
沪教版三年级英语下册单元知识点 | 可下载

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃三年级资源 2021-08-10





一 交通工具
1 aeroplane bus ship car
2 补充: bicycle train van
二 感觉类
touch 触摸 feel 感觉 see hear taste品尝 smell 嗅,闻;有 …气味
三 人体部位 4 b/ ?: {/ y. P, m
eyes ears nose mouth face hands fingers 手指 tongue 舌头
注意:' N6 e N w; r) T5 B% m& K
1) an aeroplane
2) bus-buses child-children, [/ H: g+ U5 Q3 b: v0 C
3) see-look Look at (the)
listen----hear Listen to (the)6 x4 J' I: E0 {1 K
by the window 在窗户旁边
here 这里-there 那里! g! H2 f) X( n. k9 p
5)动词 -名词 7 d2 ^4 g1 x% B3 k" M. s
spin-spinner ; @7 c/ [ w4 {5 r 旋转 ------转盘
6)句型:- T! r# u5 {' A/ C
What can you hear/see?
I can hear/see …
What elsecan you hear/see?
I can hear/see ,too. …
一 词汇:& D4 G) \- u$ I# L, n

pineapple 菠萝
apple banana pear peach orangelemon 柠檬
cake bread pizza hamburger pie* D5 Y: d3 f/ o4 G; R

Moon breadMoon pie 小甜饼

三)学习用品:R/ i$ S$ l4 l% y1 J+ w
bag pen pencil rubber ruler book pencil-box 3 Q& a, H) ^) n8 m- z( ]1
1) bread 不可数 2) glass-glasses 5 `3 w' H( _+ ]$ D! H& l
3) it/he/she复数 they 3 b- ^% F8 u3 R- V+ p' I! i
rough-smooth hard-soft hungry-full -吃饱了的 N8 T 5 |3 Q7 @3 A
1. How does it feel? It ’ s现在感觉 … 如何 ?
How do they feel? They are/ They 9 n4’ 他们感觉如何 re … G5 |# I+ G4
How does it feel?=How is it?. o; N) r5 T H
How do they feel?=How are they?& b4 a* \: h1 v. l4 z2 G
2. Touch it. 5 w7 W) P% K0 T. l* V
Touch them. (动词 +宾格 ) + K8 T; a4 w. t* F: r
Touch the …单复数看具体情况 ( )
3. How much is it? It ’ s …, I. t' z: B% Z' L+ A* u& B yuan.

How much are they? They
How many +名词的复数形式
’ re … yuan.

一 词汇:
一)名词 形容词
sweet sweet 2 u# d' i5 Z1 d/ c- o: A
lemon sour
salt salty
coffee bitter
二)颜色:b: T t7 x+ Q2 ]8 ?6 s
white black red yellow green blue grey pink purple
词组:at the fruit shop
sweet-bitter open-close white-black
四)句型:+ _$ A" p% V m1 M
How does it smell? It ’ s r9 T. s/ H" b- }# T( Q" n+ h …
How do they smell? They’ re ' X5 i# `! d: V0 j …
How does it taste? It ’ s …
How do they taste? They’ re 4 F8 j. L" D! {0 J …
五)对话:+ \& L7 P& F$ M4 A# z, G
A: Can I help you?3 p# l/ @* @; S
B: May I have some apples, please?
A: Sure! How many?+ e- M8 a" v$ M7 W' R+ Y0 G7 D. G
B: Ten, please. How much are they?
A: Eight yuan.
B: Here you are.
A: Thanks./Thank you.0 X0 E1 y, P4 ^' T9 l" l
M2U1$ w" |9 D8 O( E
一词汇:* g% b; l9 A& e& ^# v: ^$ N, W
一)关于动物 animal:
tiger lion panda (an)elephant bear bull zebra
fox-foxes monkey-monkeys z; g2 w" |! f" T& \% U& K
6 \. F% L) b( d
clever strong angry want Uncle Bai: d1 F; s* _& v R6 {* O
1 all kinds of 各种各样 2 take a rest休息 0 }/ I A. t/ V
3 jump into 跳进 4 get back 拿回来
5 in the zoo

1) Do you like…( 动词 ing 形式,名词复数形式 )?8 e K, `, w ^2 ^
Yes, I do./ Yes, we do.

No, I don’ t. / No, we don’ t.

2) What animals do you like?
I like monkeys.
5 [) @4 y% g' b& r/ j
一)玩具 toys:
toy train doll skateboard robot
lovely super walk
二)单数 复数
this that
these those
三)句型:7 R/ {& y) p( a; S+ T+ R% [% v
What do you like?
I like skateboards. (肯定回答 )$ G- Z# x: E* n- i
I don ’ t like skateboards.
I like this doll.
I like that doll.
A: I ’ m sorry. & n! C) }" z) M& K3 n
B: That ’ s all right. ) w$ P6 w& U- J1 L* B
, W: e2 a3 \6 K/ C" r: I$ S* F
A: Thank you.
B: You ’ re welcome.
My name’ s Ben. 我的名字是 Ben。- t' V2 v) }$ U# m5 P3 i
Your name ’ s Peter. 你的名字是 Peter。
His name ’ s Danny. 他的名字是 Danny.
Her name ’ s Alice. 她的名字是 Alice。
3 y0 T7 ]1 g ^: {, n
M2U3: N4 X8 z7 i3 P/ D+ c7 e3 [8 i
一)服装( clothes):8 U+ }2 j' X: W u; t5 G7 p/ t8 s
hat scarf ( scarves/scarfs ) jacket coat shirt T-shirt
skirt dress(dresses) blouse cap
1 a pair of gloves 2 a pair of shoes
3 a pair of socks 4 a pair of trousers9 C9 I H+ J! V$ `% A0 t
5 a pair of shorts 6 a pair of glasses
二)比较:This is a pair of gloves.
These are gloves.
funny picture horse
ride a horse. Z' r: ^3 n' }: s4 A
ride a skateboard6 b4 @. J( _: Q1 G
have a try 试一试
in English 用英语 , ]2 Y3 v w! L8 c; W) B
五)句型 :( l J1 C% s& m3 W
1. What are these?They’ re …
What are those?They’ re …… those那些 的意思 单数是 that those 是他的复数形式
What are they? They’ re …
2. What ’ s this in English? It ’ s a hat.
What are these in English?
They are horses.









