
<The magic of the white snake>(34-20)

2017-08-09 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版

Was it the call of the owl in the park or  did another voice awaken him?

Unnoticed by the two sleeping ladies,Xu  Xian stood up from his chair like a sleepwalker,drank a cup of the remaining  tea which Suzhen had prepared for him,and  left the house-without shoes and with his shirt only half-way colsed.

An invisible hand seemed to lead him  without him being aware of it.

Thishandled him directly to the Jinshan Monastery where the fake monk already awaited him.

As soon as his feet had stepped behind  the monastery walls,Fa Hai let the wrought iron(熟铁) door fall closed just behind him.

It was a diabolic(恶毒的) plan that Fa Hai had contrived(策划).

He had cast(投掷) a spell on Xu Xian to hold him as a hostage(人质) and a decoy(诱饵) in his monastery.

It surely would not take very long until  the white lady would appear at the monastery.

He knew that the birth of her child was  near.

Without losing any time,this weakness  must mercilessly(无情地) be taken advantage of.

The heavy monastery door had hardly  closed with a groan and a click of the lock,as the evil spell vanished in an  instant.

Xian rubbedt(抚摸) his eyes and tried to orient(定位) himself, Where am  I?What and who has driven me here?

Fa Hai smiled maliciously(恶狠狠地).

You are my prisoner.Forever! There is no power on  earth that can get you free!Through you I will gain control over the foul  witch Bai Suzhen!Belive me,I will destory her!

Fa Hai hissed through his ugly yellow  teeth.

Once again in full possession of his mental(心理的) faculties(能力),he realized that he had become the vicitm of demonic  forces.

His wife Suzhen was a goddess-or was she  a snake?

Was she really?Was that of any  importance?

He loved his beautiful and tender wife  deeply and was sure of her undivided love-only that counted and nothing else.

Little by little his memory returned.

Suzhen’s words after awaking from  unconsciousness,her confession,her report about the journy into the Kunlun  Mountains-everything appeared clearly  and vividly before his eyes.

No,it was  not his true self who had tried to convince(使确信) his wife Suzhen to drink rice wine.

Tears slowly began to filled his eyes…


<The magic of the white snake>(34-1)

<The magic of the white snake>(34-2)

<The magic of the white snake>(34-3)

<The magic of the white snake>(34-4)

<The magic of the white snake>(34-5)


