





⑴火车 ________

⑵汽车 ________

⑶自行车 ________

⑷出租车 ________

五、 英汉连线。( 共 1 题;共 1 分)

13. (1 分)匹配

⑴robot________ A. 球员

⑵cook________ B. 博物馆

⑶chess________ C. 开始

⑷museum________ D. 机器人

⑸player________ E. 烹调

⑹begin________ F. 象棋

六、 单项选择。( 共 5 题;共 10 分)

14. (2 分) What  the sign  ?

A . is, mean

B . do, mean

C . does, mean

15. (2 分) September is  August and October.

A . between

B . beside

C . behind

16. (2 分)— _____ is your birthday?

—My birthday is in April.

A . Which

B . What

C . When

17. (2 分) Hello, Sam. ________ is Bobby speaking.

A . It

B . this

C . This

18. (2 分) It's time _______eat.

A . for

B . to

C . in

七、 连词成句。( 共 5 题;共 25 分)

19. (5 分) got, he, this, at, morning, but, to, eight, school, o'clock (.)

20. (5 分) see; I; eleven(.) (连词成句)

21. (5 分) using I it am Sorry. (连词成句)

22. (5 分) like, you, do, presents, your (?) (连词成句)

23. (5 分) October, festival, is, reading, on, The, 4th (.)

八、 根据汉语意思,补全英语句子。( 共 5 题;共 5 分)

24. (1 分)哇,这么多电脑!

25. (1 分) Wang Bing ________ ( 写邮件 ) to his e-friend now.

26. (1 分)司机停下了公交车。

The  ________  the bus.

27. (1 分)彼得帮妈妈扔垃圾。

28. (1 分)上周日,我划了船。

九、 读一读,连一连。( 共 1 题;共 1 分)

29. (1 分)从Ⅱ栏选择正确的应答语

十、 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。( 共 1 题;共 10 分)

30. (10 分)阅读短文,判断下列句子正误

Hello, I am Linda. I have a garden. There are many trees and flowers in it. I like smelling

flowers. Look at the tree. It's a gift from my grandmother on Children's Day. At first( 起初 ),

it's small and short. It has two small leaves. I water it every day. The tree grows and grows.

It has some big leaves.  Now it has three pink flowers.  They are beautiful.  I like  these beautiful

flowers very much.

(1) Linda has a garden.

(2) There are many trees in Linda's garden.

(3) The tree with three pink flowers is a gift from Linda's grandma.

(4) The tree has three leaves.

(5) Linda likes these pink flowers.







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