•分享嘉宾:小蹊 博士
•7月7日 19:00-21:30
分享嘉宾:小蹊老师 会计学博士
某985高校 经济与管理学院,博士。近年来,主持承担国家自然青年基金、教育部人文社科青年基金等多项课题。在《中国工业经济》、《金融研究》、《会计研究》、《审计研究》、Annals of Economics and Finance、China Journal of Accounting Studies与China Journal of Accounting Research等权威期刊发表论文多篇。
第3讲:会计研究漫谈:从Ball and Brown(1968)开始
7月5日 19:30-22:00
01. 内容回顾
Junjun老师从会计研究理论谈起,使用双语讲授+白板写绘的方式详细的向我们讲解了什么是会计产生的过程、不同时期阶段会计研究的解决问题和解决方向。用提出问题,引导思考,回答问题,引出理论和结果的方式使我们对Ball and Brown(1968)的研究内容、研究意义和方法等有了更为系统详尽的认识。
一、An Introduction to the Accounting Theory
1. Current Accounting Research Trends.
2.What is referred to in accounting studies?
二、From 1950 - 1960s
1.What happened?
2. Some key issues in accounting:
(1)Is accounting information really useful to the market participants?
(2)If yes, what kind of accounting information can best faciliate these participants?
(3)What is the relations between accounting numbers and the efficiency of market?
三、Resesrch that goes beyond the Ball and Brown (1968)
1.Information Asymmetry
2. How to break down this wall?
3. So what is the implication of disclosure / acctounting numbers?
四、An important Enlightment from Ball and Brown (1968) - Earnings Quality
1. What is called earnings quality?
2.how can accounting numbers help predict the future?
(1)Advantage of using accounting numbers?
(2) how can we make it? We use residual income model (RIM)
3.How can we identify the quality of accounting information (Earning)?
五、The controversy of accounting standards setting derived from ERC (earnings quality studies)
1. shall we improve the current accounting standards so that their output can have high level of ERCs?
2.What kind of infomation can be of high- or low-quality?
3.Accounting Choice can play an important role!
02. 学员心得
03. 学霸笔记
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◇执行编辑:陈樱仪 西安石油大学
论文班第1天:精彩回顾与学霸笔记 论文班第2天:精彩回顾与学霸笔记 优秀会计学子科研训练营:第一阶段回顾 Stata入门第3天: 精彩回顾与学霸笔记 Stata入门第2天:精彩回顾与学霸笔记 Stata入门第1天:精彩回顾与学霸笔记
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