

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃四年级资源 2021-08-08





一、 固定搭配及用法 1. 喜欢做某事:like + 动词 ing形式 I like dancing.

2. My hobby is + 动词 ing形式 My hobby is dancing.

(以上 2 种情形必须使用动词 ing 形式,请牢记;注意对比区分现在进行时 )

3. on + 星期几 I can draw pictures on Thursday.

4. in + 季节 It’s warm in spring.

in + 城市名称 It’s raining in Shanghai.

5. play的用法 1) play 直接加球类 play football play basketball  play ping-pong

2) play + the + 乐器 play the drums play the erhu play the pipa

6. will + 动词原形 It will rain in Hong Kong.  It will snow in Ningyang.

will + be + 形容词 It will be sunny tomorrow. It will be windy in Shenyang.

7. 情态动词 (will, can, shall, may) + 动词原形

will + 动词原形 It will snow in Ningyang. can + 动词原形 I can dance on Monday.

shall + 动词原形 Shall we go to the park? may + 动词原形 May I have a look?

8. 描述人物时 is 和 has 的不同用法 My brother is short. He has short hair and big eyes.

9. an an art teacher  an English teacher  an email

10. 名词所有格 : ⋯’s,表示:⋯的 What’s Xiaobai ’s hobby? That’s Liu Lei ’s father.

11. 首字母大写 Sunday-----Saturday(星期几词汇 )  Chinese English T-shirt

Danny Guo Yang Beijing Kunming(人名地名 )

二、 动词的第三人称单数 1. 适用范围 ---主语是 he, she, 人名, my sister/your father

2. 变化规则 1) 规则变化直接 +s Danny likes playing the drums.

He plays well. My grandpa works in a park.

2) 不规则变化 have --- has  I have big eyes. He has small eyes.

do --- does  What does your mother do?

三、 现在进行时 1.  含义:表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。

2. 基本结构:主语 + be 动词(am, is, are) + 动词 ing 形式

It ’s snowing in Harbin. It ’s raining in Shanghai. ---What are you doing?

---I ’m writing an email. ---What’s Danny doing? ---He’s doing the high jump.

3. 动词 ing 形式的变化规律 1) 一般情况下直接 +ing 2) 去掉不发音的字母 e+ing

dance---dancing skate---skating make---making come---coming  write---writing

3) 双写末尾字母 +ing  run---running  swim---swimming  skip---skipping

四、一般疑问句 1.汉语意思为“⋯ 吗?” 2. 2 种回答:肯定回答 (Yes)和否定回答 (No)---

Do you like running? --- Yes, I do. / No, I don ’t. --- Can he see the pictures? ---Yes, he

can. / No, he can ’t.

(注意人称应符合逻辑或保持一致;注意划线部分必须一致 )3. 读时使用升调

4. 含有情态动词的一般疑问句 ---Shall we go to the library? ---OK. ---- Sorry

---May I have a look?  --- Sure.








