

1933老场坊艺术季 Yuan Museum 2023-11-11

总策划:Yuan Museum




开幕时间:2023年11月7日 17:00




上海1933老场坊艺术季整体由Yuan Museum馆长,策展人宋涛先生发起,邀约并携手10余家艺术机构与画廊,将于11月上海艺术博览会期间开启,将成为上海艺术与设计生态系统中重要一环。


伯年艺术空间 Bonian Space

又生空间 Cycle Space

拾萬空间 (北京/石家庄/杭州)

Hunsand Space


Inner Flow Gallery

MORE ART Gallery

O 画廊 O Gallery

新氧艺O2art  O2ART Space

一时画廊 Once Gallery

仚東堂 Santo Hall


瓦斯艺术中心 WAS Art Center


在家艺廊 AT HOME Gallery


RK Gallery





Established in Beijing in 2019, BONIAN SPACE focuses on discovering and encouraging emerging contemporary artists. The space supports vibrant artists with a global perspective to develop in their professional fields through various forms such as exhibitions, academic research, and public education. BONIAN SPACE is committed to promoting international communication and cooperation between artists, the public, and multiple institutions to explore new opportunities and possibilities in the contemporary art context.



又生空间,位于北京798 艺术区。空间中文名为“又生” ,取自唐诗“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”, 作循环往复、 生生不息之意。空间始终秉承着四时有序、万物生长的规律,于终而复始间氤氲暮色的虛影,诠释艺术与生活的诗意。


CYCLESPACE, located in Beijing 798 Art District. The Chinese name of the space is "又生", which is derived from a Tang poem that means "wildfire cannot be extinguished, spring breeze blows again and life regenerates". The space always adheres to the orderly cycle of the four seasons and the growth of all things, interpreting the poetic connection between art and life in the twilight of endless renewal. 

Our main focus is on discovering and promoting young artists and the sale of secondary market artworks, with an open-minded approach to discussing the diverse possibilities of contemporary art. In addition, we also collaborate with different fields to provide theme-based lectures and activities for major business schools and elites from various industries. At the same time, we offer professional and comprehensive art consulting services to institutions or individuals, helping to explore unique perspectives on art collecting and promoting the development of the contemporary art market.



北京 / 石家庄 / 杭州 Beijing/Shijiazhuang/Hangzhou


Hunsand Space was established in 2014 in the Caochangdi Art Zone of Beijing. In 2018, it relocated to the 798 Art District in Beijing. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Space opened a branch, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art, in Shijiazhuang, and by the end of 2023, it had moved to Beizhangcheng Village in Jingxing, Shijiazhuang. In early 2023, a new branch was established in Fujiwan, Zhuantang, Xihu, Hangzhou. The Beijing headquarters of Hunsand Space is located within a sunken two-story building in the Bauhaus architectural complex within the 798 Art District. The Shijiazhuang branch delves deep into an old church within a historic village in the Taihang Mountains, while the Hangzhou space has been transformed from a farmhouse near the Longwu Tea Plantation. Hunsand Space remains vigilant against the standardization of exhibitions and aims to respond to our shared existential experiences, sparking the often overlooked aspects of contemporary culture through ongoing exhibitions and projects.


Inner flow创立于2021年,是POP MART旗下的青年当代艺术运营机构。集艺术家经纪、艺术展览、艺术衍生品开发销售、运营于一体,以开放、前瞻性和可持续性为理念,致力于青年艺术的多渠道推广,用心创造经典、独特、前卫的当代艺术新文化。 

inner flow was founded in 2021, a Contemporary Art Development and Promotion Platform fully owned by POP MART. Being open, visionary, and sustainable are inner flow's core values. It integrates artist management, art exhibition, and art accessories development, collection  and operation. The agency focuses on promoting pop art through multiple channels. It is inner flow's main goal to create classic, unique, and fashion-forward contemporary art .


𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗧 Gallery 成立于2023年9月,位于798艺术区画廊主街。画廊聚焦当代艺术,以艺术价值为核心,通过艺术展览、学术交流、艺术基金项目、跨界品牌合作等多种形式,陪伴艺术家和收藏家共同成长。

𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗧 Gallery 持续发掘新锐艺术家,集合画廊自身、艺术家群体、媒体、机构和藏家多方资源,助力新锐艺术家和新星艺术家职业发展。

𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗧 Gallery 面向机构及个人藏家提供二级市场业务,包括依托艺术市场大数据,结合藏家个性化需求,使用价值分析模型,协助藏家制定专业的收藏方案,以及提供私密的高品质作品代寻和寄售服务。

𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗧 Gallery was established in September 2023 and is located on the main street of the 798 Art District. The gallery is dedicated to contemporary art, with artistic value at its core. Through various forms, such as art exhibitions, academic exchanges, art fund projects, and cross-disciplinary brand collaborations, it accompanies artists and collectors in their shared journey of growth.

𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗧 Gallery continuously seeks out emerging artists, harnessing the resources of the gallery itself, artist communities, media outlets, institutions, and collectors to support the professional development of emerging and rising artists.

Furthermore, 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗧 Gallery offers secondary market services to institutions and individual collectors. This includes utilizing big data from the art market, combining it with personalized collector needs, and employing value analysis models to assist collectors in crafting specialized collection strategies. Additionally, we provide discreet, high-quality services for artwork acquisition and consignment.

O 画廊


宋涛于1994年创办GALERIE TAO画廊,为中国的当代艺术做了积极的贡献,作为中国最早的一批画廊,为艺术家做了很多展览,当时合作的艺术家有邵帆、王音、季大纯、刘野、宋冬、谭平等;为当代设计做了大量的展览和推广。

2009年改名为O Gallery,是一家从东方文化出发的当代艺术设计画廊。由承自古中国的审美传统和文化精髓而发,在当代艺术的理念中焕然新生,结合今昔中外之长,拓展创造力的边界。致力于为艺术家和设计师提供一个东西方当代艺术的的交流平台,融合艺术与设计、东方元素与审美、开创艺术设计的全新境界。

Song Tao founded GALERIE TAO in 1994, which had made a positive contribution to Chinese contemporary art. As one of the earliest galleries in China, he had done many exhibitions for artists, including Shao Fan, Wang Yin, Ji Dachun, Liu Ye, Song Dong and Tan Ping. He had done a lot of exhibitions and promotions for contemporary design.

In 2009, GALERIE TAO was renamed O gallery. O gallery is a contemporary art and design gallery.  Developed from the aesthetic tradition and cultural essence of ancient China, O gallery takes on a new look in the concept of contemporary art, combining the advantages of the present and the past in the Eastern and Western culture, and abroad to expand the boundaries of creativity. O Gallery is committed to providing artists and designers with a platform for the exchange of Eastern and Western contemporary art, integrating art and design, Oriental elements and aesthetics, and starting a whole new world for art & design. 




O2art was founded in 2011. It’s an organisation that focuses on promoting and managingcontemporary professional artists. It has independently curated many group exhibitions aswell as solo exhibitions, with artworks in various media including paintings, sculptures, installations, photography and so on. Now O2art has two spaces located in 798 Art Zone and O2art Online Project Studio in Shunyi central villa area. O2art will continue to follow up artists’ career and creation development, and become a strong part of China’s contemporaryart community.





Once Gallery was founded in the summer of 2021, after presenting an eponymous exhibition in an old foreign-style house in Shanghai. By the end of the year, the gallery opened its space in Beijing, where founder Sylvia Xue Bai began to collaborate with contemporary artists who employ unique artistic language and whose works resonate with the current times while leaving the spectator with lasting impacts. 

With its focus on the curatorial context of each presentation, Once Gallery adopts new approaches appealing to those interested in learning and collecting works about artists the gallery represents and stimulates their passion for art. 

Starting from Beijing/Shanghai, Once Gallery aims to grow steadily and dynamically in the post-pandemic contemporary art landscape.




Founded in Beijing in 2021, Santo Hall (仚東堂) is an independent space for art projects and a gallery dedicated to developing contemporary art in China while promoting the cultural exchange between Eastern and Western art fields. The opening of Santo Hall 798 space in 2023 marks its transition into the art business.




SIMULACRA is a copy without the original. The gallery focuses on and represents artists from Europe, the U.S., the U.K., and China, using contemporary art as a vehicle to deterritorialize a deeper dialogue between China and the rest of the world.




WAS Art Center was established in November 2022. Situated in a river park of Ningbo city center,WAS is a 1000 square-meter art complex that combines exhibitions, art events, lectures, coffee&bars, etc. Through the vibrant outdoor artistic landscape of the river park, WAS Art Center joins nature and art that inspires our visitors, collectors, and art lovers. WAS Art Center is an art organization recognized as a cultural anchor in the Greater Ningbo community. It is the mission of all of our mission to be a vibrant destination expanding, inspiring, and delivering a lifetime of arts experiences. We realize this mission by providing audiences of all ages with opportunities to play through engagement, connect with the artist and each other, explore new art forms, dream through artistic expression, and have experiences that inspire and transform. 




