8月27日@/\||: Scandal-Rave With Little Pony
8月27日 周五
August 27th Friday
Flyer by 董冰清
Rave With Little Pony
Everlast Phantom
8-10pm 40rmb / 10pm后 80rmb
40rmb before 10pm / 80rmb after 10pm
这是一个艰难的决定:8月27日的派对过后,Scandal 将会暂别舞池。
This is a tough decision: after our party at next Friday, we'll say goodbye to our beloved dancefloor, for a while.
There's no doubt that 2021 is a tough year, but it also gives us some thoughts and new ideas, for example, there are many ways to keep the energy going in this scene, parties are not that necessary; meanwhile, we give our respect to promoter friends who still keep parties going, because it's not a easy stuff, it needs love and patience. Thank you so much.
言尽于此,Scandal 1.0 即将完结,我们也将经典的小马吉祥物带回了这一次的终结派对,届时将有现场装置,同时我们还将发售 Scandal 与德国艺术家 Lotte Meret 合作的小马T恤,秋日将至,愿你穿在身上,暖在心里。
In a word, Scandal 1.0 is ending. We also want to bring our classic beautiful Pony character to this final party, by a installation, and we'll release our first T-shirt edition that created by our friend Lotte Meret. Autumn is coming, hope you feel nice and warm.
RAVE WITH LITTLE PONY, let's start anew.
[Eating Music / Helplessly]
LimboLimbs,来自 Eating Music 的音乐制作人。擅长在自己的作品中加入爵士元素及多种奇怪音声采样。喜好口味时而善变时而固执,在老派与新式之间游移不定,并不断在这之间探索可以让自己的创作审美理念成立的平衡点。LimboLimbs 对于音乐的概念是自我的,却并不私人化,她喜欢带给大家趣味性和幽默感,通过音乐讲述荒诞故事是她的心灵寄托。今年刚刚发行她的首张EP<It’s a fact.No!>。
作为 DJ,常年活跃于音乐节及地下俱乐部等各种场景。擅长演绎有戏剧感和攻击性的音乐。她同时也是极恶高速派对 “干瞪眼Helplessly” 的组织者。
LimboLimbs, a producer of EATING MUSIC, wanders between different styles, and currently loves breakbeats—high-speed beats as fast as her speech; suffers from not able to hear sounds under bpm160; just released her first EP "It's a fact. No!" this year. " ; a calculated girl who starts the set with DnB; catches everything what DJs at the same tonight talk behind her back.
Illsee,(学名:老慢) 是一种生长于长江三角洲东部城市上海的灵长目人科人属及直立行走的物种。与其他高等灵长类动物一样,Illsee是社会性的动物。深受早期工业音乐的影响,擅长用80年代至今的各式流行或非流行歌曲,向其他灵长类动物表达自我、交换意见以及组织。
Illsee, scientific name 老慢, is an upright-walking primate, born and raised in the easternmost city of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai. Like other primates, Illsee is a social animal. She is known for her skill of using popular and non-mainstream music from the 80s to the present-day to express herself, exchange ideas and organize with other primates.
[Scandal / GNG]
Mojane 美娇是从上海走出的优秀 DJ 之一,她的技艺在大大小小的Club里打磨成型,音乐品味也在夜以继日地产生变化,产生了以英式跳舞音乐为主导的表达方式。她依赖音乐产生的连接,并享受这种和他人紧密相联的感觉。
A tough woman in a hairnet, and one of many outstanding DJs come out of Shanghai. Her skills have been polished in clubs large and small, and her musical taste changes like day and night.
曾几何时,ILLTNa是位可以踢全场所有位置的专业足球运动员,而如今,她已然蜕变为可以撼动舞池让你发烧的BPM150+推动者。来自Piano Island,现居上海的她如果不是躺平于SHCR的沙发床,那么就一定是在深沉的夜里为你送上风格多元的好音乐。这次她会将个人风格结合大量的R&B!特别说明:夜到最深处可能开启闽南语K歌技能。
ILLTNa, originally from Xiamen now living in Shanghai, was a professional soccer player. Due to her knee injury, her main job these days is sleeping on the SHCR couch. Her sets jump across genres, but the most important thing is keeping the BPM 150+.
Everlast Phantom
来自中国北方的大型石油化工厂,成长于化学品与雾霾之中的早年经历,锻造了她硬派的行事与音乐品味,工人阶级背景使她永远与舞池里的年轻一代共鸣共振,她也因此曾与这些硬派的名字共同出演:Herrensauna、Ansome、JASSS、Machine Girl、Pixelord 等等。同时,她也是女子音乐团体 Scandal 的主理者。
Everlast Phantom comes from a large petrochemical plant in northern China. Her early experience of growing up in chemicals and smog has forged her hard-line behavior and musical taste. The working-class background makes her resonate with the young people on the dance floor forever. She has played with Herrensauna、Ansome、JASSS、Machine Girl、Pixelord, etc. She is the host of the women music label Scandal.