
















Notification on Further Strengthening COVID-19 Prevention and Control Work, Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention (No.6). The Notification makes it clear that Guangzhou will streamline prevention and control administration in some areas, the public are no longer required to wear masks when they are at home or in the outdoors. They also don’t need to wear masks when they are at places with no crowds or at places with good ventilation.  


Meanwhile, Guangzhou announced that it will streamline prevention and control administration in certain areas. Business service and public service facilities such as office buildings and restaurants should be properly cleaned, disinfected and ventilated. They should also ensure the hygiene of bathrooms. People entering into such facilities must wear masks and their temperature has to be taken. While the public are no longer required to wear masks when they are at home or in the outdoors. They also don’t need to wear masks when they are at places with no crowds or at places with good ventilation. 


With regard to the re-opening of schools, the Notification states that Guangzhou will strengthen its COVID-19 prevention and control efforts at schools. In accordance with Ministry of Education’s requirements, students from Hubei Province are advised not to return to schools. The specific return date shall be announced at a later stage by the education administrative authority. The education administrative authority and education institutions at all levels must prepare COVID-19 prevention and control contingency plans, perform emergency exercises and stock protective supplies. They should ramp up their efforts in health education targeted at students and staff members. They should follow the guidance of the state and the province to prepare for the re-opening of schools step by step.


Notification on Further Strengthening COVID-19 Prevention and Control Work, Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention (No.6)
Right now, Guangzhou has entered into the critical phase of COVID-19 prevention and control for low-risk areas. In order to safeguard the safety and health of the public, coordinate disease prevention and control efforts with socioeconomic development, we hereby notify the following matters:

I. Continue to practice good personal protective measures. We advise residents to avoid gatherings, wash hands frequently, maintain good hygiene at all times, and follow the requirements on wearing masks when going out. Green mobility is encouraged, avoid talking to others when using public transport, appropriate distance should be maintained on public transport in order to reduce risks of infection, while this is also a good opportunity to showcase Guangzhou’s image as a city that respects personal space.   

II. Strengthen management on people returning from overseas. If you are returning from overseas (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) via Guangzhou Port, or if you have travelled to another country in the past 14 days and are coming to Guangzhou via Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan or ports outside of Guangzhou, in the case where Guangzhou is your final destination, following the existing regulations of the state and the province, you must receive nucleic acid tests and undergo a 14-day quarantine either at home or at quarantine facilities. You are not allowed to go out during the quarantine period. Medical observation can be lifted 14 days later provided you are not showing any symptoms and have been tested negative in the second nucleic test. The cost of accommodation and food at quarantine facilities shall be born by yourself. If you violated home isolation regulations, you shall be transferred to quarantine facilities for medical observation and you will be held accountable for such violations. You are advised to follow the rules when you go through screening at ports and when you are being transferred by designated vehicles. You are also required to work with community workers for the sake of community health management.
III. Properly categorise domestic returnees to Guangzhou. Whether you are a resident from outside of Guangzhou or a local resident, you are advised to follow the rules of transport operators including airports, railway stations, coach stations and ports when your temperature is taken. If you are from low-risk areas in Hubei and you are in possession of a green Hubei health code, you can return to Guangzhou in an orderly manner. You are not allowed to return to Guangzhou if, a) you are from high-risk or medium-risk areas, b) if you have a red code or a yellow code, and c) if you haven’t applied for a Hubei health code or a Guangdong health code. If you returned to Guangzhou on your own, you must take a nucleic test and undergo a 14-day quarantine upon arrival. You are not allowed to go out during the quarantine period. Medical observation can be lifted 14 days later provided you are not showing any symptoms and have been tested negative in the second nucleic test.The cost of accommodation and food at quarantine facilities shall be born by yourself. If you violated home isolation regulations, you shall be transferred to quarantine facilities for medical observation and you will be held accountable for such violations. You are advised to follow the rules when you go through screening at ports and when you are being transferred by designated vehicles. You are also required to work with community workers for the sake of community health management.

