
SOLE enhances the STEAM curriculum at Dulwich Puxi

德威浦西 DulwichPuxi 2019-04-22
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STEAM and technology is ever changing. Global connectivity, smart machines, and new media are just some of the drivers re-shaping how we think about the world and the jobs for the children in our future. 

At Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi, we want the children to have their eyes wide open to the future. We want our children to understand the world they are growing up in so they can go into the future technological world able to imagine, create and fathom. Our new innovative SOLE lab opens the door to this, further enhancing our STEAM curriculum.  Last term, I was very honoured to win a highly-coveted, international education award called the “Pioneering Spirit Grant” - a grant that funded groundbreaking ideas. SOLE is one of those.

SOLE stands for "Self Organised Learning Environment” and is the brainchild of the award winning TED talk speaker Professor Sugata Mitra. In essence, teachers enter the SOLE lab with their students and pose wonderfully rich, open questions such as "What makes us human?" "How do we imagine?" "What is the colour of music?” 

The children then organise themselves within the lab and quickly form their own groups to begin a humming exchange of information, exclamation, thoughts, ideas and conclusions. It is a privilege to see children learning through their fingertips and developing essential future learning, collaborative and creative skills. For this reason, SOLE and STEAM are now integral lessons within our students’ daily learning at Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi. 

Come and look at our innovative SOLE lab which is now part of Sugata’s network of Schools in the Cloud, the room certainly has the wow factor, but the real awe and wonder is the learning that takes place in those four walls.  We love this quote from Einstein “You Don’t Have to Know Everything. You Just Have to Know Where to Find It” The SOLE lab will enable our children to truly discover, learn and find our answers themselves, a highly valued and important skill for their future.

Sarah Leonard

Primary Lead for STEAM 

Assistant Head of Primary


在上海德威浦西学校,我们希望孩子们对未来睁大眼睛。 我们希望我们的孩子了解他们正在成长的世界,以便他们能够进入未来技术世界在那里能够发挥想象能力,创造能力和理解能力。上海德威STEAM课程与我们最新的创新型SOLE实验室为此打开了大门。上学期,我有幸获得了一项梦寐以求的国际教育奖,它被誉为“先锋精神奖”,是用于资助具有突破性创意的想法。SOLE是其中之一。

SOLE代表着“自主学习的环境”,这是屡获殊荣的TED演讲者Sugata Mitra教授的心血结晶。从本质上讲,教师与他们的学生一起进入SOLE实验室并提出非常丰富和具有开放性的问题,例如“是什么让我们成为人类?” “我们是如何想象的?” “音乐的颜色是什么?”

然后,孩子们在实验室内自主组织起来,迅速组建自己的小组,开始私下悄声地交换着信息,感受,想法,点子和结论。 很高兴看到孩子们通过指尖敲打键盘进行信息检索并且开发了他们未来必要的学习能力,相互协作和创造性技能。

请来看看我们创造的SOLE实验室,它现在也是Sugata教授在云端网络学校中的一部分,这个教室一定有一些让你感到惊叹的地方,但真正的敬畏和奇迹是这个学习过程就发生在这四面墙里。我们喜欢爱因斯坦的这句话:“你不必知道一切。 你只需要知道在哪里找到它” SOLE实验室将使我们的学生们自己去真正发现,学习和找到答案,这是他们未来的一项非常具有价值并且重要的技能。鉴于此,STEAM和SOLE现已成为了上海德威浦西学生日常学习课程的一个部分。

Sarah Leonard



Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi


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