

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃三年级资源 2021-08-10







1-4 ADCB


1.cake   2.car    3.cat    4.card   5.football    6.rabbit


1. 它是一个兔子。

2. 它是一只鸟。

3. 生日快乐!

4. 这是什么?

5. 我们买个礼物吧!

Unit 2 单元测试题2


1.     You cannot c_________ with others in the job market if youdon’t have a special skill.

2.     The reporter tried to i___________ more people to collectmore information.

3.     The newspaper has lots of a___________, which help us to finda good job.

4.     The suspect(嫌疑人) a __________ his crimeto the police.

5.     He is an h__________ person. You can believe in him.

6.     The boy made a ____________ (诺言) to his parents about hisplans.

7.     The family has many _____________ (亲戚) in Canada.

8.     The __________ (有魔力的) tools are popular withyoung children.

II. 完成下列句子.

9.     I went to see my grandfather __________________________ (每几周).

10. He decided to travel by car ____________________ (而不是) by train.

11. He never listens to anything , expect when it___________________ (有关系) himself.

12. Since he has decided to go there, nothing will ______________(改变主意).

13. At last he ____________________________ (成功解决出) this problem.

14. I would ___________________ (用车接你) at the school gate.

15. It’s said that they ____________________________ (已经结婚10年了).

16. Tom admitted having cheated in the exam, _________________ (答应下次不会这样了).

III. 短语辨析

B.    be/get used to ; used to;

1. I _________ enjoygardening, but I don’t have enough time now.

2. It took me several daysto __________ living in this area.

3. Wood can __________ tobe made into paper.

C.    take part in; attend

1.     They ________ the heated discussion soon., which made me veryhappy.

2.     Born in Guangzhou, he ________high school in Jiangsu.

3.     Would you like to _________ the opening ceremony?

D.   join; join in;

1.     Li Ming doesn’t like to _________ the night club.

2.     They ________ us in complaining about service in this hotel.

3.     They took no interest in __________ the celebrations.

E.    as well, as well as; also; too; either

1.     We ________ went to see the film.

2.     I like walking, and I like watching TV, ________.

3.     You might ________ stay at home at this moment.

4.     He didn’t get the news, _________.

5.     She ____________ her parents is leaving for the First Island.

IV. 语法专练

1. Don’t worry about that.It _______________ (finish) next week.

2. She ________________ (meet)by her friends as soon as she arrives.

3. I hear that more thanone million dollars _______________ (spend) on the project.

4. Many chances______________ (lose) if you don’t work hard.

5. The sports meeting______________ (hold) next month.

V. 完形填空

My ears are recently fullof joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so coolthat I can’t help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect sills he has!”Yeah, I  1   to some degreethough I sometimes do want to  2  them how much they know about Beckham,apart from his appearance and how much they know about football apart from  3    goals. It seems funny that we are 4  for things, with which we are unfamiliaror about which we are uncertain, but we all, my friends as well as I, considerthis one of life’s  5  .

We need these pleasures tobright up our lives. But that doesn’t 6 to craziness or nonsense. As anold saying goes: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We 7 not judgeanything from its appearance. We should all know, it is one’s good 8 andgreat contribution that makes one a star and unforgettable. Therefore we’dbetter say  9  about Beckham’s good looks.

If we close our eyes,falling in deep 10  , we can findthat the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a clear meaning. Ifwe don’t go deeper and are just satisfied with  11  things, sooner or later we will find that wehave not really gained anything because our first  12   has blinded and misled(误导) us, and we’ll remain ignorant(无知的)   13   we realize that and make some changes.

It is believed thatthinking and going deeper than before is sign of great progress. If one day weare willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it  14  us,we will finally prove how much we have   15  up,how much more sensible, mature(成熟的), and intelligent(智慧的) we have become.

1. A like            B agree          C hope           D think

2. A ask        B tell        C teach           D doubt

3. A kicking      B hitting          C scoring          D controlling

4. A thankful           B crazy           C curious          D anxious

5. A aims          B qualities       C pleasures       D truths

6. A come         B increase        C amount         D rise

7. A dared       B would          C could           D should

8. A thinking           B character      C looks         D ability

9. A more          B something       Cless              D nothing

10. A love         B sleep        C sense            D thought

11. A material      B deep        C surface         D pleasant

12. A conclusion B experience  C lesson         D impression

13. A since        B although      C unless            D before

14. A worries       Bpains          C satisfies        D offers

15. A given       B sent           C built        D grown

VI. 阅读理解

   Whentraveling abroad, it is wise to carry your money in traveler's checks becausechecks are protected against loss or theft. If your checks are lost or stolen,the issuing authority will refund(赔偿) your money.

