
征稿函 | IJPA —2022年连氏研讨会

Call for Papers

International Journal for Public Administration (IJPA) Symposium for the Lien Development Conference 2022

01General Theme

The Lien Development Conference 2022, organized by the Nanyang Centre for Public Administration at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore will take place on November 25th-26th, 2022, in Singapore.

Themed as “the Dynamics of Governance in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World”, the Lien Development Conference aims to convene international scholars in public administration, public policy, and related fields to discuss crucial public management and policy issues in this post-COVID era.

As one of the supporting journals, International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA), is organizing a special issue for the conference. We welcome theoretical, empirical, and comparative studies on all important aspects of governance in different countries and regions.

02Background and Topics/Questions of Interest

l Sustainable and inclusive development

l Public budgeting and finances in times of crisis

l New challenges for public administration and public service delivery

l Policymaking and implementation in a post-COVID World

l Crisis management

l Public values and public service ethics

l Smart cities, smart nations, and smart governance

03Proposal Submission Process

We cordially invite you to submit an abstract (not more than 500 words including references) first. Please include article title, research question(s), methodology, 3-5 keywords, authors’ name, institution, professional title, and contact information (e.g., phone and email address). The abstract should be 1-2 pages, double-spaced, and 12-point font.

Selected proposals will be notified to submit a full paper (not more than 10,000 words including references) for standard peer review process at IJPA. Full paper should be theoretically sound and practically significant with rigorous methodology. APA reference format is suggested. IJPA aims for publications around September 2023.


l Submission of abstract: 31st August 2022

l Notification of acceptance: 10th September 2022

l Submission of full paper: 31th October 2022

l Presentation of paper: 25th -26th November 2022

l Submission of full paper to IJPA: January-March 2023

l Peer review process of IJPA: April-July 2023

l Special issue publication: September 2023

05Guest Editor’ Contact Information

Liang Ma

Professor, School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China

Co-editor, IJPA

For questions and for authors to submit proposals, please write to Ms. Chengwei Wang at: Cwang384-c@my.cityu.edu.hk.

06About International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA)

Founded in 1979, IJPA is a truly international journal. Starting March 2022, the Journal is under a new editorial team with Dr. Elaine Yi Lu as the Editor-in-Chief as well as a global editorial board. Its goal is to expand the footprint of IJPA in the field of public administration and policy research, theory, and practice. The three-pronged approach consists of scholarship, collegiality, and impact.

• We seek scholarship that is both theoretically sound and empirically rigorous.

• We value collegiality and interact collaboratively with authors, reviewers, and readers.

• We assess impacts that include but are not limited to: citations, social media engagement, and theory-practice dialogue.




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