IV. Carry forward disease control and prevention efforts in residential communities (villages), residential buildings and hotels. Temperature must be taken for anyone entering into these places. “Suikang Code” (Guangzhou health code) will be used to manage and verify entries. Entrants with green code or blue code will be entitled to have access to such places while people with red code will be denied access, and they will be dealt with in line with relevant guidelines.

V. Accelerate the resumption of businesses and production. Entities which intend to resume business or production must strictly fulfill their obligations in COVID-19 prevention and control, including strengthening health management for employees, monitoring the health conditions of employees, implementing quarantine and health observation on returnees with risks. Entities are also advised to strengthen the cleaning, disinfection and ventilation of office areas, production areas and rest areas. They should also ensure the hygiene of bathrooms. They shall follow relevant guidelines to properly practice prevention and control measures.

VI. Streamline prevention and control measures in certain areas. Business service and public service facilities such as office buildings and restaurants should be properly cleaned, disinfected and ventilated. They should also ensure the hygiene of bathrooms. People entering into such facilities must wear masks and their temperature has to be taken. While the public are no longer required to wear masks when they are at home or in the outdoors. They also don’t need to wear masks when they are at places with no crowds or at places with good ventilation.

VII. Strengthen prevention and control measures at schools. In accordance with Ministry of Education’s requirements, students from Hubei Province are advised not to return to schools. The specific return date shall be announced at a later stage by the education administrative authority. The education administrative authority and education institutions at all levels must prepare COVID-19 prevention and control contingency plans, perform emergency exercises and stock protective supplies. They should ramp up their efforts in health education targeted at students and staff members. They should follow the guidance of the state and the province to prepare for the re-opening of schools step by step.

This notification goes into effect on the day of its publication. The expiration date of this notification will be announced at a later stage. If there are any inconsistencies between this notification and notification 1 to 4, this notification shall prevail. 

Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention
March 21, 2020

Circulaire sur la poursuite de la prévention et ducontrôle de l’épidémie du commandement municipal de Guangzhou sur la préventionet du contrôle de l’épidémie du COVID-19 (n°6)La Circulaire indique clairement que Guangzhou simplifiera la gestionde la prévention et du contrôle dans les zones spécifiques où le port du masquen’est pas obligatoire pour le grand public : à la maison ou à l'extérieuren l'absence de personnes rassemblées et bien ventilé.

Dans le même temps, lamunicipalité a annoncé qu'elle simplifierait la gestion de la prévention et ducontrôle dans les zones concernées : les services aux entreprises et lesservices publics tels que les immeubles de bureaux, les unités de restauration,etc. doivent assurer la propreté, la désinfection, la ventilation de ses locauxet de ses appareils sanitaires. Le port du masque et la prise de températuresont obligatoires pour l'entrée dans ces locaux. Le port du masque n’est pasobligatoire pour le grand public à la maison ou à l'extérieur en l'absence depersonnes rassemblées et bien ventilé.

En ce qui concerne la reprise de la rentrée scolaire, laCirculaire clarifie que la municipalité renforcera la prévention et le contrôlede l’épidémie dans les établissements scolaires. Les élèves du Hubei ne rentrerontpas à l'école pour l’instant conformément aux exigences du ministère del'Éducation nationale. La date précise de retour à l'école sera annoncéeséparément par l’administration de l'éducation. Les autorités administrativesde l'éducation, et les établissements d'enseignement à tous les niveaux doiventse préparer pour la prévention et le contrôle de l’épidémie. Des exercicesd'urgence et des réserves de matériel de protection doivent être mises en placepour renforcer l'éducation sanitaire des étudiants, des professeurs et dupersonnel selon les mesures et les dispositions nationales et provinciale pourla reprise de la rentrée scolaire à venir.