Not only are they safe, they are also convenient.They are available in different currencies(货币) and they can be cashed at most banksthroughout the world. Most shops, hotels and restaurants also accept them.Traveler's checks are very easy to use. When you collect them, you sign eachcheck once. The cashier enters the amount in your passport. When you cash, yousign each check again. The cashier will usually ask to see your passport againtoo.

To get traveler's checks you usually go to yourbank. They can be paid in cash or in other ways. Large amounts, however, mustbe ordered in advance.

For the safety and convenience of traveler's checks,you are charged two commissions (佣金,酬劳): an insurance commission when you buythem and an encashment commission when you cash them.

It is suitable to make a note of the serial numbersof your checks. Keep this separate from your traveler's checks.

1. People like to carry their money in traveler’s checks when travelingabroad, because______

A. they cannot be lost or stolen      B. they can be used anywhere

C. they are safe and handy          D. they can save travelers plenty of money

2. If your traveler's checks are lost orstolen, who will refund you?

A. The authority that issues you the passport.

B. The insurance company.  

C. The bank where you buy your checks.

D. The travel agency that arranges your travel.

3. You sign your traveler’s checkfor the second time in order to ________.

  A. get your passport                     B. cash it

  C. claim (要求)insurance                  D. pay forcommission

4. Which of the followingstatement is TRUE?

   A. You need not pay a commission forthe safety of your traveler’s checks.

   B. Peopleusually get traveler’s checks from foreign banks.

   C. Traveler’schecks can be exchanged for the money of the country you visit.

   D. You cannotget your passport until you get your traveler’s checks.

VII. 写作任务



写作内容:1 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约为30字;

          2 要健康还是要财富?这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120字。1)生命重要,健康是生命之本,要得到重视;2)没有健康,就失去创造财富的本钱;3)心理健康比身体健康更重要;4)人类要尊重自己的生命,不要践踏她。


In modern society, more and more people have greatpressure in their work. They have to work day and night. Some of them sufferfrom too much work. Some are even killed by the overwork.

Which is more important, health or wealth? Some peoplethink that wealth is more important than health. In their opinion, money iseverything. "I would rather be the slave of money than the slave of people.”Thisis what they appreciate most. In order to earn money, some of them spend mostof the time working, running the rest of their lives for wealth.

As a matter of fact, health is more important than wealthbecause health is the foundation of wealth. Without health, you can hardlyimagine where the wealth comes from. Even if you are wealthy, how can you enjoyyour wealth when you have lost your health? In other words, wealth is based onhealth and wealth serves health. However, we cannot ignore wealth. Withoutmoney, we can do nothing.


  1withthe development of…         2) livingstandard

  3) each coins has two sides.          4) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

  5) in poor condition                6) sth. is more important than…


I.                  单词拼写:

1. compete 2. interview 3. advertisements 4. admitted 5.honest 6. promise   7. relations /relatives 8. magical

II.               完成句子:

1. every few weeks 2. instead of / rather than  3.relates to / is related to 4. change his mind 5. succeeded in working out /managed to work out 6. pick you up 7. have been married for ten years  8. promising not to do that next time

III.     短语辨析:

      A: 1 used to        2get used to      3 be used to

      B: 1 took part in    2attended         3 attend

      C: 1 join          2 joined          3 joined in

      D: 1 also    2 too    3 aswell     4 either    5 as well as

V.     语法专练:

      1. will be finished     2.will be met     3. will be spent 

4. will be lost         5. is going to be held / will be held

VI.     完形填空: 1--5 BACBC      6--10CDBCD     11—15 CDCBD

VII.    阅读理解: 1-4  CCBC

VIII.    任务写作:

As the development of scientific technology, weenter the modern society, in which our living stand­ard can be raised greatly.However, each coin has two sides. We also have great pressure in this society.

Quite a lot of people work day and night, trying togain as much wealth as possible. Some of us prefer to get wealth rather thanhealth, which is leading their health to being poorer and poorer.

In my opinion, we should paygreat attention to our health because it's the basic of our lives. It's soimportant that we should not ignore it at all. If we are in poor condition ofhealth, how can we work hard for our wealth? To be healthy, we not only have topay attention to our physical health but also health in psychology, which ismuch more important than the former. Life would never come back to us once welost it. Therefore, we should try to protect it and respect it.








