
北京课改版四年级英语上册Unit6 Lesson20微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Lesson 20

Listen and say

May I take your order  now?


Yes. I’d like a salad, fish, and mushroom soup.


Do you have hamburgers and chips?


Sorry,we don’t.


What would you like for dessert?


I’ll have ice cream.


I’ll have an apple pie.


An apple pie for me,too.


Listen,look, and learn

May  I take your order now?


Yes. I’d like a salad, fish, and mushroom soup.


a salad / fish / mushroom soup 


a glass of juice / a sandwich


Let’s do

Design your own menu for your restaurant.



Lesson 20 同步练习 2


s r u o  1. ________  ________

p s o u  2. ________  ________

c u k d  3. ________  ________

y h t l a h e  4. ________  ________

o r r s y  5. ________  ________

二、根据汉语 ,选短语。

(  ) 1. 一个苹果派

A. an orange pie  B. an apple pie

(  ) 2. 一杯橙汁

A. a glass of orange juice

B. a glass of soy milk

(  ) 3. 糖醋鱼

A. sweet and sour fish

B. sweet and salty fish

(  ) 4. 健康的食物

A. delicious food  B. healthy food

(  ) 5. 点菜

A. design your menu  B. take one's order


1. May I ________ (take) your order now?

2. Do you have ________ (fish)?

3. Chinese cabbage and ________ (potato) for Mike's mum.

4. What would you like ________ (eat) ?

5. I will ________(have) ice cream for dessert.

6. Would you like a ________ (glass) of milk?

7. Please don't make them too ________ (salt).

8. My father is a ________. He often ________ delicious food for us.(cook)

9. Put the ________ (health) food on your menu.


(  ) 1. May ________ take ________ order now?

A. I, your  B. I, you  C. my, your

(  ) 2. —What would you like to ________?

—I'd like some vegetables.

A. drink  B. cook  C. eat

(  ) 3. Do you have ________?

A. potato  B. potatos  C. potatoes

(  ) 4. —What would you like ________ dessert?

—________ apple pie for me.

A. for, A  B. for, An  C. to, An

(  ) 5. —Can I have ________ orange juice?

—Of course.

A. an  B. a glass of  C. an glass of

五、根据句意及图片提示补全对话 ,每空一词。

六、阅读短文 ,判断正 (T) 误(F) 。

Mum is not home. Jim stays at home with his little sister Ann. "Are you thirsty, Ann? Have some black tea!" says Jim. But Ann doesn't like tea. "Taste the vegetable soup! Is it nice?" Ann answers, "Yes. But it's cold. "Now, Jim  feels hungry, he asks, "What would  you like for lunch,Ann?" "I'd like a sandwich and some orange juice," says Ann. "I'd like some orange juice, too. I'd like two hamburgers, "says Jim.

(  ) 1. Mum is not home.

(  ) 2. Jim stays at home with Grandma.

(  ) 3. Ann likes the black tea.

(  ) 4. Ann wants a sandwich and some orange juice.

(  ) 5. Jim wants a sandwich, too.


一、 1. sour 酸的 2. soup 汤 3. duck 鸭子 4. healthy 健康的 5. sorry 对不起

二、 1. B  2. A  3. A  4. B  5. B

三、 1. take  2. fish  3. potatoes 4. to eat 5. have  6. glass 7. salty  8. cook, cooks  9.healthy

四、 1. A  2. C  3. C  4. B  5. B

五、 1. lunch  2. hamburger  3. chips  4. juice 5. noodles

六、 1. T  2. F 3. F  4. T  5. F