Circulaire sur lapoursuite de la prévention et du contrôle de l’épidémie du commandementmunicipal de Guangzhou sur la prévention et du contrôle de l’épidémie duCOVID-19 (n° 6)
À l'heureactuelle, notre ville est entrée dans une phase critique de la prévention et ducontrôle de l’épidémie à faible risque. Afin d'assurer la sécurité de la vie etde la santé physique des citoyens et d’équilibrer la prévention et le contrôlede l'épidémie et de développement économique et social, il faut :

1. Continuer à assurer l’autoprotection. Le grandpublic est recommandé de se rassembler moins, de se laver les mains fréquemment,de se nettoyer fréquemment et de porter des masques lors de la sortie. Favoriserles transports écologiques, minimiser les conversations dans les transports encommun, maintenir un espacement approprié entre les personnes, réduire lerisque d'infection et comporter conformément à la citoyenneté.

2. Renforcer la gestion des douanes.Pour ceux quientrent de l'extérieur du pays (à l'exclusion de Hong Kong, Macao et Taiwan)par le port de Guangzhou, et ceux qui viennent à Guangzhou via Hong Kong, Macao,Taiwan et des d’autres ports douaniers et ont des antécédents de résidence oude voyage à l’étranger dans les 14 jours avant l’arrivée, il est impératif de recevoirun test d’acide nucléique et de respecter le confinement à domicile oucentralisé de 14 jours. Il est strictement interdit de sortir pendant leconfinement. En absence de symptômes après les 14 jours et avec le résultatnégatif du deuxième test d’acide nucléaire, l’observation médicale se termine.Le logement et l’alimentation sont à la charge de soi-même. En cas de violationdu confinement à domicile, l’observation médicale centralisée est obligatoireet à la poursuite des responsabilités correspondantes. Les personnes concernéessont priées de respecter le contrôle douanier, les transports spécifiques et leconfinement nécessaire.
3. Renforcer la gestionclassifiée des arrivées domestiques. Les habitantsde d’autres villes et les habitants locaux doivent respecter le contrôle desaéroports, des gares, des gares routières, des ports, des quais etc. pour laprise de température. Il faut se présenter à travers le mini-programme « Suikang »sur Wechat ou à votre employeur et au responsable de votre résidence. Leshabitants des zones à faible risque du Hubei et détenant un « codevert » peuvent rentrer ou se déplacer à Guangzhou en ordre. Les habitantsdes zones à risque moyen ou élevé, détenteurs du « code jaune » ou du« code rouge » sont interdits de rentrer ou de se déplacer àGuangzhou. En arrivant à Guangzhou sans permission, il est impératif derecevoir un test d’acide nucléique et de respecter le confinement à domicile oucentralisé de 14 jours. Il est strictement interdit de sortir pendant leconfinement. En absence de symptômes après les 14 jours et avec le résultatnégatif du deuxième test d’acide nucléaire, l’observation médicale se termine.Le logement et l’alimentation sont à la charge de soi-même. En cas de violationdu confinement à domicile, l’observation médicale centralisée est obligatoireet à la poursuite des responsabilités correspondantes.

4. Continuer à renforcer le contrôledans les quartiers résidentiels (villages), les immeubles et les hôtels. Laprise de température et l’entrée certifiée par le code « Sui Kang Ma »ont été mises en œuvre. Les détenteurs du « code vert » et du« code bleu » peuvent se déplacer librement en présentant le code etles détenteurs du « code rouge » sont gérés conformément auxdirectives pertinentes.

