
闽教版三年级英语下册Review 1 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃三年级资源 2021-08-10



1. Look,think and say. 看一看,想一想,说一说。(练习)

3. Look, point and say. 看一看,指一指,说一说。

A Birthday Party生日宴会

birthday present生日礼物

card卡片               cake蛋糕        hat帽子

football足球          bike自行车    dog狗

cat猫        fish鱼    kite风筝

story book故事书    grapes葡萄    rabbit兔子

clock钟    bird鸟    swim游泳       skate滑冰

Happy birthday, Sally!生日快乐,萨利!

Here's your card.这是你的卡片。

Answer the questions:回答问题:

1. Is this Sally's 这是萨利的 

birthday party?生日宴会吗?

2. Can you see  你能看到 

a birthday cake?生日蛋糕吗?

3. How old is Sally?  萨利几岁了?

4. Can you see  你能看到 

a birthday card? 生日卡片吗?

4. Look and read. 看图读一读。

What's the time, Mom?几点了,妈妈?

It's seven o'clock.七点了。

What's the time now, Mom?现在几点了,妈妈?

It's eight o'clock.八点了。

Eight o'clock?八点了? 

Oh, no.哦,不。 

I'm late.我迟到了。

It's New Year's Day.今天是元旦。

5. Listen and learn 听听读读学 

the English sounds.语音。

a  cake蛋糕    name名字    skate滑冰    grapes葡萄

cat猫    hat帽子    bag书包    black黑色的

e  he他    me我    she她    we我们

egg蛋    red红色的    pen钢笔    hen母鸡

i  bike自行车    like喜欢    kite风筝    rice米饭

pig猪    fish鱼    six六    swim游泳

o  go去    no不    home家    nose鼻子

dog狗    box盒子    clock钟    stop停止



1. Our classroom is on the ___________floor. (第三)

2. Sally is ___________ ___________. (正在爬山)

3. Linda is ___________. (生气)

4. They are ___________ (正在打篮球) basketball.


1. (  ) A:When is Easter? B: It’s in  .

A: March  B: April  C: March and April

2. (  ) A: I have a new doll for my birthday. I’m very  .

A: happy  B: sad  C:tired

3. (  ) Peter is  100 meters.

A: running  B: jump  C: doing

4. (  ) They are going to  a mountain next Sunday.

A: climb  B: climbing  C: run

5. (  ) The music room is  the fourth floor.

A: in  B: on  C: for


1.Is Chen Ling good at doing long jump?

2.When is Peter’s birthday?

3.What are they going to do?

4.Where is the music room?

5.What is Hu Ping doing now?

四、阅读短文,判断正误。正确的用 T 表示,错误的用 F 表示。

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,I got your Easter card yesterday. Thank you. On Easter morning we had a party in the garden.

We looked for the eggs. I got nineteen eggs. Ben got twelve. Kate got two. We had a very good time.

My friends and I went for a spring outing on April 2nd . We climbed a mountain. We took somepictures. Here is one of them. Do you like it?

Happy Easter!


(  ) 1. Sally got an Easter card from her grandpa and grandma.

(  ) 2. On Easter they had a party.

(  ) 3. Sally looked for the eggs with Li Hong and Hu Ping.

(  ) 4. They got thirty-three eggs together( 总共 ).

(  ) 5. On April 1st , Sally went for a spring outing.

(  ) 6. They had a good time on April 2nd .

一 1.third2.climbing mountains 3.angry 4.playing

二.C A A A B

三.1.Yes, she is. 2.March 4 th . 3.They are going for a spring outing.

4.It’s on the third floor. 5.He is doing high jump.



