
【SPURS 新展】瑞贝卡·哈珀:眨眼间,海水浸润睫毛

s SPURS Gallery



Gallery II|SPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06





展览将在马刺画廊Gallery II持续展出至2023年8月27日。

Rebecca Harper: Blinking through Salt Lashes

July 22–August 27, 2023

Gallery II | SPURS Gallery, D-06, 798 Art Zone, 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing

SPURS Gallery is pleased to present “Blinking through Salt Lashes,” an exhibition by UK artist Rebecca Harper on July 22, 2023. This will be Harper’s first exhibition with the gallery and will showcase 6 paintings and small installations that she produced in the past year.

Harper was born in 1989 in London, and grew up in Old Isleworth on the flowing River Thames. The concept of water therefore holds an expansive and profound meaning for her, especially as a member of the Jewish diaspora residing in Britain. Water is simultaneously “home” and a vessel through which she connects herself with life, others, and the entire world. To a great extent, Harper uses painting to process and record her “selfhood” and respond to personal and cultural memories, place, literature, and mythologies. She reworks materials that she has garnered through collection and observation, and situates her protagonists in reflective and fragmented environments fluidly constructed from these elements. It is her metaphor for the state of displacement and the attempt at belonging.

Harper’s works are informed by life, the visual language of the theatre, histories of painting and folk imagery. The female figures in the large-scale paintings are both protagonists of the works and Harper’s own spiritual avatar. Selkies are mythical creatures from Scottish and Irish lore, who shapeshift between seals and humans by wearing or shedding seal skins. While they are known to be seals in the sea, they can dance as humans ashore; but if a selkie’s skin is stolen by a human who pries upon her dancing, they are impelled to fall in love with them, forever stuck in human form and separated from the water. Harper is very much inspired by the selkies inherent paradoxical positioning, and through painting selkies repeatedly, explores her own shapeshifting emotions and identities.

Half of the exhibition space will be covered by a reflective silvery surface, mimicking the dual worlds of land and water. The works all bear a dim aura that is resemblant of light found during dusk or dawn — luminescent, hazy and glittering. The figures exist in surroundings that are both familiar and otherworldly. Throughout the images, Harper reconciles the multiplicities of belonging and the fluidity and displacement of the body and the soul. Just as she said, much of what she makes “tries to frame the presence of absence, addressing a space in which to look compassionately at challenging the ideas of settlement, and the often contradictory positions and the multiplicity of paradoxes inherent in themes of ‘otherness’”.

The exhibition will be on view in Gallery II at SPURS Gallery until August 27, 2023.



哈珀已经在Anima Mundi画廊举办了三次英国个展,包括伦敦艺博会、她在Anima Mundi画廊的首展(2019,该展收到了Jackie Wullshlager刊载于《金融时报》的评论),以及“The Waters of Dwelling”(2021)。其他个展包括:“眨眼间,海水浸润睫毛”,马刺画廊,北京(2023);线上展“NOW”(2020);Huxley Parlour画廊,伦敦(2019)。近期群展:Fitzrovia画廊,伦敦;Clint Roenisch画廊,多伦多;Natasha Arselan画廊,伦敦;Bloom画廊,圣特罗佩。

哈珀曾获得“关注女性青年大师奖”,并被Artsy列入“最值得关注的女性艺术家”。她还曾于2021年获得John Moores绘画奖,于2018年获得南伦敦美术馆Bloomberg New Contemporaries奖。

哈珀的作品为众多国际公私藏家收藏,包括India Rose James、尤伦斯夫妇和皇家收藏等。

Rebecca Harper was born in London in 1989, where she lives and works. She studied at UWE Bristol 2008, The Royal Drawing School 2013 and Turps Art School 2016; and is now Associate lecturer in Painting at Camberwell College of Arts, The University of the Arts London, Drawing at The Royal Drawing school London, and at UWE Bristol.


Harper has had three UK solo presentations with Anima Mundi Gallery, including The London Art Fair, a debut show at Anima Mundi Gallery in 2019 receiving reviews in the FT by Jackie Wullshlager, and “The Waters of Dwelling” in 2021. Other solo presentations include “Blinking Through Salt Lashes,” SPURS Gallery, Beijing (2023); online showcase “NOW” (2020); Huxley Parlour Gallery, London (2019). Recent group shows: Fitzrovia Gallery, London; Clint Roenisch Gallery, Toronto; Natasha Arselan Gallery, London; Bloom Gallery, St Tropez.


Harper has been awarded the ‘Focus on the female Young Masters Award’, and selected by Artsy’s Curatorial showcase as ‘First women artists to watch’. She was selected for both The John Moores Painting Prize in 2021 and for Bloomberg New Contemporaries in 2018 at the South London Gallery. 


Harper is represented in many private and public collections internationally Including India Rose James, The Ullens and the Royal Collections.

SPURS 正在展出



Gallery I|SPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06


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