5. Accélérer la reprise de travail.Les établissements concernés doivent assurer laprévention et le contrôle de l’épidémie, en renforçant la gestion et lecontrôle de la santé des employés et des personnels. Le confinement estnécessaire pour tous les cas suspects. Il faut intensifier le nettoyage, la désinfection,la ventilation et le lavage des locaux et des appareils sanitaires conformémentà des guides sanitaires.
6. Simplifier la gestion de laprévention et du contrôle dans les zones concernées :lesservices aux entreprises et les services publics tels que les immeubles de bureaux,les unités de restauration etc. doivent assurer la propreté, la désinfection,la ventilation de ses locaux et de ses appareils sanitaires. Le port du masqueet la prise de température sont obligatoires pour l'entrée dans ces locaux. Leport du masque n’est pas obligatoire pour le grand public à la maison ou àl'extérieur en l'absence de personnes rassemblées et bien ventilé.
7. renforcer la prévention et le contrôle de l’épidémie dans lesétablissements scolaires. Les élèves du Hubei ne rentreront pas à l'école pour l’instant conformémentaux exigences du ministère de l'Éducation nationale. La date précise de retour àl'école sera annoncée séparément par l’administration de l'éducation. Les autoritésadministratives de l'éducation, et les établissements d'enseignement à tous lesniveaux doivent se préparer pour la prévention et le contrôle de l’épidémie. Desexercices d'urgence et des réserves de matériel de protection doivent êtremises en place pour renforcer l'éducation sanitaire des étudiants, desprofesseurs et du personnel selon les mesures et les dispositions nationales etprovinciale pour la reprise de la rentrée scolaire à venir.
La présentecirculaire entre en vigueur à la date de publication et la date de résiliationsera annoncée séparément. Si les circulaires 1 à 4 ne sont pas conformes à laprésente circulaire, cette circulaire prévaudra.

Commandement municipal de Guangzhou sur la prévention etdu contrôle de l’épidémie du COVID-19
Le 21mars 2020




















《광저우시 신종코로라19전염병 예방통제지휘부의 전염병예방통제를 지속하여 강화할데 관한 통고(제6호)》《통고》는 광저우시는 특정 장소 전염병 예방통제 관리를 단순화시켜 일반시민은 자택,옥외 및 인파밀집이 없고 통풍이 잘 되는 장소에서는 마스크를 착용하지 않을 수 있다고 명확히 지적했다.

한면,광저우시는 특정 장소 전염병 예방통제 관리를 단순화한다고 발표하였다. 오피스텔,요식업 등 서비스업계와 공공기관은 청결,소독, 통풍 및 화장실 청소관리를 강화하며 관련 장소에 진입시 마스크를 착용하고 체온을 검사하도록 조치한다.일반 시민은 자택,옥외,인파밀집이 없고 통풍이 잘 되는 장소에서 마스크를 착용하지 않을 수 있다.


개학과 수업재개에 관련해, 《통고》는 광저우시 소재 학교는 전염병 예방통제를 강화해야 한다고 지적했다. 후베이지역의 학생은 교육부의 지시에 따라 일절 잠시 귀교를 보류하며 구체적인 귀교시점은 교육행정부서에서 별도로 통보한다.교육행정부서와 각급 각종 교육기관은 전염병 예방통제 관련 대응책,응급연습 및 방호물자 등을 보완하며 학생과 교직원의 건강안전 교육을 강화하여 중앙정부 및 성정부의 통일배치에 따라 개학 및 수업재개 작업을 착실하게 추진한다.

광저우시 신종코로라19전염병 예방통제 지휘부의 전염병 예방통제를 지속하여 강화할데 관한 통고(6)

당전,광저우시는 “저위험지역” 방역작업의 중요한 단계를 맞아왔다. 인민군중의 생명안전과 신체건강을 확보하고 방역작업과 사회경제발전을 일괄하여 추진하기 위해 관련 사항에대해 하기와 같이 통고함.

一、개인방호를 지속강화한다.시민대중은 모임을 줄이며,손씻기를 견지하고,환경청결을 확보하며,외출시 마스크를 착용하기 바람.녹색출행을 제창하며, 대중교통을 이용시 가급적 대화를 줄이며,적당한 거리를 확보하여 감염리스크를 줄이며 대도시 시민의 문명소양을 구현한다.

二、입국자관리를 강화한다. 중앙정부 및 광동성정부의현행규정에 따라 광저우통상입구를 경유하는 모든 해외(홍콩,마카오,대만 지역 제외) 입국자, 홍콩,마카오,대만지역과 기타 국내통상입구를 경유하여 광저우를 목적지로 하는 방문자는 14일내 해외여행/거주사가 있을 경우, 일절 핵산검사를 받아야 하며 14일간의 자탁격리/집중격리 의학관찰 조치를 실시하며 격리기간내 일절 외출해서는 안된다.14일간 격리기간 만료후 핵산검사를 재차 실시하여 음성일 경우 의학관찰조치를 해제한다.집중격리 의학관찰 기간내 숙식비용은 스스로 부담한다.자택격리 의학관찰조치를 받는자는 관련 규정을 위반할 경우 집중격리 의학관찰 조치를 실시하며 해당 책임을 추궁한다.의학관찰을 받는자는 통상입구의 역학선별검사,전용차 픽업,거주지역 건강관리 등 방역작업에 호응해야 한다.

