
新诗简•迎春 || 汉诗英译(2):如果那灯盏仍旧没有熄灭

简笺 新诗简 2021-12-23




本期作者:李栋   张常美   阿麦   宗小白   鹿   鹤轩  译文:简笺

◆ 告  别  /李栋

◆ Farewell  /Li Dong
Farewell is that a person removes excessfrom the bodyFor example, missing is one of themRejection is another wayIt could also be like a child who got pregnant accidentallyThe pain of having to terminate pregnancyNowThe snow is falling more and more heavilyA line of footprints is just comingThe other line is gone(2020.1.23)

 灯  盏  /张常美
我们才能结束这一天 睡去。如果哪一天它彻夜亮着 不是因为我们有了难以了结的心事就是想用尽了这一天的所有光明 我们太疲惫了……在白天,如果那灯盏仍旧没有熄灭 不是因为我们的屋子太暗,就是因为那个人还没有从昨天的黑暗里醒来

◆ The lamp  /Zhang Changmei
Only by pressing the lamp to extinguish  above us Can we end the day
Go to sleep. If one day It lights up all night
Not because we have something difficult  to settle But because we want to use up all the light of the day
We are too tired… In the daytime, if the lamp still doesn't go out
It's either because our house is too dark, or because The man hasn't woken up from yesterday's darkness(2020.1.23)

◆ 老虎在侧  /阿麦
烈酒在怀  老虎在枕上吻他的女人 世界很小只见老虎在啸叫 嗷呜  嗷呜嗷呜 老虎在枕上吻他的女人

◆ Tiger on the side  /A Mai
Spirits in the bosom  the tiger is on the pillow 
Kissing his woman 
The world is very smallOnly the tiger is Roaring
RoaringAnd roaring
The tiger is on the pillowKissing his woman(2020.1.24)

 大雪之后  /宗小白
大雪之后神又宽恕了这个世界 所以,在一碗面里我又找到了埋在碗底的鸡蛋 这是一个冬日寻常的早晨鸡蛋洁白,冒着热气 其实,只要不去想着你我便和它一样 也没有什么需要神去宽恕的事情

◆ After the heavy snow  /Zong Xiaobai
After the heavy snowGod forgives the world again
So, in a bowl of noodlesI found the egg buried in the bottom again
It's an ordinary winter morningThe egg is white, and steaming
In fact, as long as I don't think about youJust like it
I have nothingThat needs God's forgiveness(2020.1.25)

◆ 即使我不爱你  /鹿 夜空浩淼,可放下那些词语星星一般闪烁风声从头顶翔过 鸟翅划破黑幕,山水和时光静谧,是最好的相处 玻璃碎片已嵌入岁月即使我不爱你废墟里盛开的玫瑰仍然饱含露水 

◆ Even if I don't love you  /Deer
The night sky is vast, you can put down those wordsTwinkle like the starsThe wind is flying overhead
Bird's wings cut through the darkness, landscape and timeQuiet, is the best way to get along
Glass fragments have been embedded in the yearsEven if I don't love youThe rose in the ruins is still full of dew (2020.1.25)

◆ 无意义写作  /鹤轩

◆ Meaningless writing  /Hexuan
This winter is extremely cold, the wind whistlesThrough the icicles of the eavesMy desires are frozen, including the expression of fragranceAll words become worthlessWhat has been accomplished is nothing more than devastating spontaneous combustionI gave up the so-called sacred thinkingUntil all meanings die outThen I'll open the throat of praise like a larkAnd more voices from the dark will come with meAccept the light shining from all sides(2020.1.26)


新诗简•迎春 || 汉诗英译(1):因为苍天在上 我愿埋首人间

【名家】张常美精选十五首大寒特辑•送雪归 || 是怎样的一种温暖
名家 ‖ 余怒新作二十首(1)镜中•梅花特辑 ‖ 想起一生中后悔的事
小寒•归乡特辑 ‖ 她的窗前,雪会覆满栅栏
新年,你好 ‖ 你带动所有的晨光
2020诗历·物语‖ 飞鸟留下的天空 让一棵树仰望多年




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主编:简   笺 





The poem for you.


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