
北京课改版四年级英语上册Unit5 Lesson17微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃四年级资源 2021-08-10



Lesson 17

Listen and say

It’s getting cold. I will buy you a new jacket.


Look! This shop sells jackets.


How about the green one?


It won’t go with my trousers.


The red one will look nice on you.


It will go with my trousers.


May I try it on?


Sure you can.


Listen,look, and learn

The red one will look nice on you.


It will go with my trousers.


red one / trousers  红色那个/裤子

blue T-shirt / shorts  蓝色T恤/短裤

black overcoat / t ousers  黑色外套/裤子

yellow cap / school uniform 黄色帽子/学校校服

Let’s do

Dress up the dolls.


The skirt will look nice on the girl.



Lesson 17 同步练习 2

一、看图 ,将下列字母组成单词。

1.  ssrde  ________

2.  pca  ________

3.  rustores  ________

4.  kistr  ________

5.  sotbo  ________


(  ) 1.get cold  A. 多少 (钱)

(  ) 2.how about  B.一双

(  ) 3.go with  C. 试一试

(  ) 4.try on  D. ⋯⋯ 怎么样

(  ) 5.school uniform  E. 变冷

(  ) 6.how much  F. 校服

(  ) 7.dress up  G. 打扮

(  ) 8.a pair of  H. 与⋯⋯ 相配


1. This shop ________(sell) jackets.

2. It will go with ________ (me) trousers.

3. This book is twenty ________ (yuan).

4. The red jacket ________ (look) nice on Sara.

5. We have different ________ (kind). Which kind would you like?

6. I want ________ (get) a pen.

7. May I look at ________ (this) sandals?

8. I will ________ (dress) up the dolls with my sister.


(  ) 1. The shoes ________ comfortable.

A. is  B. am  C. are

(  ) 2. It's ________ cold. I will buy you a new jacket.

A. getting  B. get  C. geting

(  ) 3. The red one will look nice ________ you.

A. on  B. for  C. to

(  ) 4. —May I ________?

—Sure you can.

A. try on it  B. try it on  C. try on them

(  ) 5. —________ are they?

—They are thirty yuan.

A. How many  B. How much  C. What money

五、补全对话 ,每空一词。

Mr Green: Can I ____1____ you?

Lucy: Yes, I'd like a pair of shoes.

Mr Green:____2____ colour ____3____ you like?

Lucy: Red.

Mr Green: Sorry. We ____4____ have any red shoes. Look at these black shoes. They ____5____very nice.

Lucy: OK. I like black, too. ____6____ ____7____ are they?

Mr Green: Forty dollars.

Lucy: OK. I'll ____8____ them.

Mr Green: Here ____9____ are.

Lucy: Thank you.

Mr Green: You're ____10____

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8.________ 9. ________10. ________

六、阅读短文 ,回答问题。

Near Tom's school there is a shop. It's big. It sells many school things. In this shop you can buy things like exercise books, rulers, pens, colour pencils and maps. Some of them are very cheap (便宜的 ).The people in the shop are very kind. They work from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p. m. You can buy things in the shop on your way ( 路) home.

1. Where's the shop?


2. Can you buy a jacket in the shop?


3. Are the people kind there?


4. Can you buy things at 9 o'clock in the evening?



1. dress 2. cap 3. trousers 4. skirt  5. boots

二、 1. E  2. D  3. H  4. C  5. F  6. A  7. G  8. B

三、 1. sells  2. my  3. yuan  4. looks  5. kinds  6. to get  7. these 8. dress

四、 1. C  2. A  3. A  4. B  5. B

五、 1. help  2. What  3. do  4. don't  5. are  6. How  7. much  8. take  9. you  10.welcome

六、 1. It's near Tom's school.

2. No.

3. Yes, they are.

4. No.


