
Imafidon Family: Smartest Family in the UK 英国最聪明的家族

M4Plus 2019-05-10

The Queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II, decorated Anne-Marie Imafidon, the first-born of the Imafidon family, known as the world's most mathematical family and highly regarded as Europe's smartest family, with the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.


“If you really want a child to learn anything, find out the best way that child learns,” says Imafidon in a story on Black America Web. “Every human being has a unique way of learning.”

Anne-Marie, 23, the eldest child, is multi-lingual. She speaks six languages. At 13, she was the youngest person to pass the U.K.'s A-level computing exam. She went on to attend John Hopkins University in Baltimore and got her masters degree from Oxford University, all before she turned 20 years old. Anne-Marie's younger siblings Christina, 19, Samantha, 15, and twins Peter and Paula, 12, have followed in her footsteps.


Anne-Marie,23岁,最大的孩子,是多语言的。她会说六种语言。在13岁的时候,她是通过英国的A级计算机考试最年轻的人。她继续就读于巴尔的摩的约翰·霍普金斯大学,并在她20岁之前就获得了牛津大学的硕士学位。Anne Marie的弟弟妹妹克莉丝汀,19岁,萨曼莎,15岁,双胞胎彼得和保拉,12岁,都在追随她的脚步。

Peter and Paula are Great Britain’s current highest achievers. At 9-years-old they made history as the youngest children in British history to attend high school. The children became the youngest to ever pass the University of Cambridge’s advanced mathematics exam after participating in the Excellence in Education program. They set world records when they passed the A/AS-level math papers. Peter Imafidon, who is also a 100m and 400m relay champ in London, has said that he would like to serve as Prime Minister one day and his sister Paula, a county champion in rugby, would like to teach math. Both students are musicians.

彼得和保拉是英国目前最高成就者。在9岁的时候,他们成为英国历史上上高中的最小的孩子。在参加了优秀教育项目后,他们成为剑桥大学数学考试中最年轻的。当他们通过A/AS级数学考试时,他们创造了世界记录。Peter Imafidon也是伦敦的100米和400米接力冠军,他说他希望有一天能担任总理,他的妹妹保拉是橄榄球队的冠军,他想教数学。两个学生都是音乐家。

Christina is now working as an intern with the Citigroup Corporation as well as conducting research on mathematics with Oxford University. Fifteen-year-old Samantha Imafidon had passed two high school-level mathematics and statistics exams at age 6. She became the youngest girl in the U.K. to attend secondary school at the age of 9.



Quotes from Thomas Sankara

The Giant of Africa 美丽的尼日利亚

Lagos, The Megacity with Big Dreams 拉各斯, 大城市大梦想

