
FESE Virtual Special Issue: CAPEES

环境前沿 2022-12-09

The following article is from CAPEES Author CAPEES

Frontiers of 

Environmental Science & Engineering

Introduction to CAPEES


    Chinese-American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science (CAPEES) is a non-profit organization established to (1) promote discovery, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge and ideas in the field of environmental engineering and science (EES); (2) foster professional growth and career development of Chinese American professors in EES; and (3) provide expert scientific and technical services to the EES community and the society at large.


    CAPEES aims to accomplish these objectives through workshops and symposia, dissemination of technical information, mentoring of students and young scholars, and participation in national and international research and educational programs.

Background, Objectives, and Scope

    CAPEES members are a group of senior and emerging investigators, and they have been contributing significantly to the EES community in all aspects. CAPEES and FESE share the same goals of advancing and disseminating knowledge in all main branches of EES. This virtual special issue (VSI) aims to facilitate CAPEES members to distribute their research outcomes promptly and bring state-of-the-art knowledge and techniques to the community.


    The VSI of CAPEES will be open for the long term and publish a comprehensive set of articles, including reviews, cutting-edge research, and critical commentaries. We invite submissions of novel and original papers and reviews that advance our knowledge to this special issue. Regular members of CAPEES can directly submit manuscripts, while affiliated members need to contact guest editors before submission. The outputs will not only improve our understanding of EES but also facilitate communication among the Chinese environmental community worldwide.

Topics and Types

    Topics of interest for this special issue include all main branches of environmental science and engineering covered by FESE. The special issue welcomes all types of content, including reviews, cutting-edge research, and critical commentaries.

Publication Schedule


    The manuscript submission has opened and has no deadline currently. The submissions before June 2021 will be published as a classic special issue designated for CAPEES, while later submissions will be published in a normal FESE issue but collected virtually in the CAPEES VSI. Please choose “Special Issue: CAPEES VSI” when submitting the manuscript. A deadline will be announced three months beforehand if submissions are no longer accepted.

Special Issue Guest Editors:

Hongliang Zhang

Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai China

Email: zhanghl@fudan.edu.cn

Xing Xie

Assistant professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA USA

Email: xing.xie@ce.gatech.edu

Jinkai Xue

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Canada

Email: Jinkai.Xue@uregina.ca

