Basically teacher and student relation is not that complicated, but more about your own state of mind. Many times people feel that teacher is for every need of students but there is a lot of complication in that.
It comes with conditions because teacher student relation is not something that can be created or can be stopped. The beginning and end of teacher student relation is very difficult to predict. Because teacher student relation begins when student feels real devotion to teacher.
Many times it happens that students already have perception about teacher, so they want to find teacher who exactly fits perception of their own mind. Many students like teacher who is very peaceful, calm, and very soft spoken. But we don’t like the teacher who is actually good. We like the teacher who can fit our needs. Some teachers are very direct scolding a lot. Maybe the teacher wants to show students lesson to learn in a hard way. Nobody wants that. But we forget something we need a teacher who is really a teacher not entertainer.
If you want entertainer, you can go to theatre and you can watch comedy. But are they teaching Dharma? No. Always know what is important, know what you really need. Also very important to understand the fundamental idea - why student needs to rely on teacher is that one of the biggest work of teacher is for you to realize the inner teacher of yourself. If you rely on teacher with mundane thing, you just misuse the teacher and wasting the time of teacher and yourself. If you ask teacher what you need to know in your path, that’s how it should be.
Basically teacher is here to teach Dharma, not to show off. Some teachers like to look for money, fame. But some teachers really try their best to show dharma to their students. These (the latter) are the teacher you need to follow.
Human beings always believe in something they can relate to easily. That’s our tendency. That’s why even we find teacher, we need to find teacher we can relate to. But you need to find a teacher worthy being a teacher, not just you can relate to him. That’s very important.
The importance for outer teacher is for student to realize inner teacher. Purity of your mind is your inner teacher. But outer teacher is to show you that you have inner teacher, for you to realize and integrate with that. Why outer teacher is so important is that outer teacher is someone who can help you to reach such level. That’s great help. It’s not easy.
Sometimes teacher will do all opposite what you want. That’s actually one of the tests for you. But you should know, teacher’s loyalty, compassion and trust for you will never go away. And your loyalty, confidence, trust for the teacher should never go away either. That’s very important. If both are not there, nothing can work. It’s very important matter, when it comes to practice and in your path.
Your devotion to teacher is not because of name, fame or position, that’s also very important. A real teacher should teach not to have big name. Sometimes people think we shall all follow teacher with the title of His Holiness. Shall we not follow the real teachers? That’s very stupid. Follow real teacher. No matter what their title is. Also very important to know the teachers’ commitment for the student is very important, but same time, the commitment student to teacher is way more important.
In order to please the teacher is to do as much as practice you can, purely and dedicate to the teacher. You give everything to the teacher, it’s not gonna make him happy and fulfill him. You be his servant, not make him that happy. You do the practice he tells you to do, gives him that, that’s the best you can give to the teacher.
I notice now you feel that how to meet the real teacher and what will happen. It all depends in your hands. Really try to find a good teacher. Some of you feel worried you may not be able to find a teacher. It’s too late. How you should prepare for it? There’s nothing to prepare. It happens unexpectedly. But give yourself sometime to observe the teacher, and give teacher sometime to observe you. Please be very careful.
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