
北京课改版三年级英语上册Unit4 Lesson13微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Lesson 13

Can you act ?

---Is your first class English?


---Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. 

---是的。/ 不,不是。

Can you read?

We go back to school on September 1st. We have two new pupils in our class. They are Sara and Mike. Sara is an American girl. Mike is a boy from Canada.

 我们九月一日回到学校。我们班有两个新来的学生。他们是Sara 和Mike. Sara是一个美国女孩。Mike 是一个来自加拿大的男孩。

We will have our sports day in November.Maomao will run a race. He runs fast.


Can you tell ?

September 10th is Teacher's Day.


Teacher's Day  教师节

happy  开心,快乐

make cards  制作卡片

draw pitctures  画画

We will have a sports day.


run a race  赛跑

do the long jump  跳远

do the high jump  跳高

run fast  跑得快

Can you write?

1.On the first floor lives a rabbit.  一楼住着一只兔子。

2.On the second floor lives a duck. 二楼住着一只鸭子。

3.On the third floor lives a dog. 三楼住着一只狗。

4.On the fourth floor lives a cat. 四楼住着一只猫。

5.On the fifth floor lives a pig.   五楼住着一只猪。

6.On the sixth floor lives a sheep. 六楼住着一只绵羊。

7.On the seventh floor lives a deer. 七楼住着一只鹿。

8.On the eighth floor lives a panda. 八楼住着一只熊猫。

9.On the ninth floor lives a monkey. 九楼住着一只猴子。

10.On the tenth floor lives a bird. 十楼住着一只鸟。


1.The panda sits in the eleventh row.  熊猫坐在第十一排。

2.The duck sits in the twelfth row. 鸭子坐在第十二排。

3.The dog sits in the thirteenth row. 狗坐在第十三排。

4.The cat sits in the fourteenth row. 猫坐在第十四排。

5.The pig sits in the fifteenth row.  猪坐在第十五排。

6.The sheep sits in the sixteenth row. 绵羊坐在第十六排。

7.The deer sits in the seventeenth row. 鹿坐在第十七排。

8.The rabbit sits in the eighteenth row. 兔子坐在第十八排。

9.The monkey sits in the nineteenth row.猴子坐在第十九排。

10.The bird sits in the twentieth row. 小鸟坐在第二十排。



