇境。

欧劲:圣特蕾莎的沉迷2021.1.9-2.28SPURS Gallery | Gallery I

欧劲,《无题-170》,2019,木板、丙烯、综合材料,200×200cm | Ou Jin, Untitled-170, 2019, Wood, acrylic, mixed materials, 200×200cm © SPURS Gallery

SPURS Gallery is pleased to present "Ou Jin: The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa". Succeeding the artist’s 2016 first solo exhibition at the gallery, this exhibition features new work developed over the past two years. The exhibition opens on 9 January 2021 (next Saturday) and is on display at Gallery I. 

Artist's Statement:

How to step out of the constraints of oneself to face reality, to see things?  St. Teresa 1. was able to talk to God with the help of ecstatic epilepsy which can be seen as the body experiencing electric-shocks by disordered brainwaves and entering into an unprecedented treble. Such tremble is akin to how models are pulled and dragged and distorted by changing input values in software which produces random generation. Accompanied by the sizzling noise in machines, we assume that everything is under control despite a looming new genesis. Is embracing divinity being deserted by the free will of all things? Confronted by values growing out of ruins, the body's intense tremble verges on the boundary of consciousness.
Human extinction isn’t the end of the world. If the world conforms to the free will of all things, and within this destiny we live, then what’s the meaning of human existence? What’s the significance of artists? Are we chosen? No, we are a swarm, we cooperate, we are the humming of fluttering wings. Are we building a beautiful dome? Or are we fabricating a palatial coffin pit? When can we discover the reality of St. Teresa’s ecstasy?
The abstract elements in "that thing" originate in the derivation of the mathematics, code, and operational logic involved in my creative process. The work gradually transitioned from the stage of simple code and computation to the complex. As scientists’ code evolved, the form of my work propagated and grew. On the one hand, I respect the outcomes of scientific operations. On the other hand, I accentuate the significance of human as a variable. It is abstract no less than concrete. Based on researches on subjects ranging from man-made objects to natural creations, the computation began with simple code and computed more and more complexly to generate alarming visual forms, which are limited by the computing power available and material and technological means on hand. In ecstasy, St. Teresa saw the creator, the destiny of mankind. Human technologies are always trying to near the creator— the simulation ofcells, bacterium, organic lives, and geology digitalised; my work deduces the process of creation and visually excites viewers. Available visual forms can not deliver the world view I express, here I materialise art.

— Ou Jin

1. Teresa of Ávila, also called Saint Teresa of Jesus (28 March 1515 – 4 or 15 October 1582), was a Spanish noblewoman who felt called to convent life in the Catholic Church. Her zeal for mortification caused her to become ill again and she spent almost a year in bed, causing huge worry to her community and family. She nearly died but she recovered, attributing her recovery to the miraculous intercession of St. Joseph. She began to experience instances of religious ecstasy. She reported that, during her illness, she had risen from the lowest stage, "recollection", to the "devotions of silence" or even to the "devotions of ecstasy", which was one of perfect union with God.

Ou Jin: The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa2021.1.9-2.28SPURS Gallery | Gallery I


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