Established in April 2023, Co-founder by the Mid-Century Modern Furniture collector Mr Li Tianxiang and Chinese Antique and Modern Art collector Mr Tian Chongxiao, Located in Beijing Shunyi Centery villa area. Rich Modern Art collections include SongTao, ShaoFan, WangGuangyi,LiuYe,Suxinping,ZhongBiao,CaiZhisong etc. Mid-Century Modern Furniture collections are spanning from early 1930's Bauhaus till Space Age, from Memphis till Post-Modernism design. Our core purpose is hoping to let more and more Chinese getting to know, accepting, appreciation and, moreover, falling in love with those timeless designs.



PAINTIQUE, established in 2020, is a unique establishment that flawlessly combines art and home decor. PAINTIQUE has always been dedicated to curating an environment for artistic home decor that exudes creativity, distinctiveness, and refinement. Here, a harmonious blend of designer furniture and artwork from around the world converges, featuring inspiring creations from numerous accomplished artists, pioneering works from independent designers, and timeless selections from renowned brands. Each item represents a perfect fusion of quality and artistic expression. PAINTIQUE firmly believes that everyone possesses the ability to appreciate enduring and cohesive aesthetics. Their mission is to introduce customers to the world of art-inspired home decor.


RK Gallery 以艺术为灵魂,汇聚当代先锋艺术力量,搭建别具一格的文化交流平台,沟通数字化时代下心与心的距离,以美学为信念,臻选各国艺术藏品、原创家具、至美家饰,使美成为目之所及、近在身边的生活光挥。

2020 年创办於上海,集设计· 艺术·美学的平台。以中华文化为精神,向世界传递当代中国原创之声,同时致力于促进东西方文化交流。在设计与艺术方面,RK Gallery 拥有众多代理及合作艺术家资源,作品涵盖家具、家饰、织锦、绘画、雕塑等装饰艺术品类;美学方面,RK Gallery 旗下的艺廊空间既是艺术展览、文化活动的体,亦是来自世界各地精致好物集合地。

We have art as our spirit, gathering the pioneering art power to establish a unique platform dedicated to cutural commurications. We bring together hearts that are separated due todigital distance, and belleve in the power of aesthetics, which keeps us searching all over theworld for captivating art collections, creating wonderful furniture and decorations for home. We hope to make beauty a kind of illumination for life that brings joy and delight.

RK Gallery is a platform about design, art and aesthetics, lt is established in Shanghai in 2020.The ancient Chinese cuture tells the very essence of RK Galery. We dedicate ourselves to spreading the voice of original creation from China, as well as promoting the cultural communication between the eastern and the western world. 

As to design and art, RK Gallery collaborates with many artists, presenting furniture,decorations,paintings,sculptures, and many other artworks. As to aesthetics, RK Gallery possesses an art space that serves as a platform for art exhibitions orevents, and it is a place where fine , unique objects from all over the world gather.




ZIZAOSHE was founded in 2002, Song Tao,Shao Fan,and Ah Cheng were the earliest promoters. ZIZAISHE is an organization that upholds native design and manufacture, under the influence of native oriental sprit, is trying to inherit and promote the design philosophy derived from traditional culture. Under today’s Globalization trend, it calls for a calm view of the essence in regional culture; tries to give more credit to tradition in such negative environment. Self-made is respect to originality and handcraft, To integrate these design powers with self-made quality into a League, the first requirement is the respect to simply, steady, spiritually transfixion, and inter-nourish life philosophy. 




展览日程 Schedule of Event

11月6日至11月12日:10AM - 7PM

6th Nov - 12th Nov : 10AM - 7PM


Admission ends 1 hour before closing time


YUAN 的寓意 :



Yuan Museum 创立于2019年,寓意从原始形态找寻东方美学意识,质朴的诗意,回归原始的「简约」外形与概念。致力于在亚洲打造一个以“东方美学”为基础,成为艺术、设计、生活三位一体的艺术与设计博物馆。

Yuan Museum 藏品以生活美学为核心,收藏艺术家具、漆艺、陶艺、当代艺术、装置和雕塑等诸多门类,能完整展现出一个世纪以来东西方的生活美学的源流与脉络,是不可多得的当代生活方式美学博物馆,对设计者和观众极具吸引力。



地址 | 北京市朝阳区草场地艺术村104号

营业时间 | 周二至周六(10:00-18:00)


