

ALL一Club 2023-04-02

4月30日 周四

Thursday April 30th

Poster by Lotte Meret Effinger & Marco Buetikofer

SCANDAL presents

Temple Rat (live)Giulio Perinello (live)YinanEverlast Phantom
April 30 / 4月20208-10pm 30rmb / 10pm后 60rmb30rmb before 10pm / 60rmb after 10pm


经过最近一段时间,相信我们都很累了。也许因为突发情况计划落空,因为过量的工作而身心俱疲,看不到未来的境况,甚至连娱乐都没有!Shit!这是我们都在经历的。但有一件事情是确信的,就是:你值得这个黄金周。4月30日,Scandal 在黄金周的第一晚将在All Club重新启动,我们将呈现几位派对好手——由 Temple Rat & Giulio Perinello 带来现场 live,与此同时还有Scandal crew —— Everlast Phantom、Yinan 同场搞事。不论未来如何,只要俱乐部还在,还有音乐和酒,那么此刻就值得跳舞。
After a recent period, maybe we were all tired. Be it the curently unexpected situation or both body and mind exhausted, this future remains unseen. Shit! It's something we are all going through. But one thing is certain: you deserve this Golden Week. On April 30th, Scandal will be restarted at the All Club on the first night of Golden Week. We will be presenting several big party players - live performances by Temple Rat & Giulio Perinello, as well as Scandal crew's Everlast Phantom and Yinan. Regardless of the future, with the club spirit everpresent, with music and wine, it will always be worth dancing to the moment.

Temple Rat (live)

她的⾳乐致⼒于环境,技术和⾃然之间去建立独特的对话。精心策划和巧妙地融合自然环境. 古⽼的东⽅韵律以及她最喜欢的90年年代ACID元素的影响。2017年,她在ADE China Pavilion Records上发行了她的第一张EP,并于2019年与东京制作⼈人Ryogo Yamamori合作,在Kagerou Records上发⾏了她的最新专辑'Spring Dawn',可在Beatport和Itunes Spotify等收听。
迄今为止,她的⾳乐生涯已将她带到了中国,日本以及欧洲主要的⾳乐节,例例如法国夏尔陶节(ChâteauPerche)音乐节,⻄班牙的Summer Story Festival 夏季和荷兰的ADE. RedLightRadio, 以及臭名昭著的柏林KitKat俱乐部,东京Block FM.上海锅炉房进⾏了现场表演。

Her music is influenced by sparks of the natural the sacred environment she grew up in, ancient oriental rhythms as well as by her favorite 90’s acid elements. In 2017, she released her first EP on ADE China PavilionRecords and from 2019 on Mei collaborates with Tokyo producer Ryogo Yamamori with whom she released herlatest album 'Spring Dawn' on Kagerou Records which is available on Beatport and Itunes Spotify etc.
So far her musical career has brought her to cities all over China , Japan and major European festivals like the Château Perché Festival (France), the Summer Story Festival (Spain) and the ADE (Netherlands). Mei has recently performed live sets for Carnival Bizarre at KitKat Club Berlin, the Boiler Room Shanghai edition, Block FM Tokyo and the RedLightRadio Amsterdam.

Giulio Perinello (live)

来自意大利的意大利DJ,制作人和Ableton Live认证的培训师。20多年前,他与几支乐队一起演奏电贝司,开始了自己的音乐之旅。几年后,他还探索电子音乐,开始了他作为制作人和DJ的漫长旅程。他致力于开发各种形式的表演,着眼于不同的音乐风格,并且还与其他音乐人合作进行新概念的现场表演。在现场演出中,他用自己的个性化方式处理音乐,从古老的微弱声音到更具实验性和旋律的曲目,在不同的质地和情感之间探索徘徊。

Giulio Perinello is a Italian musician, DJ , producer  and Ableton Live certified trainer currently living in Shanghai. He is developing shows of various format, focusing on different music styles and collaborating with other musicians for live show new concepts, This keeps his love for music research and experimentation alive and well. In his live sets, he approaches music in his own personal way, ranging from a variety of minimal sounds  to more experimental and melodic tracks,  creating a full journey through different textures and feelings.



Yinan started DJing and doing DIY parties in Providence, Rhode Island. You may find her raving with the local community in a basement, a roof top, or a hidden warehouse. She loves the both dance floor and the communities surrounding it. Join her in Shanghai, for a late night workout: to spin, to sweat, and to cleanse in a session that is as hot as doner kebab.

Everlast Phantom

可能有人告诉过你:夜里出门不安全,因为 Everlast Phantom 在外面,让夜晚看起来无法捉摸。确实挺危险的,她可能比砸在头上的啤酒瓶还要硬,也可能像贴过来的肢体一样软——在迪吧里你永远不知道自己会突然撞上哪个。不定期流窜的她,已经在多个地方的迪吧和电台吓到了不少人。但她的行为也具有其规律,比如喜欢放音乐和请自己喜爱的人放音乐,用声音的理性让人们失去理性。

You might have been told it’s not safe to go outside at night - yet Everlast Phantom is out there, making everything seem precarious and uncertain. She can be harder than a beer bottle smashing over someone's head, but also as soft as a nestled body - you never know which one you will run into. She could be anywhere, as long as there are nightclubs and radios. However, there is a pattern in her behavior, such as constatant love to play and invite her favorite musicians to join in on the fun and to evoke  utterly coherent sounds so people can become altogether incoherent.