三、국내출발 광저우방문자의 역학분류 작업을 강화한다. 본시 시민과 국내 기타지역 출발 광저우 방문자는 공항, 기차역,버스터미널,부두 등 교통운수업자의 방역서비스작업에 호응하며 스스로 체온검사를 받아야 한다.광저우에 도착하는 당일 수이캉(穗康)”위챗미니프로그램으로 신고하거나 소속업체나 거주지역단지(/)관련 조직에 신고한다.후베이 저위험지역에서 출발하거나 녹색 후베이건강코드 소지자는 질서있게 광저우를 방문올 수 있다.후베이 고위험지역중급위험지역출발자, 적색 및 황색 코드 소지자, 후베이/광동 건강코드 미신고자는 광저우방문을 자제해야 하며 사사로이 광저우를 방문할 경우 도착일부터 핵산검사 및 14일간 자택/집중격리 의학관찰조치를 받아야 하며 의학관찰기간내 일절 외출을 금지한다. 14일간 격리기간 만료후 핵산검사를 재차 실시하여 음성일 경우 의학관찰조치를 해제한다.집중격리 의학관찰 기간내 숙식비용은 스스로 부담한다.자택격리 의학관찰조치를 받는자는 관련 규정을 위반할 경우 집중격리 의학관찰 조치를 실시하며 해당 책임을 추궁한다.

四、주택단지(區/村),아파트,호텔 방역관리를강화한다. 관련 장소 진입자에 대해 체온검사를 실시하며 수이캉코드(穗康)”인증관리를 실시한다.관련 장소 진입자는 수이캉코드녹색/남색코드로 통행하며 적색코드 소지자는 관련 규정에 따라 방역조치을 받아야한다.

五、공장재개와 생산재개를 추진한다. 공장재개 및 생산재개에관련하여 전염병 예방통제 작업의 책임주체로서 관련 업체와 조직은 본 조직내부의 직원과 조직구성원의 건강관리를 강화하며 건강모니터링을 강화하고 특정인원에대해 격리건강관찰 조치를 실시한다.또 사무실,작업장, 휴식장소의 청결, 소독, 통풍 및 화장실청소에 대한 관리를 가화하여 방역작업 지침에 부합되는 전염병 예방통제 조치를 철저히 실시한다.

六、특정지역 방역관리를 단순화 한다. 오피스텔,요식업 등 서비스업계와 공공기관은 청결,소독, 통풍 및 화장실 청소관리를 강화하며 관련장소에 진입시 마스크를 착용하고 체온을 검사하도록 조치한다.일반 시민은 자택,옥외,인파밀집이 없고 통풍이 잘 되는 장소에서 마스크를 착용하지 않을 수 있다.

七、학교는 전염병 예방통제를 강화해야 한다.후베이지역의 학생은 교육부의 지시에 따라 일절 잠시 귀교를 보류하며 구체적인 귀교시점은 교육행정부서에서별도로 통보한다.교육행정부서와 각급 각종 교육기관은 전염병예방통제관련 대응책,응급연습 및 방호물자 등을 보완하며 학생과교직원의 건강안전 교육을 강화하여 중앙정부 및 성정부의 통일배치에 따라 개학 및 수업재개 작업을 착실하게 추진한다.

본 통고는 발포하는 날부터 실행하며 종료일은 별도로 통보한다.1~4호 통고중 본 통고내용과 충돌되는 부분은 본 통고에 준한다.

광저우시 신종코로라19전염병 예방통제지휘부


编辑 | 林妹妹

责编 | 吴美美、晓东南来源 | 广州外事办投稿邮箱 | haizhujun@qq.com

